Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter nineteen

Roland’s POV

When Blade left me to check out whatever made that noise, let’s be honest, I’m scared. A full grown man scarred for his brother and himself.

Father has put a lot of effect on me when it comes to this. I’ve always been scarred of him. The way he abuses me is in acceptable. Blade and I both know what he’s capable of.

It’s scares me to think he could be part of this, trying to get back at me for telling him to fuck off.

He still doesn’t know what I’ve been doing which is good. Who knows what he’ll do if he found out I’ve been sharing information with the Tandlers.

The pump clicked signalling it’s done. Getting out I place the pump back in it’s position being ready for the next fill. I was about to jump in the car when a man, mid fifties or so with white thin hair. I could see his bald head. That’s how thin the hair is. A bit on the overweight side of the spectrum.

He descends towards me.

“Can I help you?” I ask.

“Yes, do you know who Blade is, and where he could be?”

“Yeah I know who he is but I don’t know where he went.”

That was partly true. I knew which direction he went but I don’t know how far he went.

“What do you need him for?”

“We just need him, none of your business. But if you’re not going to tell me where he is, then I guess we’ll be doing this hard way.”

I felt a stake pressed against my back.

“Last chance, where is he?”

“Over my dead body!”

“Suit yourself.”

A bag was thrown over my head and I thrash around furiously taking off the bag.

“Look into my eyes and concentrate. Everything around you is nothing. Everyone around you is nothing and worthless. Except me and Blade. Now follow me.”

I wasn’t in control of my body. I didn’t want to move but I felt my feet betray me and follow him. I was about to turn around in a corner when a voice called my name.

Something in me snapped and I’m back to normal. I glance around until I hear my name is called. Blade.


I book it back but someone yanks me away from him.


I fight the person who’s grab ahold of me but that guy came back.

“As you feel the relaxation coursing through your body, you know that every one of your muscles relax.”

All of my muscles that were once tense, all relax and I feel very light.

“Drown out all of the noises around you but concentrate on my voice. Now follow me.”

I follow him wherever he’s going. The thing is is I can’t see where I’m going but I can feel. I can tell that I’m turning a corner and stopped.

I’m trapped. I’m not in my own body that I can’t control it. Although, physically I’m in my body, mentally I’m not. Someone else is controlling me and that’s that guy.

I’m starting to stress and I can’t move freely. Voices are fainted which I can’t hear properly.

I beg and pray that it’s Blade and he’ll help me.

Not knowing what’s going on I fell out of the trance glancing around my surroundings. I’m in a dark alleyway. Smoke lingered in the air when I realized Blade is knocked on conscious on the ground.

My blood boiled rapidly. Who would do this to him?

A dark chuckle sounded behind me.

Swivelling around, he stood there laughing. “What the hell did you do?!”

“He wouldn’t tell me what I wanted to know!”

“So you tried to kill my brother?!”

“Not kill, but yeah.”

I was furious. Without thinking, I ran towards him catching him off guard. Grasping his shirt I punch him in the face multiple times before throwing his limp body in the ground. With him being human and me being vampire, he’s dead. I’m more powerful than he is.

His friends circle me like prey but I’ll have no problems at all. As they come at me at once I fought each and every one of them. Snapping their necks and kicking them hard in the chest. Killing them was easy for me.

I’ve bottled up so much anger that it finally spilled. Taking all of my anger out on these guys helped me. I feel way better than before.

Glancing at Blade, I realize I have to drag him to the truck . . . Or I drive the truck here and get him in.

That’s what I’ll do.

Booking it to the truck, I jump into the drivers side and river off towards the alley way. Music plays in the background slightly filling the silence. Parking outside the alley way, I get out thinking how I’ll get him in.

“Here goes nothing,” I mumble. Opening the passenger side, I hook Blade’s arms around mine dragging him to the car. Man he’s heavy.

Now all I have to do is get him in the truck. Leaning his unconscious ass against the side of the truck, I lift his upper body into the truck but I slipped on the extra step hitting on the seat and side.


Regaining my balance I lift him up as I sit on the seat. Pulling him with me I managed to get his feet trapped in the step.

I move carefully as I payed him against the truck, holding him with my hand against his chest while reaching down to lift his legs into the truck. All while not to fall.

Leaning against his upper body I push his legs inside the truck successfully, then gently pushing his upper half into the seat fully. I put on his seatbelt and I was done.

He’s going to kill me afterwards.

Slamming the passenger door, I make my way to the drivers side. I get comfy before driving away towards our home town.

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