Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter eighteen

Blade’s POV

Our family crest has been in the family for generations. It’s important to my father as it represents how strong and powerful he is. When the crest was past down to us, father placed it in a bullet proof and fire proof glass so nothing happens to it.

He placed it in the basement for safe keeping.

We aren’t aloud to go down there. It’s restricted to us. If we step foot on the top stair, we would be punished. Father told us that it’s not for us to visit that place. It’s only for him.

I wonder what he does down there that’s so restricted. Is it bad?

I don’t know.

I don’t want to find out either.

Everyone is out of the house again as I’m alone. I venture down to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water then making my way to the living room.

I turn in the tv immediately engulfed in the show. I enjoyed the peace and happiness as I watch Friends. This is about the only time, when I’m alone, where I don’t have to worry about father abusing me.

It didn’t last long when my mom stepped in the home. I glance her way as she shoots daggers at me like I did something wrong.

“What did I do?”

Ignoring me she continues to the kitchen, grabs a coke, puts into a glass along with scotch and a chugs it down.

She comes up to me leaning asks the back of the couch.

“Blade, you know I love you . . . Right”

I nod to “agree” with her.

Of course she doesn’t. If she did then I wouldn’t be abused by father. I only agree with her so I don’t get abused by him.

Mother hugs me from behind as I lean in just slightly. She leaves right after slamming her bedroom door.

I sigh.

If only . . .


As we drive through the night, we come up to this rickety, old town. The town seems abandoned. The old disheveled buildings screams creepy.

“I already don’t like this,” Roland mutters.

“Neither do I.”

I drive slowly being aware of my surroundings. This creeps me out and nothing would do that. As the moon shines through the dark, misty clouds slightly lighting the road, and the street lights are very dim. Basically on the verge of burins out.

I’ve never seen a town so abandoned in ages.

“Do you think people live here?”

“I don’t know.”

The gas tank lights up. “Dammit, need some gas.”

“Oh your kidding. Don’t tell me we have to fill up here.”

“Sorry Roland, we do.”

“Well, lets start planning our funerals.”

“We’re not gonna die.”

“You don’t know that. Someone could be hiding in the bushes or behind a building, ready to strike us.”

“Your being dramatic.”

“I won’t be when we meet death.”

I roll my eyes as I pull into a gas station. Killing the engine I got out with my card.

As I wait for the gas to fill up I leave the drivers door open for me to sit in my seat and watch the gas fill. “See? This isn’t so bad. We’re not gon-”

A branch snaps from behind the building.

“Sure ‘we’re not gonna die’,” he mocks.

“Shut up.”

Another branch snapping is heard. “Alright, keep an eye on the pump, I’ll be back,” I say.

“So you’re going out there alone, in the dark, with no weapons at all?!”

“Chill, Umm going to check it out. Hopefully be a minute. Stay here.”

As I walk towards the back I turn around and shout, oh yeah and if I don’t come back in five minutes, then leave without me!”

At that I turn around with his face stunned at my response.

I walk around towards the back of the building. “Hello?” I call. No answer.

“If your gonna try and kill me, you have no chance!”

I walk further away from the gas station towards the field that was behind it.

“If this is a joke, it’s not funny!”

Still no answer. When I figured that no one was behind here, I started back to the car. When I returned though, Roland wasn’t there but the pump wasn’t in the truck anymore.

Great. I lost my brother.

“Roland! If you’re trying to scare me then stop!”


I book it towards the voice, which I know is my brother. “ROLAND!”


“I’m coming!”

As I run toward through the town I stop when a group of people surround something. I push my way through when I stop. Relief reaches me when Roland is standing there, back to me.


He turns around with fear in his eyes.

“Roland, what’s wrong?” My older brother instincts kick in ready to murder everyone here for hurting my brother. Placing my hands on his shoulders I look deep into his eyes shaking him. No response.

I notice that his normal sky blue eyes are a seaweed green with a light purple swishes around like he’s in a trance.

“What did you do to him?” I growled at everyone.

“So, you must be Blade Ramose. The infamous Tandler vampire.” An older looking man, that’s gotta be fifty. Great hairs are peaking through his coal black hair.

“Who are you? And what have you done to my brother?”

“We did nothing to him, I just put him into a little trance to tell me where you are. Are aren’t hurting him.”

“Who are you?!”

“We are are your fathers’ enemies.”

“Not surprised.”

“Look Blade-”


“Blade, we just want you to know that your father should watch his back. He doesn’t know what’s coming for him.”

“So you kidnapped my brother for that?”

“Also, this.” Before I could react, smoke appeared out of nowhere. Everything went black.

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