Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter four

Sapphire's POV

As we walk back I couldn't help but think. Blade's last name is Ramose and Renata's last name is Ramose. Are they related or just a coincidence. I mean, they looking nothing alike. People can have the same last names but not be related one bit.

I'll ask him later.

"If they don't belong in a clan of vampires then we don't need to interact with them," Raul states.

When we get back home Nevada rushed to me grabbing my arm she pulled me into her room.

"I have a problem and I don't know what to do."

"What's the problem?"

"Well, Corbin and I have been dating for quite a while and we did some stuff . . ."

"Spit it out."

"I'm pregnant with Corbins' child."


"Yes. I don't know how to tell him! Or my parents! Oh my god my father would kill him!"

"Calm down. You are an adult practically ready to take care of one if you wanted to. We'll find a way to tell them."

"Your right. Just need to take deep breaths." Nevada did just that.

"Okay, I should tell Corbin first before telling my parents."

"Let me ask you something. How long have you been pregnant for?"

"Two weeks."

"Not long then."


Nevada stopped pacing and is now facing me. "Thank you Sapphire. That's what I have to do!"

"Your welcome."

At that she rushes to Corbin

I left her room wandering off to my room. Since I've got nothing to do, I pick up one of my books to read.


A knock on my door sounded when I'm halfway through my book. "C'min."

Sarah walks in with a smile on her face. "Hey Sapphire, whatcha doing?"

"Reading. I'm bored."

She nods. Closing my book I sit up in bed then giving her a hug.

"I'm worried for Blade."

"How come?"

"Earlier, Blade and I went for a walk to have some alone time when we ran into the other vampire group. Well two of them, Molly and her mother, Renata. He told me to get Raul and I did. When we came back, I can tell Raul didn't like them. Apparently they don't belong to suck group and when we were introducing each other. Her name is Renata Ramose. I find it almost a coincident that both Renata and Blade have the last name."

"Maybe they have the same last name but not related. There's a lot of people like that."

"That's what I thought. But the way he sent me to get Raul for no reason, or the way he looked at them. I don't know maybe I'm paranoid."


"Come on." Sarah loops her arm around mine.

"Where are we going?"

"To go talk to Blade."


We walk out of my room towards the kitchen where Blade is. Sarah let go of me and hugged Blade from the side.

"Hey girls what's happening?"

"Sapphire wants to ask you something."

"What is it?"

I hesitate feeling nervous. The last thing I need is for him to hate me.

"I want to know who those people are to you. Especially Renata. Is it a coincidence that you both have the same last name?"

"Yes, yes it's a coincidence. Just don't worry about them if your worries they're going to do something."

"It's not that, it just . . ." I look away at the ground.

"Just don't worry about it Sapphire." Some shuffling can be heard but before I know it strong comforting arms wrap around me.

"Trust me Sapphire, they're nothing you to worry about. I don't know them at all."

I nod hugging him back.

I know Blade very well. Something tells me deep down that he's hiding something.

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