Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter three

Blade's POV


I was alone in my home. So quiet and peaceful. Not one living soul in it but me. My family has gone out for family time when I'm stuck at home. My father doesn't need me to come since someone has to watch the house.

I personal think he doesn't want me to come since the house is fine on it's own. My father hates me. He'll find anything to hurt me. Since I'm the oldest, he expects a lot from me. Even my mother who was caring to me.

As I grew older both of them would find ways to bring me down, yet make me stronger. I don't understand what it means quite yet.

My father has been abusing me for years.

Every time they leave for something and leave me behind, I'm happy. No scratch that, ecstatic. No worries or anything. Just me doing whatever I want.

I head up to my room since I'm bored out of my mind.

I scout out a book for me to read. I'm into adventure books. I love the characters exploring new things. Percy Jackson is my personal favourite books.

As I read while laying on bed, a crashing noise from downstairs made me jump. Setting the book down I went to investigate the crashing noise.

"Hello?" My seventeen years old self asked. Yes I've seen horror movies and yes I know this could get me killed. I don't care.

"Anyone here?"

No answer.

Wondering through the home not one thing was out of place until I got to the kitchen.

The glass window smashed which means someone broke in. Since I didn't find anyone I grab the biggest knife we own for safe measures, then walking back to my room.

Continue to read with the knife by my side I feel a little safe.

Before I know it, something fell off my desk.

My lamp.

"What the fuck?"

I swore it was on my desk nowhere near the edge. I pick up the lamp placing it on the desk away from the edge.

Turning around, there stands a man smiling at me, fangs showing. Licking his mouth I back up into the desk.

"Look man, we can negotiate."

"I don't think so."

He came at me and I had no time to run.

Biting me in the neck the venom shoots through my veins.

The pain is unbearable.


Once I woke up, I find myself somehow in bed alone in the house. I don't know how long I've been out for but it's four in the morning when I glanced at the clock on my bedside table.

Getting up, my vision changed that I can see the little details which I couldn't see before. Sitting up, I take in my surroundings of my room. Standing up I exit my room into the hallway.

The doors are shut to my family's rooms. They must be home. I didn't bother to check but I left the home looking for blood.

My throat is itching for blood.

Exiting the home I never came back. When I left I feel free.

Wondering around town, it seems quiet. Ghost town almost. Not a living soul was out and about. Then again, it was four in the morning.

As I wonder around, someone came into my view. He looks to be early fifties. His black hair turning grey along with his moustache.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello? I can sense your one of us."


"Please help me. I need blood!"

"Of course."

He takes out a bottle and hands it to me. Stranger danger, I don't even know him and he's giving me something that could possibly kill me. But I don't care. I'm thirsty.

I gulp it down in one shot, enjoying the drink.

"Thank you," I say.

"You're welcome. Now tell me, why are you wandering around town by yourself?"

"I've got bitten not long ago. I'm alone."

"Hmm. Victoria and I are looking for a place to stay. We would like it if you come with us."

"I don't know."

I glance back at the direction where I came from.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Raul Crane, and you are?"

"Blade Ramose."

"Well Blade, Victoria and I will help you."

Taken that I won't be going back and I have nowhere else to go, I finally agree.

"Okay, I'll come along."

"Perfect. Let's go."

(Flashback over)

Sarah and I chilled in the living room with Nevada and Corbin. Ever since our encounter with the people in the Vanetts mansion, we've kept our distance as best as we could for the past few days.

I never thought about them. The one thing that did stay nailed in my mind is the furniture.

I swear I have seen it before but can't place my finger on it.

"Alright, I'm going to check upon the house."

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." Sarah reached up and kissed me. Before I know it she's gone.

Sapphire walks in not long after Sarah left.

"Blade, let's go for a walk in the forest. We need some time together."

"Aww, someone misses their big brother," Nevada says imitating Sapphire.

"Shut up Nevada," Sapphire fired back.

"Alright alright. Let's go before something happens."

I lead Sapphire outside where the cool air hits us.

"So, what do you think about those people whom moved in?"

"I honestly don't know."

"I don't really like them. Just coming here and moving in the Vanetts old place. Acting like they belong here. I just don't do those types of people."

"I hear ya. I don't like them either."

"Just out of curiosity, do you know those people? I saw the way you looked at them while bringing your hood up, which you never do unless if you want to hide."

"Nope. Don't know them. I guess I just wanted to hide myself," I lie right through my teeth.

I hate to lie to people, especially the ones I love.

But for now . . . It's best that I lie to her. I do know those people. It hurts me as memories flood my mind.

Pushing them back I notice Sapphires upset.

"What's with the long face?"

"I just miss you Blade. We used to do a lot and now it's like you disappeared on me."

I stop dead in my tracks as I grab her arm.

"I'm sorry. But I'm here now. Look, I may not always be here as I used to be but I still love you. Your like my little sister and you can't forget that. You're growing up everyday. Everyday it makes me happy but sad. Soon you'll be an adult. You're not a kid anymore and that's what makes me upset. Soon, you'll find someone and have responsibilities. Still, you'll always be like my little sister."

She nods and gives me a hug. I hug her back with all of my night. It's true of what I said.

She's growing up too fast for my liking. It felt like yesterday that I found her wandering around alone and taking her under my wing.

I've watched her grow and helped her. In a year she'll be an adult taking on responsibilities.

"It feels like yesterday when I found you. Alone and starving."

"It does. I'm grateful for what you've done. I'm grateful for all of you. That's why I call you guys my family instead of my first one."

I smile at the thought how we're way better than her first one.

It didn't last long as we're interrupted by laughter near us. Parting from our hug a little girl emerges from the forest. Molly.

I didn't notice we stopped at the pathway splitting the forest in half.

"Hello again!" She replies looking happy as ever.

"Hello," Sapphire says.

Someone else emerges from their side of the forest. A young woman with chocolate curly hair and olive skin tone appears. Someone I can recognize any day.

"Molly what are you doing here?" She asks with a smile upon her face.

Molly points towards us while laughing.

Looking at us her smile dropped instantly.

"Sapphire, get Raul," I instruct. With no questions asks she runs back.

"Blade?" She questions.


"Blade!" Before I know it she's on me wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey, sis," I chuckle unsure about this.

"We thought you died!" Renata sobbed. Patting her back to calm her down. Renata is the third oldest out of the six of us kids. At the time from when I was bitten, she was only thirteen.

Renata and I had a powerful relationship.

She'll always be there when I needed her the most.

"Why would I die?"

"Cause when we came home you were nowhere to be seen. We found blood on the floor and bed but you vanished. Mom became hysterical that her oldest son 'died'. Dad was furious. We sent a search party out before declaring you dead but you weren't found. A year has gone by and there was a vampire attack. We al became vampires but stuck together throughout the years."

I feel awful how I hurt them but at the same time I don't regret leaving them and starting a new chapter in my life.

"Why did you leave?"

"I left because I wanted to start something new. I'm sure you wouldn't want a vampire as your brother. I also left because I didn't want to put a risk on you guys."

"Still, you could have left a note or something."

"I know, I should have. But at the time I was furious with father."

I step away from her back into my territory.

"What are you doing here anyways?"

"Our home burned down in a fire. We searched for a place for months," Renata explains while picking Molly up. "We came here for a quick break, talking about a place when someone over heard our conversation. They directed us here and here we are."

I shake my head. "You shouldn't be here."

"Why not?"

I was about to say something when Raul and Sapphire came, along with Nevada.

"Can I help you!" Raul asks being polite.

"No. But let me introduce myself since we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Renata Ramose and this is Molly Ramose."

"I'm Raul Crane, this is Sapphire Sansford, Nevada my daughter and Blade Ramose."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Crane."

"But seriously is there anything you need help with?"


"Then it's settled. You can go home."

It's official, Raul absolutely hates them. Just coming here thinking they own the home. Well no actually, it was the Vanetts and it'll always be the Vanetts.

"By the way, which vampire clan are you in?"

He asks.


"Which vampire clan are you in?"

"We aren't in any clan. It's just us."

"Okay then, move along."

We watch her walk away with Molly, then we walk to our home.

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