Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter five

Blade's POV


Sleeping in my comfy bed fainted footsteps stomps it's way up the stairs.

Please no, not today.

I know what's going to happen. I failed to impress my father by accidentally dropping a plate. I was walking with a plate to the table when Seth ran into me and I dropped it.

Seth started crying as my little eight year old self started panicking. My father would be checking on us to see the commotion any minute now.

Hearing my fathers sheet stomp as he makes his way into the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on?!" His voice booms scaring me and Seth. He looks at the glass shards, my little brother crying his eyes out, then at my panicking state.

I can feel his anger radiating off from him into me.

"Why did you break the plate?"

"I-I-I'm sorry-"

"Do you know how expensive that plate is?!"

"I didn't mean-"

"You didn't mean to? Are you fucking serious?!"

Tears spill from my eyes. He grasps my small arm yanking me away from Seth. Wiggling my way out of his grasp he grips tighter.

"Let me go!"

We make our way upstairs to my room. He shoves me inside then locking my door.

"Please dad, it was an accident," I plead.

"Nothing is an accident! And for that, your getting punished for your actions!"

He starts unbuckling his belt and I'm sobbing and pleading.

"Please no!"

I back away into the wall as he comes closer.

"Take off your shirt, son," his low voice growls.

"Dad I'm sorry!" I sob.

"I said take off your fucking shirt!"

I obey.

"Turn around and place your hands on the wall."

I obey.

Before I know it, the belt hits my delicate skin as the pain stings.

I hiss in pain.

Another whip to my back as I flinch in pain. Blood trickles down my back as the stinging pain. More tears spill as the whips kept coming and coming until I felt numb from the pain.

I didn't know when he stopped but all I felt is the blood trickling down my back. My sobs fill the room.

I hear the door unlock, slammed, then locked again. I slide down the wall scared.

After what felt like hours, I finally had the strength to get up into bed.

I feel asleep with no dinner.

Now I'm awake in bed being prepared for whatever happens.

The door unlocks as my father walks in. I hide myself under my covers.

"Blade Carl Ramose, you are a disgrace to this family."

I nod in sadness.

"Quite being depressed. Get ready for the day, I expect to see you downstairs in ten minutes," he orders.

As soon as he left, I scurry to get dressed. I make my way down the stairs. Everyone sat at the table with my dad being the head of the table. Everyone's eating when I join them.

I sit beside Seth and Renata, dishing up. Every chats amongst themselves while I sit silently eating my food. Scanning everyone I catch my mothers eye. She glared at me the shakes her head in disapproval.

Although it don't show the hurt feelings, deep down it hurts. I can never impress my parents, especially my father.

I don't know what will.

(End of flashback)


I couldn't believe they're here. Of all people it has to be them.

I'd rather have to deal with the Vanetts and Dean. They're not as bad from what I had to go through.

Hell no did my mother cry and my father sent searchers for me. They hated me. My father said and I quote, "you are a disgrace to this family."

What makes them think that I miss them or want to return. That I would forgive them or fall for that shit.

I'm not.

Then on top of that, Sapphire what's to know if I know them. Of course I don't blame her for asking but I don't want to talk about it.

I also don't want them to be apart of my family drama. That's the last thing I need right now.

When her disappointment rose I knew I should have told her and Sarah, but I need to protect them.

Even Keir doesn't know why I really hate my father. He doesn't know what he looks like either.

I don't want my love ones to get hurt.

If anything, I'm going to deal with this problem on my own while protecting the others.

I'm on my way to the blood bank since we've ran out. I offered to go to get my thoughts straight.

Parking the car in the lot, I head inside with my wallet in hand. Waking inside the small bank with a few vamps in line. I get my credit card ready to order five boxes.

It was my turn as I walk up to the counter.

"Hey, Mr. Ramose. How many boxes?" Jen asks. She's my usual assistance for the blood.

"Five please."

"Coming right up."

She writes my name on a price of paper as I stand back waiting. On my phone looking at the news when the door opened. I didn't pay too much attention until Jen spoke up.

"Hello sir, welcome to B-Bashin Blood Bank. How many boxes can I get you?" Her voice drops from high chirp friendly to nervously speaking. That changed fast.


Eight? That's a lot of blood. Each box contains six packages of blood. Five boxes is good enough for our family so he must have a lot of vamps in his family.

"Your n-name sir?" Her voice sounds shaky.

"Carl Ramose."

Everything freezes, my breath hitches in my throat. Carl Ramose.

My father.

I pull my hood over my head to hide myself.

"Aright you can wait over there, please sir."

The footsteps approach me and I move away from him. The last thing I need is to confront him. He stands in the corner as he waits for his blood.

Come on hurry up!

It felt like hours before my name was called.

"Blade Ramose," Jen called.

Scurrying to the counter, I pick up the boxes thanking her. On my way out, I push the door open with my back making my way to the car.

Setting the boxes in the trunk, I get into the car. I was about to leave the parking lot when he came out with his boxes. I back away hoping to get away from him.

Making my way home, no one is on the road surprisingly. The sun shines today and I'm shocked no one is out. Stoping at a red light, I notice that a car pulls up behind me. With my perfect vision I immediately know it's my father.


I know he's going the same way but I want to lose him.

Instead of going straight I flick my signal to turn left. If I'm correct then he could be following me to get my attention. The light turns green and I turn. A couple seconds later his vehicle turns with me.

Just fucking great.

Coming up at a four way stop, I flick my right signal light on. I notice he did too.

Instead of going right I make an immediate left turn in the direction of the warehouse. Although the warehouse is still a distance outside Cooperstown.

I turn right towards Sarah's neighbourhood.

Driving through the streets, he's still following me.

I notice a mother and two kids on the driveway drawing with chalk. The mother noticed us scurrying to get inside.

That's weird.

I stop in front of the house when he gets out of his car walking up to the door. Getting out I hide in front of the garage to hear what's going on.

"Please sir. The kids just wanted to play. I didn't find it a big deal."

"You know the rules and you broke them. Now it's time you pay the price."

"Please no!"

Before things got out of hand I step in.


I got both of their attention.

"What the hell are you doing?"

The woman looks shock not sure if I was talking to her.

"What are you punishing her for? Her kids playing outside?"

I never thought I would confront him.

"So what? Just leave them alone."

"Who do you think you are coming into my town and tell me what to do?"

"Yes. And since when was it your town? The last time I check was when you recently came while I've been living here for years. So tell me, do you really control this town?"

He walks towards me getting real close.

"Incase if you didn't know, I'm in charge of this town. Everybody must respect me or they will be punished. So I suggest that you shut your mouth before you get yourself into trouble."

I grab onto his shirt pulling him close.

"I've felt with way worse than you. I know what I'm up against. So I suggest you go back to where you came from and leave these people alone."

I let him go. A sly smirk appears on his smug face. "You've grown boy," he whispers darkly.

"I have no idea who you are."

He bumped my shoulder as he heads back to his car. I watch him leave to make sure he won't come back. I turn around in time for the kids to come running out towards me. They hug my legs ready to cry.

I bend down to their level as they hug me. I wrap my arms around them. The mother walks out towards me. Standing up I wrap my arms around her as I let her cry. She clings to me shaking.

"Hey, it's okay. He's gone."

She sobbed in my chest. I rub her back to calm her down.

Once she did calm down she thanked me.

"Thank you. I don't know how to ever repay you."

"No need to. Now tell me, what did he mean by, 'this is his town and if you don't follow the rules, you'll get punished'?"

"Umm . . . A couple weeks ago there was a city meeting. The mayor said that new and more powerful people would rule the city. We thought he was kidding but him and his vamp family introduced themselves as the new leaders. They created these rules to keep us all in order. If we disobey, then he or anyone one of them gets bite us and kill us instantly. That's what happened to my husband. He went against the rules and got himself killed in front of everyone. The kids and I were devastated."

"How come we never heard of it?"

"I don't know."

"I'm sorry for your loss but I won't let them get away with this."

She nods.

"I won't. I promise. I have to go now but you three stay safe."

"Bye," the two kids say. I wave to the three of them making sure they get inside. Then I leave back home. I have a lot to tell.

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