Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 42

“What did you do Chris?” AnLeon seethes.

“What, it was instinct. I could see that the substance was fighting. Suddenly something took over and I helped.” I say confused.

“How did you tap in to that much of your power? Though that was only a quarter of the power you hold.” Fenrir asks.

“I do not really know. I just came to me as I started chanting. Something was driving me to help you guys. Something was telling me that if I did not help they would have been lost to us completely. I could not allow that to happen. But at the end that was all me testing to see if I could heal them and bring them back to who they once were.” I say sheepishly.

Acrux comes up to me and hugs me saying, “our mate is a bad ass and I would not change that for the world.”

All the guys join the hug and thank me for helping. I still do not understand why they were questioning me though. It hurts to think they do not trust me. My forms pull me back into my mind and say, “Do not worry Christiana, they trust you, they are just confused. You showed a lot of power today. Power they did not realize you have back at your disposal. But do not use it unwisely. There will be consequences if you do.” They push me forward again.

I separate from the guys and walk over towards the women still passed out. I look at the men kneeling on the floor and feel so happy that these men will be here with these women. They all deserve to be happy.

“Max, Trent, Issac, I need to speak with you three.” I say.

They hesitatingly leave their mates and walk over to me.

“What is it?” Trent asks.

“I need the three of you to understand some things. These women were victims.” I start to say before Issac interrupts with, “We know.”

“Do Not Interrupt ME!” I sternly say.

They all take a step back.

“No you guys do not know. These women have been kidnapped, raped, and gave birth to powerful children. They have been used and stripped of their powers. I was thankfully able to restore them and heal them, but I can not take away what happened to them. It will take time for them to process what has happened and they will need you every step of the way. You all need to understand that they were used, abused, then dumped here in the Human Realm like trash. They are extremely lucky to even be alive right now. These people that did this are monsters. You need to be mentally prepared for this before they wake up. Do you understand?” I explain.

“Yes your Majesty.” The three say with distraught faces before they turn and go back to their mates.

I look around the room and watch as every one has busied them selves in one way or another. I see my mates talking with some of the guards trying to figure out how to proceed with the security systems. I go over to Oscar and say, “Hey little man how could I forget such a sweet loving little one.” This makes him laugh and he hugs me tightly. I hold him tight for a few seconds before I pull back and smile at him.

“So what do you think should be the first step in the security system?” I ask him.

“Well we should start with the castle first then the dungeons. From there we should make our way outward and so on and so on.” He says.

“Well, you go take charge and tell Caleum what needs to be done.” I tell him.

I watched as Oscar walked over to join the discussion. Caleum looked over at me and winked knowing what I was doing. He agreed with everything Oscar said, acting as if Oscar was the one in charge. I giggled and went over to the boards that were still up. I removed the shield I had put up earlier before I knew Nick was a friendly in our situation. As I stood there I heard a few people gasp. I turn around to see what the matter was, just to find the Heads standing behind me staring at the boards. I move aside for them to have a closer look and they move forward quietly discussing things on the boards. I let them be and go over to stand in front of Clade. I turn his chair around so it is facing the boards and change the shield so he can see what is going on. As he stares around him he starts shaking violently.

“What is wrong Clade? Did you not think any one would catch on to you and every thing you have done?” I question him.

He just shakes his head and refuses to say anything. “What is wrong? Cat got your tongue?” I inquire.

“Hmm, ok the hard way it is.” I say as I crouch down to his level and look him in the eyes. “I will get the information from you whether you open that ugly mouth of yours or not. I can torture you, rip it right from your mind, or I can let my mates have some fun instead. Now their fun is not exactly what you might be imagining it is either.”

I stand up and go to walk away when I hear one word, “Wait.” I turn back around and Clade is staring at me looking like he wants to vomit. “I will tell you what I know after I do please make my death quick.” He says.

“Hmm, Acrux and AnLeon are going to be so disappointed but... Ok.” I agree. “Hydrus come here please.” I call out.

Hydrus comes over looking at me questioningly. I nod my head to Clade and understanding dawns on him. I walk away to let Hydrus do his thing. I pass Fenrir walking towards Hydrus with a laptop holding it like it is a ticking time bomb. I chuckle a little but stop when Fenrir glares at me. So I shake my head and continue over to a group of guards. As I listen to their conversation, some thing one of them says peaks my interest.

AnLeon, I need you.” I link him.

When I feel AnLeon’s arms come around me I say, “Did you just say a women came in to your dreams last night?” I questioned Danny.

“Yes. She looked similar to you but darker.” He said.

“Did she say anything or do anything?” I ask.

“At first no she just watched me in my dream. Then she approached me and said that The queen is not who she says she is and that all will be revealed in time. It was really confusing. Actually as I think about it, it was the same women in the memory you shared with everyone accidentally. The one who is trying to set you up.” He explained.

AnLeon tightens his arms around me trying to lend me strength.

“Were you not given any herbs yesterday?” I asked Danny.

“No your Majesty. None of us were.” Danny replies.

AnLeon is truly and utterly mad. “THEO!!!!” He roars.

Everyone jumped but me. I could feel his emotions and prepared my self. Theo came running over to us confusion written all over his face.

“What is all the yelling for. You could have just said my name calmly. Jeesh.” Theo says.

“Why in the Bloody Hell were all of the guards not given the herbs supplied?” AnLeon questions furiously.

“I did give every one of the guards herbs before we left for the night. Oh crap. I just remembered that some of the guards had already left when I got the herbs.” Theo explains.

“Did you not think to track them down and make sure they had them?” AnLeon questions still furious.

“No, I had a lot going on and at the time I thought I had given every one them. I am not used to working with so many of the guards at once. I understand you are mad. I will get the herbs out and give everyone in this room them right now.” Theo says before he turns around and walks away.

“Who else had their dreams taken over?” AnLeon questions the room.

Several hands go up at once in reply. “I want you all to line up. Once Fenrir has scanned you Theo will give you herbs. You are to make a tea with them, morning and night. Do not forget this, it is a matter between life and death.” AnLeon says

All the people are lining up like asked. Fenrir walks over to one end of the line. He has a pout look on his face. “Seriously Fen. Wipe that look off your face. You are their King so buck up and put your big boys panties on.” I link. Apparently I forgot to just link him and I have all of my mates laughing in my head. At least they were smart enough not to do it out loud. Fenrir glares at us but then smirks at me.

Uh Oh, I know that look.” I think to my self.

I decide I do not want to watch anymore so I go and sit on my throne. As I sit my belly starts to grumble. I realize that we all missed lunch with everything going on. I look down at my watch and frown because the battery died. “Ugh I hope dinner is very very soon.” I say. But I end up saying it louder then intended and everyone is laughing.

“Hey, do not laugh. None of us ate lunch. How can you guys not be hungry as well?” I yell at every one, “Sorry I am hangery right now.” I say blushing.

“Do not worry little one I will go and get Everly once I am done here.” Fenrir says.

“Oh thank the Gods and Goddesses.” I sigh in relief.

Every one laughs again making me blush furiously. Persephone and Seb interrupt all the laughing when they walk through the door chatting. Persephone spots me and drags Seb along behind her towards me. She plops down in a throne acting like she owns the place. People gasps seeing this.

“Baby sister what do you think your doing?” Hydrus says

“Sitting in your seat big brother.” Persephone says sticking out her tongue at him.

“Mother taught you manners Seph, use them.” Hydrus says then goes back to talking with Clade.

Persephone sticks out her tongue at him again when his back is turned. “I saw that,” Hydrus calls out. Persephone just pouts and looks over to me.

“When is dinner? I am famished. With everything going on I did not eat lunch.” She questions.

“When Fenrir is done he is going to get Everly and all the food she prepared for tonight. He said she is making a meal fit for several Kings.” I say laughing.

“Oh yay, so very soon.” She says enthusiastically.

“What is wrong Seb? You keep staring off.” I inquire.

“Those women how did they get their power and forms back?” Seb questions.

“I healed them. We found the same substance in them as was in you guys but they also had another in them. It has been removed. I know they were victims Seb. Do you recognize them?” I explain.

“I am the one that stole them away and placed them here. They were going to be used again but they would not have made it through another time. They all had been used many times. I tried to save as many as I could. There are a ton here in the Human Realm that I placed here for protection. You did not remove my block on them did you?” He explains.

“What did it look like?” I ask.

“It is a small tattoo on their nap. No one would notice it unless looking for it.” He says.

“The only things we removed was what was inside their minds and body. Nothing from the outside of their bodies was touched.” I say.

I stand up and lead them over to the women. He crouches down and ignores the growls that are directed towards him when he goes to move the women’s head and hair. The mark is still there. Once all of them have been checked to the dislike of their mates, we found that all still have their tattoo. Seb finally sighs in relief.

“What do the tattoos do?” I ask in front of the women’s mates.

“It blocks them from being found by the people that took her. Like I said earlier, there were times that I was myself but far and few between.” Seb explains.

“So basically what your saying is those tattoos have to remain on them so they are never found again? What if they decided to have them removed?” I question.

“Yes they have to. It is imperative. If they come off then they will be immediately found and taken again.” Seb says.

“Well guys you heard him. If they do ever find them convince them not to remove them by any means necessary.” I say to the four of them and then go and flop in my throne again.

I am so tired and hungry. I could literally fall asleep right now. Persephone joins me again but this time she makes me scoot over and sits next to me. She puts her arm around me and pulls me so I am leaning on her. I instantly fall asleep.

The first thing that I noticed was how loud it was around me. The second thing was that I was really warm and comfortable. I slowly open my eyes and notice I am still wrapped up in Persephone’s arms, and she is sleeping too. I sit up trying not to disturb Persephone but unfortunately she woke up. I noticed Seb was sitting on the floor leaning against my throne watching everyone. He was sitting sigel making sure we were ok.

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