Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 41

“Well now that we know you have not been tampered with we will proceed.” Fenrir says sitting down.

“Chris has said a couple of you have seen things that we need to be aware of. But first I would like you to explain the situation of the extra people around.” Caleum says.

“I will start,” Benjamin steps forward saying. “I have about ten people on my books that I never asked for. They just showed up one day. They barely do any work and when they do I have to fix their mess. They tend to just stand around staring off or looking about the grounds. There are four men and five women. When I asked Clade where they came from he just ignored me. I have lived and worked in the Kingdom my whole life. Never once have I been ignored when I have concerns or questions.”

Marie steps forwards after Benjamin is done and says, “I have noticed an increase in people for me as well. The people I had were good and very thorough. I gave them instruction and they took it from there. Never did I have to go behind people and clean up messes or do work that had not been done. I paid my dues and worked to get my position since I was a teen starting work. I did not question Clade but I demanded an answer. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, there is nothing you can do about it. I was so irate I started leaving the messes behind and refused to clean them up. Clade ended up getting hurt because of this and he removed those people from my staff. There were about… Hmm, fifteen I think if I remember correctly.”

“How did he get hurt?” I ask

“Well one of his dimwit hires dumped a mop bucket over in the hall where his office is. Instead of cleaning it up they just left it. When they told me I told them to clean it up but they just walked away. When Clade went to step out of his office he went flying down the hall and slammed in to a wall. He broke a few bones but he healed really fast,” Marie explained chuckling. “Serves him right.” I think to my self silently chuckling.

Michael steps forward while chuckling. Once he has calmed he says, “I have not really seen an influx of people maybe two or three. But those few have cost us time and money we can not afford to lose with our food. Our crops are perfectly timed and when one thing is off it sets everything off balance. This costs us money because then we end up having to import instead of exporting food out and profiting. After a couple of screw ups I just sent them packing. Any time they would try to show up I would chase them off. I had words with Clade telling him they are not needed nor wanted and if they showed up again I would have the guards arrest them. I take my job seriously and will not have our people suffer because he wants to hire dimwits.”

“What was Clades response?” Fenrir asks.

“Oh you know the usual crap. I am the hiring manager, I am the one who says where they go not you. Try and call the guards and see what happens. His excuses and chest puffing gets no where with me and he knows this, thus he backed off and the people never showed up again.”

“Good on you. It does seem like he tends to walk around like a peacock showing off his tail.” Benjamin says.

Lastly Thomas comes forward and is silent for a couple minutes then says, “Sorry I was trying to get my thoughts together and remember the numbers of dimwits placed with me. I have had about ten dimwits come in to the accounting suite and none of them knew what they were doing. I do not think they even knew how to do basic math to tell you the truth. But after one mess up I would bar them from coming in to the suite at all. I had a guard stationed at my door and he would check to see if the people that were coming in were on a list I made up of my employees not who Clade decided to place with me. One screw up could cost the Kingdom and its people everything. It is important that our books are balanced appropriately for each sector. Otherwise it will doom us to fall. I think that is why Clade placed those dimwits with me but I would not budge and he gave up. Even the guard barred him from entering which was comical when he threw a hissy fit.”

“Ok wow, so you all have had some difficulties with people being placed with you. That is 36 to 38 people between just four sectors. Hmm, maybe there was more then we were aware of. Thomas do you remember the name of the guard that helped you?”

“No your Majesty but I have know him all his life. We went to school together but were not friends. But when I had gone to talk to Theo he was in his office and he said he could help if I wanted. Theo agreed. Maybe Theo will remember.” Thomas responds.

“Thank you for all of the information that you have given us. If any one asks just tell them there was a meeting about a party that is coming up. Do not by any means discuss any of this with any one else. There are traitors all over this kingdom that we are trying to weed out. Also we have some herbs that we will have one of the guards here give you. They are to prevent anything from tampering with your mind. I will be the only one that will be able to read memories. I do not tamper with memories because that can cause harm to you and your brain. But it is important that you take these because it will also prevent any one from being able to control you as well. If you every have any problems, questions, concerns you can seek anyone in this room out. Please look at the guards that are here. They can be trusted. Thank you all again. You may go back to your tasks at hand if you need or you can stick around if you would like.” I explain thoroughly.

They seem to decide to stick around. Which I think will help them in the long run. We need all the people we can to have eyes and ears to the ground on this. I grab Fenrir’s hand and squeeze it.

“Fen, how are the babes?” I question.

“Good, I fed them before I left and Nick decided to join as well. She wanted to make sure her niece and nephew were well protected and taken care of. Everly will be needing me soon to come and get her and the food she is preparing. She jumped with joy at the kitchen and immediately started cooking a feast to fit many kings.” Fenrir says enthusiastically.

My mouth starts to water imagining all the yummy goodness she is preparing. I am imagining all the things she could be possible making when I am interrupted by the door opening. Theo walks in with Cleo trailing behind. She looks to the four women and then to me. What ever she sees in my face, her shoulders immediately drop and she sighs.

“Graham, Elena. Please come over here.” I say to them.

They walk over and I motion Cleo to come over as well. When the three of them are standing in front of me I say, “Now Elena I need you to tell him. What we must do to help you can possibly do some damage, that is why Cleo is here. But if we do not do what is needed then it will affect you and change you even more. I need you to understand this very clearly. Once you have told him I will explain more.”

Elena stands there with silent tears running down her cheeks. She grabs both of Graham’s hands and says, “I am pregnant.”

Grahams face lights up then you can see the panic on his face and he looks to me. “Are you saying that what was happening to Persephone could happen to her and the babe as well?”

“Graham you saw and heard what happened earlier. Yes there is a huge possibility that if we do not remove the inky block from her it will affect them both. Possibly even kill them this time.” I say softly.

“What do you mean this time?” He asks.

“Well it is not my story to tell but unfortunately she does not even know her self. At some point she was full Fae and was kidnapped, raped, and delivered a child or several. But with out those memories to aid us we can only tell you that we know that she is one of the victims. All four of these women are. Luckily you two found each other so she will have you to help her process the memories. She may even get her power back but I can not tell you if she will or not. But please know we are trying to do everything possible to help you all. Cleo is here to make sure the babe is fine after the fact. But I will have her check the babe prior to make sure there are no signs of changes yet. She will also make sure all of the women are fine after the fact as well.” I explain thoroughly.

“Do what is needed to be done. If we lose that babe then we will try for another. But please try to protect it.” Elena says.

At this the guys all stand up and motion for everyone to circle around the women. Cleo pulls out her Ultra sound machine again and checks Elena over. The babe is healthy and showing no signs of changes thankfully. Cleo cleans Elena off and packs the machine away. Then she comes to stand by me behind the guys. I can see Graham, Issac, Max, and Trent all coming over to watch. Issac, Trent, and Max are all acting weird but I let it be so as not to cause any disruptions for the guys. The guys clasp each others hands again and start the same chant as before. The women all fall unconscious and the four guys go to walk in to the circle. I stop them and shake my head no. “This has to be done. Remember they are victims and they need this removed in order to live properly again.” I link the four of them.”

I turn back to the circle and the women are now floating in the air. The guys change the chant a little and an Inky black substance starts spilling from the women. When it is almost over the inky black substance seems to start fighting and stops from fully coming out. It is literally stuck in the women. I quickly without thinking run forward and start a chant of my own that somehow joins the chant of the guys. My power increases and I feel it coming off me in waves as it attacks the inky substance. The substance finally relents and leaves the women completely. Then another substance starts coming out as well. I throw more power in to our chants and the crimson smoke coils and shakes but finally releases it’s victims. The inky and crimson substances coil around each other. The guys change their chant again and I produce jars for them. The substances shrink and form four tight balls that go flying one by one in to the jars. I slam the lids shut one by one. Just as the women are starting to float down I start chanting to every ones surprise. The power that is coming off me is unlike any other. I focus on the women and I force my power to undo what was wrought on these poor victims. When then women finally touch down to the floor again they have their full powers back and are all in their Fae forms. I step back and sigh.

Cleo rushes forward and checks Elena and the babe. They are both healthy and strong. Max, Trent, and Issac each rush to a women a piece. They are checking them over like they thought they lost something precious. It dawns on me that they are mates. Something must have happened when the guys started that triggered the mate bond. Cleo pushes each guy out of the way to check each women. They are all fine and safe. We just need them to wake up now.

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