Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 40

“Now they are safe from harm, I need the heads of the castle departments here in ten minutes at most. Tell them I want to meet with them about a party that we will be throwing. I do not want the real reason of what is going on to leave this room. Nothing is to be discussed outside of this room. Do I Make My Self Clear.” I say.

“Yes your Majesty,” All the guards say at once.

Six guards leave the room to get the heads for me. I walk over to the computer set up and Caleum follows me. I start looking at the piles of paperwork scattered every where. I see three shredders and I pick up a pile of papers and walk over to them. I start the slow process of destroying all the papers. I am about halfway through when the doors open and in walks the six guards with the heads following.

“Issac, can you and a few others please finish this for me. I want this recycled. We can make new paper with it once we are done. Have some one bring in some bins to put the shredding’s in after every thing is done. If you would like to delegate and join us you can do so.” I explain what I want done.

My mates and I go up to the thrones and sit down. I watch as the heads all line up in front of us and bow. I nod to them and they stand back up. I look them over before I decide to doing anything just yet.

“Welcome, and thank you for meeting us on such short notice,” I say. “First I would like each of you to introduce yourselves and tell us what you do in the castle.”

A tall women with long black hair and a slim body steps forward and says, “Hello, my name is Emma. I am the head of house keeping for the bedrooms and suites.”

Another women steps forward this one with fire red hair and short of stature then says, “Hello my name is Marie. I am Head of house keeping for the rest of the castle.”

The third is a small rotund gentle man. When he steps forward he bows and says, “My name is Michael and I am the head of the gardens that produce our herbs, fruits, and vegetables.”

The fourth was a very tall but built man that stepped forward. He bows and says, “Good Afternoon your Majesties, My name is Benjamin and I am the Head of grounds keeping.”

The fifth was another women that had mouse brown hair, small figure, and wore glasses. When she stepped forward she curtsied and said, “Hallow, My name is Selene and I am Head of Event Coordination.”

The sixth and final person stepped forward. He was young with a medium build and white hair. He looked serious when he said, “Good day to you, your Majesties. My name is Thomas and I am Head of accounting.”

Suddenly the doors opened and two others came running in to the room seemingly out of breathe.

“Sorry your Majesties, we were in the middle of some things we were unable to step away from.” They both panted out at the same time.

They both looked at each other and giggled and then tried to stop. I am guessing their behavior is because they are twins but I will wait til they calm down and introduce themselves before I judge. I clear my throat to try to get their attention but that does not seem to work. Graham walks over to one of them and grabs her and kisses her silent. “Ok that is one way to do it I guess,” I think to my self.

“Sorry your Majesty. Sometimes the only way to get my mate to stop giggling like a school girl is to kiss her,” Graham apologizes.

“So, because you two were late I need you both to introduce yourselves and tell us what you do in the castle.” I say to the two girls.

Graham’s mate steps forward and says, “Hello my name is Elena and I am the Head of Architect and design.”

The last girl steps forward and says, “Hello my name is Elisa I am Elena’s twin. I am Head of Human Resources. Staffing you could say.”

“Well everyone welcome again. I am Christiana and these fine men are Hydrus, AnLeon, Acrux, Saffar, and Caleum. They are Fenrir and my mates. The King should be along soon I hope. But til then we will proceed. I apologize but we brought you here under false pretenses. Do not worry we are going to be having a party but that is not why you are here.” I explain.

“We brought you here because it has come to our attention that there have been staff added to each of your areas that do not belong. There are about fifty people that do not belong. But with everything that has gone on we need to scan your memories and ask you some questions. I know this may seem intrusive but these people are capable of great evil and have tampered with peoples memories and minds. We need to protect our people, so do you consent to this?” Hydrus explains as I watch everyone’s reactions.

They all look at each other and seem to be discussing things then they turn back to us and Marie steps forward and says, “We all agree and consent to what you ask of us.”

“Is this true?” AnLeon asks.

We hear a collective yes from them all. I heave a great sigh of relief at this. I do not want any of them to think this is forced. But in a way it is because I will scan them whether I have their permission just for all of our safety.

Elena steps forward and says, “You can start with me. Graham has told me something big is happening but refused to explain anything. He just told me to be very careful and be vigilant.”

“Ok, this may feel a little weird. As long as you stay calm and do not try to fight me it will not hurt.” I explain.

I delve in to her mind and scan it. I see she just found out she is pregnant and Graham does not know yet. That is why the sisters were late. I will give them a pass for that. I congratulate her softly in her mind and move on through her memories looking for anything that does not feel right. I sense a foreboding in her mind and I come to an inky memory that does not look right. I pull back from her because the inkiness will not let me go further.

“Elena, are you full wolf or are you mixed? I do not mean to be rude by asking there is just I found something and your answer may be a matter of life or death right now.” I ask her as politely as possible.

“I am sorry but I can not answer your question because I do not even know.” Elena responds softly.

“It is ok. Do not worry right now. We will get it figured out and help you.” I say before I look to Hydrus.

Hydrus disappears and all the Heads gasp not being used to seeing it. A few minutes later he reappears with Fenrir. Fenrir looks to me and I can see the question in his eyes. I nod my head towards Elena and his shoulders sag. He knows this is bad. We are quite literally going to have to scan every women in this castle and kingdom if the results from this scan turn out to be what we think.

“Elena my dear I need you to come over here and stand in front of me.” I say to her. Graham goes to follow but I stop him by saying, “No Graham do not. Stay where you are. Remember what happened earlier with Persephone and Seb? That may be the case here. I am truly sorry but we must find out.”

I look over to Fenrir and give him the go ahead. He walks over and places his hand on her head and proceeds to do what is necessary. His eyes widen and he looks over at me. I know this is bad.

“Graham, how long have you and Elena been together?” I ask.

“We met two years ago. Why?” Graham replies.

“Was she part of this kingdom or did she just randomly show up?” I inquire.

“One day she just appeared and was really confused. Again I ask why?” Graham says.

“I am sorry Graham but we need to talk privately about this matter. Come and collect Elena but do not leave this room.” I apologize.

I have Fenrir scan all the women and unfortunately Elisa, Selene, and Emma come back with the same results. I hang my head ready to cry. “I need to figure out what the women is up to and fast,” I think to myself. I stand up and gather the four women together.

I stand in front of Elisa and delve in to her memories and encounter the same inky block. I move to Selene and delve in to her mind and it takes longer to encounter but I still encounter that same inky block. I move to Emma and this time it seems like it takes forever but I do encounter the inky block as well. I step back from them and stare off in to space while trying to gather my thoughts.

“Elisa did you arrive here around the same time that your sister did?” I ask.

“I arrived about a year earlier then her.” She says softly.

“Selene, when did you arrive?” I ask.

“About five years ago.” She responds.

“Emma, how about you? When did you arrive?” I ask again.

“I arrived about twelve years ago.” She says.

“Hmm. Have you all found your mates?” I inquire.

They all shake their heads no.

“Theo, please have Cleo come at once.” I say. He nods his head and leaves the room.

“Your Majesties, what is going on?” Marie asks.

“Well it is complicated to say. But we just found out today that women have been being kidnapped, raped, impregnated, and usually die. But with these four it seems they survived the birth. But we are not truly sure if that is what happened with these four. We need to remove the stain in them to find out for sure.” I explain the best I can.

“It seems like there are a lot of dangers happening lately. I am ready to have my mind scanned.” Marie says.

I delve in to her mind and find that she is fine and nothing has been tampered with. She has seen quite a few things go on over the years. We will have to discuss this a little later. I go over to Michael and he gives me a nod, so I delve in to his mind. His mind is a little different then what I have encountered before but he has not been tampered with either. He has witnessed quite a few things as well as seen quite a few of the people we are looking for. I pull back and squeeze his hand giving him a small smile. I then move on to Benjamin. He nods his head and I delve in to his mind. He seems like a recluse and his memories are intact. There are no signs of anything of interest but then I see something strange. Just on the edge of his mind I see something. I hold out my hand and Saffar grabs it. I pull him in with me and I hear him gasp. I pull us back and take a step back from Benjamin. I go over to Thomas and find nothing of interest in his mind nor has he encountered anyone of interest.

I walk over to my mates and stand in the middle of them. “Something is inhabiting Benjamin.” I say through our link.

“I can confirm what she is saying. I saw it but I do not know what it is.” Saffar says.

“What did it look like?” Acrux asks

“I could barely see it. I saw it move just on the outside of his mind. But it was crimson in color.” I explain.

“To me it looked orange.” Saffar said.

“Hmm. What do you think AnLeon?” Fenrir asks.

“I am not sure I think we will have to look as well.” AnLeon says.

“What are your thoughts Hydrus?” I ask.

“I can not say for sure but I may have an idea of what it is, but with out seeing it I can not tell you for certain.” He says.

“Ok.” I say.

“Benjamin, come here please.” I say.

He slowly walks towards me and he starts shaking. When he is finally in front of me I give him a reassuring smile. He tentatively smiles back at me. I grab his hands in mine while my mates put a hand on me. I delve in to his mind again and go to where I saw the thing on the edge of his mind. It is there but it does not seem dangerous. It actually is not crimson. It keeps changing colors like it is all the colors. I pull back once I get the ok from my mates. I nod my head at Benjamin and he walks back to where he was with the other Heads. I look to Hydrus and he has a smile on his face.

“Benjamin you have no need to worry. There is nothing wrong. We saw something that just surprised us and Chris wanted us to double check it. You are inhabited but I think you already knew that did you not?” Hydrus explains.

“Yes, your Majesty. He came to me many many many years ago and I allowed it. I would not change my decision if given the chance either.” Benjamin replied.

Hydrus just smiles and shakes his head saying, “Good on you man.”

“So?” I ask.

“He has a wood elf spirit residing within him. It will not harm anyone. But now I can understand why he is the Head of Grounds keeping.” Hydrus says with a chuckle.

“Oh, that does make sense. I am assuming that spirit has also been protecting him and the other way around as well. That is why he seemed like he was a recluse. He is protecting the spirit. Benjamin you truly are a blessing in disguise. Thank you for hosting that spirit. Not too many are brave enough to do such a thing given the chance.” I say.

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