Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 43

“What is happening Seb?” I ask.

“Well Ferir found more of that inky black substance in the guards that did not take the herbs. Your mates have been arguing about waking you up. Hydrus has been busy with that dude bound to a chair, typing furiously away on that tech thing. The women have finally woken up and have been bawling for an hour now. Oh yeah Theo has decided to make a tea and have it served at dinner that way every one gets the herbs in the room this time.” Seb says.

“You refused to let them wake me up did you not?” I question.

He just looks over at me and winks. I just laugh then stand up and stretch. “Thank you Seb,” I say as I walk over to my mates.

“All of you just shut your fly traps and be quiet. Your arguing can literally wake the dead.” I say as they snap their mouths shut, “Now I understand that more of that substance has been found. Fenrir go and get the food and Everly. We will all eat before we attempt to tackle this again. We have been drained a lot already to day and I can only imagine what it will do to these poor men.”

Fenrir nods and disappears. I look at Acrux and I do not even need to ask when he says, “All of them have been infected. If they had, had the herbs this could have been prevented.”

I nod and walk over to Theo. He is extremely distraught and has silent tears running down his face. I touch his shoulder and he jumps. I do not pull back, I instead pull him in to a gentle hug. This causes him to break down. I rub his back and try to calm him as best I can. I pull back when I know he is calm enough to talk.

“Now we will fix this after dinner is served. But the ones that have been affected can not drink the tea til after the substance has been removed. Things will be ok Theo. Just think of this as a lesson learned that you do not want repeated. I can not tell you how many I have of those in my life time, and I am literally over 5,000 years old. So the only thing that can be done now is learn from this mistake and move forward and try to prevent it from happening again. Can you do that for me?” I say to Theo.

He nods his head and goes back to making the tea. He sets stuff aside for the others for later. I nod to myself knowing he will be ok. This was just a really hard lesson for him. I turn my back to him and clap my hands getting every one’s attention. Everyone has finally quieted down and are paying attention.

“I need every one to pitch in and get this room ready for dinner. We are going to need a few more tables as well. Fenrir will be back very soon with Everly and the food. Hydrus I need you and AnLeon to go and make sure Fenrir does not stay longer then needed.” I say to everyone.

“Oh and Hydrus, remind Fenrir that I would love to sepnd time with my kids but I have responsibilities that require my attention. I understand how he feels but if he is going to make others wait on him because he wants to spend time with them then he will not be going back with out a chaperon.” I explain before he kisses me and disappears with AnLeon.

Acrux comes up to me and hugs me close to him and says, “I can not wait for the day I can put a babe in your belly. Maybe then you will be able to actually spend time with them and not have as much responsibility but it is ok if you do. We will work things out so you can spend some time with them as well. But I do understand why you are frustrated with Fenrir. He takes his sweet time when he leaves to go to his safe place. Hopefully playing with the two babes is all he is doing though.”

“What do you mean by that?” I ask.

“I know Nick and she has wanted Fen for as long as I can remember. I know she was so mad when she found out you were mates. I would not put it past her to try something.” Acrux said.

“Ahh, well see that will not go in her favor. Fen made a promise hundreds of years ago to me that he will never take another except for his mates.” I said.

“My sweet sweet naive Chris. That promise was only while you were locked away.” He said before giving me a kiss and walking away.

I walk over to Persephone and Seb and sit back down. I keep trying to figure out what Acrux is saying.

“Hey Seph, Seb, is it possible for a mate to cheat on you?” I ask them.

“Usually no, because we go through a mating ceremony. But you have not had a mating ceremony with any of your mates. So technically even though your mated they are allowed to be with others even with out your consent. But the promise that Fenrir made I would try to retrieve that memory and find out if it was while you were locked away or til the end of time. If it was while you were locked away the promise no longer holds, if it was til the end of time then you have nothing to worry about.” Seb explains.

“Ugh. I should never have trusted Nick.” I say just as a pair of arms lift me up and hold me.

“Now what is this about Nick and me I am hearing. I know the others are concerned about stuff between us but I can show you the memory if you would like.” Fenrir says.

I simply nod and he not only shows the memory but he projects it for everyone to see. I am shackled on the floor between my parents. I am struggling to get to Fenrir. He drops down on his knees in front of me and grabs my hands. Our foreheads touch and he says to me, “I give you this promise from my heart and soul til the end of time. I will not touch another who is not my mate. I will not take a mate even if it is fated til we are together again. Even if we are rebirthed I will still wait for you. This I promise you and it is sealed from my heart, body, and soul to yours til the end of time it self.”Then a bright light shines and surrounds us sealing the promise.

Fenrir pulls the memory back after that and says, “Now will you guys finally believe me. The promise I made was not only out of duty but out of devotion and love. Chris is my light in my long existence. I would never change that and nor would I ever want another. You should all be in the dog house for the way you have been thinking about me.”

“Come my beautiful little mate. Everly has made us a feast and then we have a couple jobs to do before we can retire. I know these past few days have been very hard on you. Do not let them get you down though. Every time I see the babes, I pass them memories of you and your fierceness. I show them how you stand up for what you believe in and do what is right even when others are against you. Our babes are learning from you and your fierceness.” Fenrir says standing up and letting me down on my feet.

I can hear an awe behind me and I know it is from Persephone. The four of us walk over to the tables and sit down. I notice that the four women and their mates are at a table by themselves. I decide to go over and sit with them for a minute.

“I want all of you to know, my door is always open no matter what. I do not care what is going on if you need me I am there for you. I know the four of you have questions about my sister-in laws mate. After dinner if you guys would like to sit down and talk I will let them know. But not right now. My sister-in law is pregnant and she is famished. So you really will not get much out of her while she is eating.” I explain and by the end they all are chuckling.

“Are you talking about me?” Persephone asks me.

“Oh well you know, I know how it is when your pregnant and hungry. But seriously I was just letting them know to save the questions til after dinner.” I say smartly.

“Oh no that is ok. Seb and I can sit over here and they can talk with us all they like. I am hungry but I can talk and chew at the same time.” Persephone says.

“MANNERS SEPH” Hydrus yells out and I bust out laughing.

I get up and go back to sit with the guys, while Persephone and Seb sit down where I had just been sitting. Everly wacks the guys up beside the head as she serves them all but Fenrir. She goes to do it to me before Fenrir stops her and shakes his head no, then says, “How was she supposed to know when she can not remember?”

Everly huffs and glares at me then serves me but does not wack me thankfully. “Hydrus you should know better you were his second mate and he told you his promise.” Everly said before she wacked him harder then all the rest before she served him.

Fenrir decides to pick me up and sit me in his lap. Then he proceeds to feed me. I take this time to feed him as well, which thankfully he does not try to fight me on. I think he needs this just as much as me. “I want to show you something when everything is done tonight.” Fenrir whispers in my ear. I look at him and nod holding my mouth open for the fork full of yummy goodness food.

“Everly why is it you are so protective of Fenrir tonight?” I ask her.

“You should have seen the way these dimwits treated him when they showed up. They are lucky I did not do more then wack them in the head. Then to top it off we show up and you are all sad and the guys are talking nonsense. I have known Fenrir all my life and I never believed the rumors about him and the chit that ran around trying to claim her self as queen. I understand love that you do not have your memories but I will tell you I had to make a tonic every night for this man so he could sleep without dreaming. If I did not all he would do is dream of you and be a miserable bastard the next day.” Everly explains.

I lookup at Fenrir and he smiles at me then pulls my chin down to feed me. I smile back at him while trying to chew my food. He busts out laughing because I apparently look so comical right now it is laugh worthy. I try to glare at him while chewing and that makes him laugh even harder. So I pick up a big fork full of food and stuff it in his mouth to shut him up. He tries to glare at me but gives up when I will not pay him any mind. He huffs at me when he is done with the food in his mouth. I get another fork full of food and stuff it in to his mouth before he can say anything.

“So how are the babes, Margret, and Nick.” I ask Everly.

“Nick is a pain in the butt and will not shut up about certain people. I had to whoop her to get her to stop. She has not done it again and is helping with the babes now. I think she thinks if the babes like her it will make up for her idiocy. Margret is enjoying herself and taking good care of the babes. Now the babes are starting to grow really fast and I have been making sure to take lots of pictures of them so you do not miss a thing. I think being in Faery it helped accelerate their growth more.” Everly explains.

“Damn some thing has changed because even being in Faery that would not accelerate their growth. We had three years. But it seems like she has changed that time line now. Bloody Hell.” I say out loud but more to my self.

I lean back so I am resting more in to Fenrir. As I do so I let my self fall back in to my mind. “What the bloody hell is going on?” I yell at my forms.

“We are just as confused because the time line has not changed. She will not be ready til the babes celebrate their third birthday.”

“How old do my babes look now?” I ask.

My forms are silent for a few minutes then say, “Two.”

“Is is possible that she has figured out how to accelerate their growth and she plans on attacking when the babes bodies are actually three not their third birthday?” I inquire.

It took a few minutes before I got a response but what I was I was told rocked me to my core.

“We have to stay the course. Otherwise the Gods and Goddesses will Take it as a failure and you will be ripped from time to never return.” My forms told me.

“Why?” I ask softly.

“Because you are their Hammer of Justice and you have to succeed or all will be doomed.” They reply.

“Is there anything we can do to change this from coming sooner?” I ask.

“Find the women that Seb brought here. Restore them to their rightful power. All that power is fueling your enemy. The less she has will make it so she can not change the time line and it will go back to normal.” They reply and then push me back to the forefront.

I come forward with a gasp with everyone staring at me. I privately send to all my mates what I just found out. They all gasp as I start to cry.

“We can not let that happen.” One of my mates shout.

Then everything turns to chaos.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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