Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 35

I am thrown back to the present and I am still standing there staring at Oscar. He has tears streaming down his face and he turns away from me to wipe his face. I let him be for now but we will have a talk later. I turn to go check on the babes but the door opened again stopping me. In walks Margret, Persephone, and Cleo. Persephone comes running up to me giving me a big hug. I was so surprised that I almost fell over.

“Is everything ok Seph?” I ask.

“Yes, I was concerned about you. I felt a huge power release and I knew you had a memory come back. I felt it through your bond with Hydrus.” She explained.

“Oh. I am ok. It was a bitter sweet memory but I am ok. I saw what my parents look like. I am assuming now that their faces have come back to me my memories will come faster. But that is ok, I am ready now.” I explain.

Persephone let go and stepped back staring at me. What ever she saw in my face made her believe what I said, so she nodded and turned to everyone. I greeted Margret and Cleo and had Cleo follow me over to the babes so they could be checked out.

“Why did you decide to come here today?” I questioned her while she was checking the babes.

“Oh I wanted to tell you that you and Persephone need to sit down and have a talk. I do not think she completely understands what is going on with her body and what changes are happening. It is almost like she has turned a blind eye to it.” Cleo explained as she put Gaea down.

“What do you mean? She has seemed fine to me. I mean we have been preoccupied with things but she has not been acting out of the norm as far as I am aware. But I can ask Hydrus if he has noticed anything. But I do know she is out for vengeance and wants retribution for what was done to her. That may be what you are seeing. I understand why she is like that I saw first hand what happened to her through her memories,” I explain.

“Hydrus come here.” I call him through our link.

Hydrus walks over to us and asks, “What is wrong? Are the babes ok?”

“Gaea just got checked now Farbauti is getting checked. But the reason I called you over is to ask you a question.” I explain.

“Ok...” Hydrus says confused.

“Have you noticed Persephone acting different then normal? You know her better then I do so I do not know what to look for.” I say.

“Other then being tired faster and her bent on getting justice I have not noticed her acting differently.” Hydrus says confusedly.

“Cleo please explain why you feel she is not acting right.” I say.

“She is pregnant and not taking it seriously. All she is concerned about is what the baby is doing to her body and keeps asking why it’s changing her. I can not explain why because I do not know who the bastard is that did this too her. I offered to help her be rid of it but she refused saying that a babe is a precious thing. But if it is so precious why is she not caring about what she needs to do during her pregnancy.” Cleo explains.

“CHRIS. You have so serious explaining to do.” Hydrus links me.

“Not my story or information to tell. If it were not for Cleo’s concerns I would not have broken Seph’s trust.” I link back.

“She is fine Cleo. Pregnancies for Fae are different then humans and supernatural in the Human Realm. Cleo, Seph knows what she has to do to keep healthy and stay safe. We will keep an eye on her.” Hydrus says after some thought.

“If you tell me what to expect and how they are different I may be able to help her through this better. I think of her as a sister and friend and I do not want her to go through this alone. I want to be here for her.” Cleo says in a rush.

“Cleo calm down. Just talk to her. I bet she will open up and tell you what it is you want to know.” I soothe her.

Cleo finishes checking Farbauti and puts him down. She stands there watching both the babes with a confused look on her face. She just keeps staring like if she blinks the babes are going to disappear. I laugh at the look on her face which causes her to jump and blush.

“Yes they are growing faster then normal but that is because they need to be fully grown in three years. Do not tell anyone about this though. If some one asks do not let them know you know. I will give you some herbs to prevent people with being able to tamper with your memories. Do you understand Cleo?” I explain.

Cleo nods her head then goes over to where Persephone is sitting down eating. Hydrus grabs me and tugs me to him. I go willingly because I can feel the turmoil that is his emotions right now. I understand why he feels betrayed by me but I told him the truth, it is not my truth to tell. She will tell him in her own time. I pull back a little to his displeasure and look up at him. His emotions are all over his face right now. I feel like he could explode at any time right now. I put my hand on his face but he flinches at my touch.

“Go Hydrus. You need to go to Fenrir. You can feel betrayed if you want but like I said it is not my truth to tell.” I link him as I pull away from him.

I turn my back as I see him disappear. Saffar comes over and holds me while I cry. I know it is not my fault but I feel like I am to blame for Persephone not saying anything yet. Saffar and I stand here like this for a few minutes before I pull away and give him a kiss on the cheek. I walk over to Persephone and sit next to her.

“I am guessing the cat is out of the bag?” She asks.

“Yeah and he is blaming me for keeping it a secret. He thinks I betrayed him. I sent him to Fenrir til he can calm down. I can not have him here with how volatile his emotions were.” I explain to her.

“I understand. I guess I should have told him already but I just did not know how. How do you tell your oldest sibling that your rapist left his child inside you? How do you explain that the child has caused your form to change and your powers to come sooner? How do you explain all this to your brother? HOW?” She asks and starts bawling.

I hold her while she cries. I do not care at this moment that we are supposed to be investigating every one in the Kingdom. I do not care I have people around me looking like they want to run from the scene in front of them. I do not even care that there are two captives in this room. I just want to console my sister in-law and protect her as best I can. Even if it is tearing me apart to have two of my mates away from me. I will burn the whole Kingdom down for this girl in my arms.

There is a big ruckus behind me so I turn my head to see what is going on. The supplies has shown up and there are a ton of stuff showing up all at once. Half the room has been filled by the time every thing is delivered. I look at Caleum and he just gives me this bright smile. He definitely delivered on his promise. Lets see if everything pans out the way it is supposed to though. Persephone has finally stopped crying and has pulled away from me. She looks around us and blushes tomato red. Looking around I see Saffar and Theo have disappeared. I am assuming that they went to collect Clade. Which is a good thing. I did not want to have to deal with him this early in the investigation but it needs to be done I guess.

I sigh and stand up. I pull Persephone with me and bring her over to the table where the guys are going through Shauna’s file. I sit her down and go over to Acrux and AnLeon, who are discussing something privately.

“Um excuse me. Is this spot taken?” I ask sweetly.

They both look at me then chuckle at my antics. Then they both turn to me and kiss me on the cheek.

“Oh love, you have no idea how bad we needed that laugh.” Acrux says in my ear.

“What are you two doing over here all by your self?” I question them sadly.

“We think we know who it was that kidnapped Persephone.” AnLeon states.

Before I can react I here a gasp across the room. Persephone has an irrate look on her face she is looking at a picture. The three of us go over to see who the picture is of.

“This is him?” I ask.

“Yes this is the bastard.” Persephone responded vehemently.

“That is one of Shauna’s brothers Seph. But I do not know where to locate him. The only information on him is in that file. I am not sure which brother it is either.” I respond, “But it does say he is Warlock but I am unsure if he is part anything else because we do not know what their mother was. Just Unseelie.”

“I know who is is. We have been trying to take him down for years. He is Slaugh and Warlock. His name is Saliss. He is wanted in all Realms for hence crimes.” Acrux says.

“I have met him before I want to say he used to hang out with Hydrus in the Grey Realm. But something happened between the two and I never saw him again.” Persephone said.

“AnLeon go get Fenrir and Hydrus now.” I say through our link, “Drag them here if you have to.”

“Will do my love.” AnLeon responds before he disappears.

“Caleum how long will it take to get all of this up and running?” Trent asks.

“I am almost done setting everything up. But we need to scan everything in to the system. I have the top of the line facial recognition system on these computers so we should be able to find out who these people are. These computers have one million terabytes on them so we do not have to worry about extra storage. It also has one terabyte of RAM so it will run really well as well.” Caleum spotted off.

The guys sat there discussing the computers and security. I checked on the two goons. They seem to be watching everyone around them. They seem especially interested in the new set up the Caleum brought in.

“What is wrong you two? Are you scared of the fact that there will be no more secrets in this Kingdom? There will be no where to hide you any of you.” I ask.

“I have no idea what you are talking about. We have done nothing wrong. We do not even know why we are here. We are guards and have been for months. Theo hired us personally.” One of them said.

“Hmm that is funny because after we went through your files it was established that it may be his name in the signature but it is not an authentic signature. He did not hire you. He has never even seen you around. So how can that be? Oh, that is right because Clade hired you and planted you in the guards to spy and prevent people from doing their jobs properly.” I state.

“I have no idea who Clade is lady. I know who Theo is and the man you called Theo earlier is not Theo. I can tell you that for a fact. We were placed in the guards to make sure people were doing there jobs and not slacking off. We were specifically told to watch over some Fae that were placed in the dungeons because the wrong Fae were getting arrested and they were supposed to be replaced with the real culprits. We have done the job we were hired for. We have done nothing wrong.” The other one said.

“Hmm we shall see. You see the real culprits were in that dungeon and they were replaced by innocent people that had been victimized before they replaced the demons that should have stayed. You would not have death capsules in your molar or enchantments that prevent you to talk if you were not doing something under handed. The Theo that I was talking to is the true Theo. I can tell you this for a fact. So you can either tell me the truth or I can take it from you. See two of my mates are very good at getting information from bad people. But me I can just rip the information straight from your heads. So think thoroughly before you make a decision.” I explain.

They both stare at me like I am crazy but that is ok. They do not have to believe me they will understand in the end. I walk away and let them stew in their thoughts.

Theo and Saffar show up with Clade struggling in tow. There are six guards following behind but

I notice there are two following behind those that have murderess looks on their faces.

“Acrux those two guards get them now and add them to the other two.” I say through our link.

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