Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 36

Acrux disappears and reappears behind the two goons and grabs them and disappears again. He reappears next to me by the other two goons. I grab two more chairs and Issac comes and joins us getting the two goons in the chairs and secured. I go and grab another chair and Theo and Saffar secure Clade in that chair along with the other guards help. We check the two other goons for the enchantments and death capsules. We remove every thing. I have a feeling that Clade needs checking as well but he is not making it easy.

“Hold his head and pry his mouth open for me.” I demand.

I walk over and check his mouth. Sure enough he has a death capsule as well. I remove it but the hard part now is finding the enchantment. So I say, “Strip him and find the enchantment.”

I watch as they tear his clothes apart looking for the enchantment. They found it on his chest. Thankfully they did not have to fully strip him. I walk slowly over to him staring him down and place my hand right over where the enchantment has been imprinted in to his chest. I say a few words and it is gone. It dissolved into a puddle on the floor. I grab a towel and mop it up before some one gets the idea to use it again. I set the towel on fire and listen and watch as the enchantment disappears for good. Clades cocky smirk turns to a scowl and he starts ranting in raving in jibberish. I place a shield around him as well. He can no longer call for anyone or see us.

“Theo thank you. If you needed six guards on top of Saffar he had to of given you a fight. Where did you find him by the way?” I ask after thanking him.

“We found him in the dungeons trying to free the fake Margret. He had those two guards with him that were following us.” Theo said.

“So I found out some information a little bit ago. Some one is impersonating you, pretending that they are you and hiring people under false pretenses. I had a little chit chat with the two goons that were caught earlier. They swear up and down that you are not who you say you are and they know who the real Theo is. This has me wondering who this person really is.” I explain to Saffar and Theo.

“Hmm that some how makes sense. You do realize you have not gone through my mind yet.” Theo says.

“You really think I have not. I went through it the day we came back to find our suite ransacked.” I simply stated before walking off.

I walk over to Persephone who seems to be in a deep conversation with Danny. I sit down and start going through Shauna’s file. I know there is something in there that pertains to the investigation. As I sit here and try to concentrate on the task at hand I find that I am unable. I need a break desperately. I get back up and walk over to Acrux and start dragging him to the door. I look over to Margret and Everly to get their attention.

“I am taking a quick break. Can you guys watch the babes? I believe with all the guards and my mates around nothing will happen but I want to make sure they are ok. If anything were to happen Persephone knows what to do.” I explain and ask.

“Of course. Go take a breather. It has been a hectic morning and emotional at that. I bet the rest of your mates will be back by the time you are as well. We have every thing under control here do not worry.” Margret says while Everly nods with a small smile on her face.

“Theo make sure Max makes it back ok and link me if anything happens or I am needed. I will not be long. I just need a breather.” I say quickly as I pull Acrux out of the room.

Once we are out of the room Acrux transports us to our suite. He quickly strips himself and I. I start to back up as he starts stalking me. I feel like a mouse about to be caught by a cat. I quickly turn and try to run but he catches me around the waist and picks me up. He carries me to our room and throws me on the bed. I bounce a couple times and start giggling but stop when I see Acrux crawling towards me. He grabs me by the ankle and yanks me to him. He settles between my legs and devours me like it is his last meal. I am a complete moaning mess by the time he is done. He settles himself between my legs and thrusts in to me. He takes me slow at first but at my urging he picks up the pace and I am screaming his name by the time we both have our release.

We lay there panting for a few minutes. I start to giggle suddenly and I can not seem to stop til suddenly I am crying. Acrux wraps me in his arms and holds me while I let out all of the emotions that have been boiling up inside me. I finally cry til I can no longer cry. I give one last sniff before I pull away and sit up. Acrux props himself up and looks at me, just watching, following my cues.

“Have I told you how amazing you are? You literally do not ask anything of me, and here I am asking everything of you. I mean how selfish am I being right now. I literally dragged you out of the investigation so we could have sex because I needed to let off steam.” I say as I sniff a couple more times.

“You are being far from selfish. You are under a lot of stress and are cleaning up a mess that should have been taken care of when it first arose. You are doing the best you can. As your mate it is my duty to make sure you are taken care of. I did not leave anything behind. I have always known that when I met my mate they would be my number one priority and everything else comes second. Yes I worked before I met you but I am basically doing the same thing now that I did then except the having sex part. I will be here any time you need me to be. Now lets go and take a shower then go back to every one.” Acrux explains to me.

Acrux gets up and grabs my hand hauling me off the bed. We walk to the bathroom hand in hand. We stop at the shower and he starts the shower making sure that it is the right temperature before he pulls me in with him. He washes me and then washes himself quickly. When he shuts off the water we both step out and grab towels. After grabbing clothes out of the closet we dress quickly and transport back to the throne room.

When we reappear the room looks the same as we left it. I shake my head not knowing what to think. I guess part of me thought if I left things would fall in to chaos but I was proven wrong. The doors to the throne open and Max walks in lugging a ton of files. Behind him are four more guards also carrying files as well. The guards leave but then in walks four more guards. This process keeps repeating til I realize that the files are being transported down so they can be scanned in to the system. I sit back and watch just trying to relax. The babes start to fuss and I go to get up to see what is wrong when they suddenly stop. I look over and Hydrus and Fenrir are sitting down feeding them. I smile watching them Fenrir looks up at me and winks. His look suddenly turns serious when he sees what is going on in the room. Graham and Oliver are putting stuff up with Persephone. Margret has disappeared with Everly I can only assume to go and make food. Then you have the four goons and Clade all strapped to chairs.

To top it off you have every one else working on putting the files in to the new computer systems. While some are looking through the top of the line security systems. Oscar looks like he is in heaven.

I get up and walk over to my mates and put my head on Fenrir’s shoulder. “What is wrong Fen?” I ask.

“Things seemed to have gotten a little out of control here.” He says with a slight laugh.

“No, not really. Some things got fast track because people were showing their hands sooner then we thought they would. Because of this we had to bring Clade in sooner. I found out some one has been impersonating Theo. They have convinced these people that the real Theo is a fake. So this made me step up what we were doing sooner then I would like.” I explain.

“How has it made you do things sooner?” Fenrir asks.

“Well we have not talked with the rest of the staff in the Castle nor involved the other heads of each section in the Castle. I am not sure if we will be able to now that people saw Clade dragged in here. I am sure the people he hired are probably going to run before we are able to get them.” I explain.

“Do not think like that. It seems these people have showed their hands sooner because they know you are on to them and want to stop you before you can find out who is behind every thing.” Fenrir responds.

I sit there and think on what he said. It makes sense in a way. These people did not come out of the cracks til we started going through all the investigations. But how they found out is what concerns me. I make a snap decision and go over to the two goons that were brought in last. I stand in front of them trying to see if I have seen them around before. I feel like I have but I am having a hard time figuring it out. As I stand there staring it slowly dawns on me.

“Bloody Hell.” I screech.

“Theo, Oscar. “I yell getting there attention, “Come here now.”

They walk over to me really confused. I just point at the two goons I am standing in front of. I have been very careful not to touch the shield because the last thing I need is for them to hear what I am saying or see us. The two just look at the goons in front of us then they both say, “SHIT.”

“I am assuming you just came to the same conclusion that I have. I need you all to go through the hiring files as well as get everything out of Clade’s offices. Yes I know I said offices and I know just by the type of person he is that he has a hidden office in this Castle some where. Find it and take everything from it. I am going to put a shield up around this room and only trusted guards that we check personally will be allowed to come in here. Got It?” I say.

Neither respond, they just turn around and grab Issac, Trent, and Max. Words are exchanged and the three of them look over at the two goons I am still standing in front of and then they all growl. The five of them rush out of the room.

“Acrux go help them please.” I link him.

I watch as Acrux disappears. I stand there staring off in to space when I feel arms around me. I lean back and close my eyes sighing.

“You figured it out fast. I am assuming you keep surprising people on how fast you can figure things out.” Fenrir says.

“Yes they seem to think because I am a girl that I do have a mind for puzzles like this. But I did have help with the Fae investigation. Though I really did not need it. I appreciated the help regardless.” I reply.

“So what did my smart mate figure out?” Fenrir asks.

“Well, I remembered that there was a lot of foot traffic yesterday with guards bringing in things we needed. We also had people trying to sneak in here over night as well. So I decided that maybe it was the guards that were placed by Clade. I came over here to see if I recognized these four from yesterday. I did, so I had Oscar and Theo come over and see if they saw what I did. It was the only thing I could think of that would make sense.” I explained.

“That does make sense but if they were only bringing things in how would they know what was going on. They could have just thought you were having a meeting and needed stuff.” He said thoughtfully.

“True but towards the end of it I had the guards that were helping out come in and see if they knew anything. Kind of like a test. We got some help from some of the guards recognizing people. I had already gone through everyone’s minds so I really did not think anything about it. Then when we caught the first two goons this morning and it was brought to my attention that people were hired as guards by Clade. The guards that worked over night to protect this room gave us information on seven different people on the board that no one knows how they were hired. We can only assume it was Clade at this time though.” I explain further.

“Wow! It seems like you have come quite far in this investigation. I am impressed. Even my own team did not come this far.” Fenrir says proudly.

“Why does every one keep saying that? I know they have been investigating for years but I mean we really have not gotten that far in the investigation yet.” I say.

“You have gotten further with this then you think. You figured out that Clade was involved. You put a bunch of the pieces together already. There is a ton of information because there are a ton of people involved in this scheme. Some are being forced others are willfully helping. None of it made much sense before now.” Fenrir further explains his reasoning.

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