Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 34

Oscar and the guards finally turn around and point to two pictures. They are not know to us yet. Crap. I nod my head and let the guards go back to their posts.

Before they leave I yell out to them, “Be vigilant in your surroundings. I will also have Everly make you a drink that contains a herb that will prevent your mind and memories from being tampered with. You will need to drink this everyday, do not miss a day either. Prove to me that you are trusted and on top of your game with our safety and you will be rewarded. You did a great job today.”

They leave to their posts and Max and Trent come back in to the room. Just as the guys sit back down the two intruders start coming around. AnLeon and Acrux look at each other with smirks on their faces. I think they are excited to torture information out of them. Oh my this is really going to get interesting. The intruders are both facing away from the table and boards so they do not know what is behind them. I see them start to struggle with their bindings.

“Struggling is useless. The more you struggle the tighter they will get. So unless you want to lose limbs you might want to stop.” Hydrus says to them.

AnLeon and Acrux stand up and walk around to the front of them. The two intruders see them and start struggling more. This causes Acrux and AnLeon to chuckle. I can see the fear written all over their faces from where I am standing.

“Why are you so afraid of my mates?” I ask while walking over to them.

They just look at me with narrowed eyes. “You really should be afraid of me. You have no idea the things I could do to make you scream. So we can either do this the easy way or the hard way.” I say while smirking at them.

They narrow their eyes more and still refuse to say anything. I scan their bodies and notice they have enchantments covering them that will kill them if they talk. Hmm, so this is why people are dying. I walk over to them and remove the enchantments much to their displeasure. I grab one of them by the chin and force their mouth open. I check his mouth and notice a little capsule attached to a back molar. Hydrus hands me a pair of pliers. I take them and yank the molar out. I look to the next guy but notice that AnLeon has already taken care of him. I scan their bodies again to make sure I did not miss anything. The person that sent them is either cocky or not very good with magic. I put a shield around them so they can not hear or see us and can not send out any messages to any one either.

“Did any of you guys recognize the magical signature?” I ask

All but Hydrus shake their head. “That is the one that Fenrir recognized but did not tell me who,” Hydrus says.

“Can any of you tell me if you recognize these two and how they manged to infiltrate the guards so easily.” I demand.

The five of them scramble over to get a good look at the two intruders. They all stood there staring at the two intruders with their brows furrowed. They stood there for a good fives minutes before they started conversing with each other. Another five minutes went by before they returned to the table. Oscar produced a large folder after speaking a few words in a strange language. The five of them started going through the file together. I shook my head because I know they are trying to make sure they did not hire them and forget but I was losing my patience.

“Who among you are good with technology?” I mind-linked my mates.

“I am. I went to human college to specialize in technology and I also own a technology company in the U.S.” Caelum states.

“Get me everything we need to digitalize the files as well as high tech security for the castle and kingdom. I want stuff that is not recognizable by the human/supernatural eye. I want all of the computers hack proof to human/supernatural hacking. I also want to make it magical proof. Can you do this for me Caelum? It took a lot of convincing to get Fenrir to agree to this. He left this to me to do because he trusts my judgement. I do not want towers or any other technology in this kingdom. Too many people will try to take advantage of it.” I say to Caelum.

“I can get all of this within a couple hours. I specialize in government protection from hackers human, supernatural and magical.” Caelum states.

“Thank you.” I say.

We all go and sit back down at the table. Caelum gets on the phone and starts speaking rapidly in Gaelic about everything we need. Once he was off the phone he informed us it would be here in an hour. That was fast. I am really impressed. But lets see if he is actually telling the truth. I want to put faith in him but the way he acted yesterday really bothered me. I pull the files over to me and start going through them. As I was going through them I noticed things that needed to be added to the board and stuff that did not fit any where. I set that stuff aside to question because it made no sense. Unless some one took stuff out and replaced it to make sure it was not as noticeable. Things were all separated so I took what I needed and went to the board. I put every thing where it needed to go. Once I was done I realized that their was a pattern to every thing.

Hydrus must have realized the same thing that I did because he came over with some string and started to string it upon the board. At first it did not look like much then slowly the pattern started to reveal it self. After Hydrus was done he came over and stood by me. We stood there staring at the board trying to figure it out. Apparently the time had gone by faster then I thought because when Hydrus and I turned around to go sit back down at the table, Caelum and Saffar were setting up computers while AnLeon and Acrux were scanning documents in to a laptop. I turn to look at Theo and his heads and they are still pouring over the files.

“Seriously you guys. It has been over an hour and your still going through those files. You can tell me you do not know.” I say

“Sorry your Majesty. We recognize them but not as employees, but through our investigations. We have never seen them around other then in Clade’s businesses. We are trying to figure out how we have employee paperwork but never hired them. This has my signature on it but it is not in my hand writing. Which means some one has been in my office and forged my signatures.” Theo explains.

“Well that would explain the weird random papers in the files you gave me that did not seem to belong any where. It also seems like there is missing information in the files as well.” I say.

“What do you mean?” Theo asks.

I show them what I am talking about. They seem really confused on how those papers could end up in those files. But in the end they came to the same conclusion as me. Max excused himself and said he needed to grab somethings from his office and double check some things as well. I let him go. I had a feeling he wanted to make sure his office was not broken in to as well.

“Everyly, do you know where Margret and Persephone are by any chance?” I ask, but the two fake guards flinch when I say their names. HHHMMMM…..

“Margret just linked me saying they are together and on their way here. Persephone was with Cleo and Margret bumped in to them as they were walking this way. So I guess Cleo is on her way here as well.” Everly says.

“Ok. Persephone has really taken a shinning to Cleo since she helped her. I think they will become great friends.” I say just before I stand up.

As I am slowly walking over to the fake guards trying to figure them out, the doors open and in walks Graham, Kent, Oliver, and Danny.

“Your Majesty we have news.” Kent says.

I put my hand up to stop them and point at the two bone heads in front of me. They all stop and look taken aback. They stand there staring and then realization dawns on them.

“Shit, I should have known. These two were originally the guards for the Fae. Clade had made it clear that they were the only ones allowed to guard them because they had special protections against the Fae. I called bull but he would not budge. I do not know how he even got the authority to boss us around when he is only the hiring magistrate.” Danny rants.

“Oscar are you kidding me right now. How the hell is Clade going around telling our people what to do when that should be your job in the dungeons?” I question irritably, “You know what never mind.”

“Theo once everyone has shown up I want you to drag Clade here by force. Bring one or two of my mates if it will make it easier.” I link Theo.

He just stares at me then barely nods his accent. I hand the file from Fenrir over to Oliver and tell the four to go through it. They take it and go sit at the extra table. Everly dishes them out some food and they happily take it. I glance around the room studying all of the people in the room. There is some thing that just keeps nagging me in the back of my head. I am staring at Oscar and when he straightens our eyes connect. Suddenly I am thrown in to the past.

People are everywhere. I can hear laughing and singing. Every one is enjoying themselves. I look to the front of the room and I see my parents sitting on their thrones watching everyone dance and be merry. They both look happy. A door opens and people start screaming. There is a little boy that has been shoved through the doors. He is bloody and broken. I rush over to him and a white light surrounds us. I place my body over his to protect him but the light is coming from me and I watch as all of his body heals and then he passes out. I sit there mesmerized by this small child. He opens his eyes suddenly and smiles at me.

“Thank you miss for saving me. My name is Arcadia. My parents have been destroyed. Can you protect me?” Arcadia asks

“I will protect you til my dying breath little one. I promise you this, no harm will come to you. Come let us speak with my parents about what happened then I will get you settled for the night.” I say before standing up.

I reach my hand out and help him stand up. I slowly walk him up to my parents. Once we are standing in front of them we bow and I let go of his hand. I motion for him to go ahead and tell them.

“Your Majesties, My mom was Pegasus and my father was Lycan. The seelie courts did not know that my parents were together. My mother was my fathers mate, something they only get once in their short life times. I am the product of their love for each other. But some one from the Unseelie court found out about me and my mother and father were both destroyed and they tried to destroy me as well but they could not. They even made me drink to erase me but it did not. I am here asking for your help and protection?” Arcadia explained.

“Oh my poor little one. Why did your parents not come here? We would have welcomed them with open arms. Look at my husband and I we are from different courts and we are mates. Come little one you can live here. No harm will come to you here.” My mother said.

Little Arcadia ran up to my mother and she picked him up and put him on her lap.

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