Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 33

He transports us back and sure enough the other two are back and everyone are sitting around the table.

“Saffar come here and bring the dip shit with you please.” I say as I hear chuckles.

Saffar and the dip shit come up to stand in front of us. “Fenrir this is Saffar and this dip shit never introduced himself.”

Fenrir chuckles before saying, “Boy you obviously got off on the wrong foot with our mate. You should be very careful Caelum she has a very bad temper. If you grovel she may let you off with a warning.”

I look at him shocked but then just shake my head with a little smile on my face. Saffar hugs Fenrir and gives him a kiss. Then Caelum hugs and kisses him too. Suddenly AnLeon, Acrux, and Hydrus have joined as well. I let the guys have their time and went to check on the babes. I felt arms around me and instantly knew it was Fenrir.

“Fenrir I need one more thing.” I say quietly.

“What is that my love?” Fenrir asks.

“Where is Shauna’s file? Oliver was unable to find it and Hydrus said he gave it to you.” I say.

Fenrir pulls the file from thin air and hands it to me saying, “I can not tell you the names of the people in the photo’s til you remember. But I will be here when you do and have questions.”

“Ok, I understand.” I respond sofly.

“I have to leave. I love you Chris. I will see you soon.” Fenrir says while his places a kiss on my head. Then he disappears.

Last night we decided to break for the night. I was an emotional mess and could not concentrate. It is now eight in the morning and my mates and I are on our way to the throne room. I am a little sluggish today because of the emotional night I had. My mates were very understanding and comforted me. We all slept in a big pile and I am sore from the weird position I slept in. None of the guys have complained at least. We get to the throne room and the guards greet us.

“Were there any problems from your end last night?” Hydrus asks.

“No sir.” The guard responds.

“Can I have your name? Did you take the herbs in your drink last night like I told you to?” I ask

“My name is Drew and yes your Majesty.” Drew says.

“Do you mind if I check to make sure they worked?” I ask.

“I understand and yes you may.” Drew replies.

I delve in to his head and see that the herbs worked. Though right on the edge of his sight I can see someone watching him but another guard caught them. I will have to find out who the guard caught trying to snoop. I pull back and smile at the Drew.

“You did great last night. I am going to have another guard help you out tonight though. Someone was spying on you and another guard caught them. I barely saw them so I can understand why you did not. Do you think that will help?” I say.

“Thank you your Majesty. Yes, that would be helpful. I am relieved the herbs worked. I will make sure I take them as instructed. Is there any thing else I can do for you before shift change?” Drew says.

“No, you did great. I hope you get some good rest and we will see you tonight.” I say.

Drew bows then turns and unlocks the throne room for us. We enter and greet the guard standing inside the door. We go through the same drill with this guard. His name is Zander. When I probe his mind though I see that some one did try to come in through another emergency escape door. But once the door started to open and a head popped out the person was grabbed and dragged back in to the tunnel. I looked for anything else but nothing else happened.

“Great job last night. But I do have a question. Why did you not speak up when some one tried to come through the escape tunnel?” I ask

“I am sorry your Majesty but it happened so fast that when I saw them they were already snatched by another guard and taken care of. I did not really think to say anything because Theo said he would brief you in the morning about anyone that was caught. I am sorry if I failed in any way.” Zander said.

“No, no, no. You did not fail. Keep taking the herbs as instructed. I am also going to assign another guard to help as well. That way there is not so much pressure on you.” I reply to him.

“Thank you your Majesty. Is there any thing else I can help you with before shift change?” Zander asks.

“No. Just get some good rest today. Keep up the good work.” I say.

The guys are already at the table waiting for me to finish up. I walk over to them but before I sit down I look over to where the boards are located. I lift the enchantment on them and they are visible again. No one tried to tamper with them thankfully. The guards would not be able to prevent a Fae from doing anything. I look over at Zander and motion him to come over. I also go and get Drew to come in as well.

“Gentlemen take a good look at these boards. These are what you were protecting last night. These people are trying to take over the Kingdom and bring chaos.” I say while they are gawking at the boards.

I go over to the table and lift that enchantment as well. “This was here as well. So now that you understand the severity of what is going on please be very vigilant and do every thing that we ask of you to a T. If you have questions or concerns you can contact any of us at any time, night or day.” I explain.

“Yes your Majesty. I know that there has been investigations going on but I did not know what they were about. Now looking at this I can tell you that these three people right here have managed to get jobs within the castle. That is Jacob, Kelsie, and Andrew. They are mean and treat every one like dirt.” Drew said.

“These four are Jessie, Steven, Calob, and China. They work for Clade and have infiltrated the training grounds and are now guards. I do not recognize any one else.” Zander said.

“Thank you both so much you just gave us seven names we did not have before. If you find out anything else contact us.” I exclaim happily.

I have them sit with us and we talk some more. They start giving the guys some more information on the seven people they recognized. I do not understand how the four guards slipped through my testing. I did not even see them there. I will have to discuss this with Theo and get to the bottom of this. Maybe the guys and I will make a trip to the training grounds to check it out. Once the guys have all the information from the guards the guards leave. Everly showed up just as Drew and Zander were about to walk out of the throne room.

“Boys go sit your butts down at the table now. You are going to eat something before you head off to bed.” Everly scolds them.

I chuckle til she gives me a look and I stop and put my head down to hide my smile. She obviously saw it because I got whacked on the head. I was so surprised that she hit me. She chuckled at me then set food down in front of me. I looked up at her shocked and then gave her a smile. She was such a kind women that I could not stay mad at her. She is going to be fun to have around. I look at the people sitting at the table and it seems she hit more then just me by the looks on the guys faces and the hands rubbing heads. I busted out laughing, I could not help it. Here is a women that could not even compare in age to us and she manged to shut us up and whack us on the head.

After getting weird looks from everyone I finally quieted down. Everly set down plates and bowls in front of all of us. I watched how efficient she was with doing everything. You could tell she has been doing this for years. When the last person was served Everly sat down and we all began to eat. Every thing tasted amazing and I was happy that I decided to make her our personal chef. Not only does she deserve it but she is an amazing cook. She studies every one while they are eating taking note of likes and dislikes. When I noticed this it made me smile. I nodded my head to my self and continued eating.

Finally we were all done eating and we bid Drew and Zander a good night as they were off to sleep now. The new guards have arrived and they were provided with food as well. Theo and his heads all showed up and started to eat once Everly gave them a good smack when they tried to decline food. The guys and I looked over files and started taking notes on the information we found on the seven people that we were informed of. That information was added to the information we got from Drew and Zander. Then we went through all the information on Clade and took notes. We compiled profiles on each individual and when we were on the last set of papers Theo and his heads finished eating. We finished up with the remaining papers while they waited for us.

“Before we start, where are Graham, Oliver, Danny, and Kent?” I question.

“They are checking on all the Fae in the dungeons making sure no more got switched out in the middle of the night.” Theo explained.

“Ok. I am glad they are taking this serious. I should have said something before about it. I apologize for not bringing it to everyone’s attention prior.” I say.

“No worries your Majesty. Here are the files that we never got to yesterday.” Theo said while handing me the files.

“Thank you. Here are the profiles we made on each person in the files we have already gone through. I also need to go through the last fae file when the guys and Persephone get here. Oh yeah, I wanted to let you know that Drew and Zander gave us information on seven individuals that they recognized on the board.” I explain.

“You let Drew and Zander see everything?” Oscar questioned.

“Yes. I saw that they could be trustworthy and I believe that they have a right to know what they are guarding. They were extremely helpful and followed directions to a T. I will be also requiring two more guards to help them. They both had a close call with people trying to get in. Thankfully it was taken care of before things could get bad, but I firmly believe them having back up will help.” I explained.

“That sounds reasonable. I do know that two people were put in confinement last night for trying to access the thrown room last night. I have yet to question them and confinement is the safest place to put them before they can be questioned.” Theo said.

I look over at the guys as they are going through the files. I look up when I hear the door opening. I see Margret coming in the room but there is something off about her. I try to delve in to her mind and it is blocked. I stand up fast and block her from coming in to the room.

“Guards.” I yell out.

Margret tries to push past me into the room but I wave my hand and put a veil up so she can not see anything beyond me. Thankfully the boards are not facing the doors so the information is still a secret. The guards come running in to the room and stand at attention.

“Take this woman to confinement. She is not who she says she is or looks like.” I say.

They look confused but say, “Yes your Majesty.”

“Oscar go with them and make sure she does not escape.” I tell him.

I grab her forearms and put bindings on her so she can not transport or summon her magic. I just have this gut feeling she is Fae in disguise. I should be able to get in to her mind and only a strong potion could prevent me from doing so. After the bindings are on, the guards each take an arm and drag her from the room. Oscar followed them out the door. I watched them walk down the hall and saw two more guards coming down the hall but these two are not really guards. Once they are at the door I knock them both over the head and drag them in to the throne room. The guys immediately recognize them and help bring them over to the table. Hydrus produces bindings for them as well as chairs for them to be bound to. The guys works efficiently together binding them to the chairs. Theo had gotten up and sent Max and Trent to guard the door til the others got back.

Twenty minutes later Oscar and the other two guards got back to the throne room. They looked rough almost like they had been attacked. Unfortunately with the look in Oscars eyes I realize that was the case. I am so not going to like what they are about to say.

“Your Majesty we were attacked by two guards. Thankfully we managed to fight them off. They got away though. Good news though we managed to get that women into a witch confinement room. No one can locate her there.” Oscar explained.

I nodded and then said, “Look at the board and tell me if any of the pictures up there match the two people that attacked you.”

As the guards and Oscar were looking at the pictures I stood by the two idiots that thought they would be able to get in here with out us realizing who they were. I am going to have to make sure Drew and Zander get a bonus for their helpful information. If it were not for them then these two would have gotten away with information that they should not have.

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