Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 32

“OOOooo, what is going on here. I love orgies. Is this why you were summoning me AnLeon?” A man says.

I whip around and march over to him. In a split second I change my mind from slapping him to throwing him across the throne room. I do just that. Everyone stops talking around us to see what just happened. They see and feel the fury coming off me and see the man picking himself off the ground across the room.

“How dare you lay your hands on me.” The man says.

“How dare I really? You were summoned here after I said it was ok, because we need you. But you just have to go and make our mate afraid and talk about orgies. If this is the type of mate your going to be, it would be better if we cut ties with you now so we do not get hurt.” I say with fury dripping off each word.

I turn my back on him and go back over to Saffar and hug him fiercely. He hugs me back just as fiercely but this time he is no longer afraid. He is irate, all of our mates are.

“Saffar what should we do with him?” I ask gently.

“I will deal with him. We need him and if I have to force him like Hydrus did with Fenrir then that is what I will do. We will be back. Do not worry.” Saffar said, then gave me a kiss on my forehead.

He stormed over to the man and grabbed him before disappearing. I roll my eyes at the drama that the man had to cause. Why do I have to be mated to idiots? I ask myself. I just do not understand. I gather the men and we go and sit back down at the table to finish what we were doing.

“I am sorry for losing my temper like that. I am unsure if you guys heard what he said but it really just pushed buttons I did not know I had.” I apologized to every one.

“It is ok. I heard what he said and I would have gotten mad as well. Heck I was mad for you. So there is truly no need to apologize. You did what was needed to get your point across. You should have seen his face when you turned your back on him. He seemed scared.” Trent said, while everyone but my mates were nodding their heads.

“I am glad you put him in his place Christiana. I have heard stories about him and what he has done. My friends would whisper about it when they thought no one was listening. He is pompous and you will have to keep him in check.” Persephone says.

“Do not worry Seph. My mates no not to cross me and have had to face my wrath a few times. You were there two of the times. If he steps out of line I am sure all of my mates will back me as well.” I reassure her with a smile.

“Any ways so back to the legend. Why do you think this is why we are having so many issues in the Kingdom? Some of the issues were here prior to Christiana coming to the Human Realm.” Max asked while others nodded.

“Well it all boils down to her enemy. Her enemy did not show up til Christiana was around 4,000 years old. Things randomly started happening but then they started causing destruction. When these events happened there were only two around. One would blame Christiana and say she forced her to participate. But a lot of people did not believe Christiana was the culprit. They had ways of testing who did it. But when the Elders disappeared the other took advantage and burned a whole village to the ground. To save Christiana from being erased her parents put a block on her memories and powers, then put her in a secret spot and had a sleeping spell put on her. From there no one knows how Sean or any one else for that matter found her.” Fenrir said from the corner of the room.

I stood up and glared at him. “What the bloody hell do you think you are doing here?” I spat at him.

“We need to talk.” Was all he said before signaling everyone to leave.

“I will call you all back once we are done. Unless you want to continue tomorrow.” I said.

“No, we will be waiting for your call.” Issac said.

Once they were all gone I went up to Fenrir and slapped him hard. “Release his memories so he knows why your so mad.” Hydrus says behind me before he punches Fenrir.

I delve in to Fenrir brain and find the barred memories and release them. I refuse to look at them because I know the damage that will be done to me if I do. I step back and watch Fenrir drop to the ground and held his head in his hands. He starts shaking and crying. Then starts begging us not to kill her. This took me aback. Why is he asking us not to kill her. I delve in to his brain and see that it is not Isobel but me. I get out of his memories because my forms start yelling at me not to go further. We watch him on the floor a broken mess. Then we see anger start to rise. His body starts trembling and is shimmering. This is not going to be good if he changes and rampages. We can not let this happen. Finally his rage dissipated and he looked defeated. He finally raised his head to look at me and he sighed.

“I know where your anger is coming from but you have the wrong idea of it all together. Because my forms have told me I am not allowed to show you because you can not see some of the people involved yet I will have to try to explain it.” Fenrir says.

“But first I am here because your fury brought me here. I thought you were in danger.” Fenrir says.

He gets up and goes over to the cradles that the babes are in. Margret and Everly put them down before they left the room. They started fussing and Hydrus produced bottles for them. He handed a bottle to Fenrir and they both picked up a babe and fed them. Fenrir and Hydrus sat gingerly in a throne as not to disturb the babes feeding.

“Have you picked names yet?” Fenrir asks not looking up.

“No. That honor goes to you and Hydrus. As it will when I give babes to our other mates.” I say softly watching him with his babe.

“A boy and a girl. Hmm for the boy I feel like his name should be Fárbauti.” Fenrir says.

I look at him confused so he explains, “We took on names from mythology because our true names are unpronounceable. But basically I gave him the humans mythology name of my grandfather.”

“Oh. That sounds reasonable I guess. I never actually thought of it really. But now that you have said it I realize now what you are talking about.” I say.

He smiles at me softly. He has unshed tears in his eyes. I can feel his joy at being a father through our bond. But I am not ready to go to him yet. I need his explanation first, so I only give him a small smile back.

“I am going to name this little one Gaea after my grandma. She was a fierce woman and I feel like this little girl is going to be just as fierce if not more fierce.” Hydrus says.

“Well Fárbauti and Gaea it is.” I say happily.

The babes finally fell back to sleep as they were happily full. They guys set the babes back down and joined us at the table. Fenrir seemed lost in thought and it took several minutes for him to get his thoughts in order.

“First I would like to start with apologizing for lying to both of you. It was not intentional. I also want to say that I have never slept with or was intimate with Isobel. Though she tried many many times I never gave in. It got to a point where she actually managed to find shackles that I could not escape. She shackled me to my bed and tried everything to seduce me. She even involved your enemy in her schemes. They tried everything but after a month with no success they gave up. That is when she decided to try to seduce a guard and claim it was mine. But she was unsuccessful and it infuriated her and she went on a rampage. With my memories being tampered with I was not in my right frame of mind. I am assuming you guys heard about how bad things were and what was going on from the guards. I do not blame them for telling you but at the same time they did not even fully know what was going on.” Fenrir explained.

“Ok, wow this is a lot to take in. I am relieved that you never slept or was intimate with her. I am just confused on how you were able to hold out against her and a Fae.” I say.

“I made a promise to you before your parents barred your memories and powers that I would not ever be with another. When a mate makes a promise it can never be broken even when some one tries to undo it with potions or magic.” Fenrir explained, “So my body and mind were unable to get to the point where I was able to be intimate.”

“Awe, you made me a promise. That is so sweet.” I say crying, “But then how were you able to be intimate with Hydrus while I was locked up?”

“He is our mate. He I could be intimate with, but I could not fully mate him til you had awakened again.” He replied.

I got up and cuddled in his lap while he held me close to him. This man knows how to really move a girls heart. He sat there holding me rubbing my back trying to soothe me. I was not crying out of sadness but out of happiness. I looked up at him and he had tears in his eyes as well. I linked him privately and told him to make love to me. He smiled and we disappeared and reappeared somewhere I did not recognize.

“Do not fret little one no one will bother us here and I already let our mates know where we are.” Fenrir told me.

We slowly undressed each other with soft caresses and soft sighs escaping us every so often. Once we were undressed he picked me up and laid me on the bed and just laid there memorizing every thing that his eyes touched upon. When he was done he touched me every where, running his fingers lightly all over, making me feel like I was floating on cloud 9. He made love to me for what seemed like days but in the end it was only a couple hours. When we started getting dressed he kept staring at me like I was about to disappear.

“I would wait an eternity for you. I hope you know that. When I get back at the end of the month I will make sure all our mates know they are loved and cared for.” Fenrir said.

“You can come back when ever your ready. We have every thing taken care of in the castle. I do not want you worrying about the investigation. I want you to focus on gaining your power back. You have been gone for too long. I love you and I do not want to see you that low again.” I respond to him.

“See this is exactly why I want to shower you in so much love and gifts. Even when your life is endanger you only care about others. I love you so much my darling Queen. You are the love of my life and always will be.” He said taking my hand.

“I need to discuss something before we head back.” I say quickly realizing he was about to transport us.

“What has you all riled up?” He asks.

“Well during the meeting the guys brought up bringing in technology to help with security. As much as I detest technology I have to agree that they have solid points in us needing it. I want your thoughts on this.” I basically vomit the words.

“No. I have told them numerous times no.” He says immediately.

“I understand. But you need to understand that we will be returning to the Grey Realm in a few years once the babes are fully grown. Our son will be taking over for you. Do you really think it should fall on his shoulders to deal with this? Especially when it should be our responsibility to make sure everything is set for him to take over.” I say aggressively.

He stands there contemplating what I have just said. He looks confused about something but I see he is trying to process every thing with out asking questions. He goes to open his mouth then shuts its. Shakes his head then opens his mouth again and shuts it quickly again. He did this a couple more times before he sat down and put his head in his hands. All of a sudden he started crying.

I went over and sat next to him. I gathered him in to my arms and let him let his feelings out. I did not know what was going through his mind and I would let him tell me when he was ready. When his sobs started to calm he slowly sat back and wiped his face off.

“I understand what you are saying and I give you my blessing to do what you need with technology. I know you will not let it run rampart in the kingdom, so I know I can trust you with this. I am sorry I am emotional right now. I just wish I did not have to spend time away from my family. I understand that there is a reason for the babes to grow so fast but I wish they did not have to grow up so fast.” He said

“I understand. It is too dangerous for them to grow up normal. They need to be at their strongest when things come to a head with all our enemies. You can not tell me this has to do with only me. I can feel it deep down that it is not just about me. Come let us head back. Maybe the other two will be back and you can meet them as well. Do not worry I will not be mating with them yet. They are only here to help protect me.” I explain.

Sighing he says, “Ok, let us go.”

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