Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 31

I nodded and proceeded to make up two heaping plates of food as well as bowls of different salads for them. Trent took the food out to them as well as some drinks. After he returned we all sat at the table eating happily. Our conversation was light and happy. Everly told us about her protege and some of the other girls that basically grew up in the kitchen. They all seemed very happy and satisfied with their jobs and were well paid. That was a relief because no one wants to work for meager wages especially when it is hard work. She explained to everyone about the goings on in the kitchen with the people Clade had hired without her permission. Things have gotten so out of hand with all the new people that no one seemed to be able to keep track of them. After Everly finished talking Max ended up bringing out seconds to the guards, guarding the door. We all had either seconds or thirds. When we all had our fill we let the rest of the guards come and eat as well. Once they were all done eating I did not let the other guards leave yet.

“Gentlemen I would like you all to go over everything on the boards so far and give your input on it.” I say.

They all seem surprised but if they are to guard us then they need to know what exactly is going on. I watched them studying the boards and talk amongst themselves. They pointed to things every so often. I dipped in to their memories and the ones who were tampered with I released the memories that had been messed with. Once I did this the guards seemed to be more animated in what they were saying and what they were pointing at. While the guards were discussing, the guys were going through the files Margret brought in. Everly and Margret were giving the babes attention which made the babes excited. You could hear their cooing and giggles every so often over the guards discussing things.

After the guys went through the files they handed them over to me. I noticed a pile of stuff on the table that had been taken from the files. I ignored them and handed half to Persephone then we sifted through the files looking for anything that pertained to the investigation at hand. I noticed discrepancies again so I compiled a list again and then went through the pile on the table as well. I took note of everything but there were still discrepancies. Persephone went over everything as well as Graham and Oliver but they saw the same thing. We stood up and started putting everything up on the boards and when the last piece was up we stood back to look at them. I grabbed the note book and started the list again and still I was coming up confused. We went back to the table and started sifting through all of the information left over from all of the files. We found the missing pieces and put them up. I rewrote the list and copied it then handed them out to everyone. I noticed the guys were giving me that look again but Margret was just grinning at me.

“What?” I said.

The guys all scrambled to take a closer look at what was on the other boards. We sat back down to get out of their way. Margret came over and sat down next to me.

“I knew if anyone could solve this it would be you. You have always had a knack for solving things. Even when the answers were not right in front of you.” Margret stated with a grin still on her face.

“I like puzzles but this one is probably the most confusing one I have encountered. The Fae are involved in this as well.” I replied, “but I am not the only one that did this. Persephone, Graham, and Oliver have been a blessing in all this as well. I know I probably could have figured it out myself but I needed these three.”

Everly and Margret looked ill at the mention of this. Why they had this reaction I could not understand. I know it is uncommon for the Fae to become involved in Human relations but not unheard of. Especially when it is crimes that are being committed. The Unseelie love to cause mischief in the Human Realm for some reason.

“Why do you both look like you are going to be sick?” I can not help but ask.

“If the Fae are involved this is going to get very tricky. I know the King had some dealings with the Seelie and Unseelie but I am unsure of what the nature of it was. I would tread carefully.” Everly stated.

“I would just stop the investigation all together.” Margret said.

“Sorry but that will not happen. These people have not only been trying to poison me and my babes. But also the people in the castle. They have killed innocent people and are trying to over throw the throne.” I stated firmly, “Plus I have already sentenced about a dozen Fae and there are more to be dealt with in the dungeons.”

They both nodded their consent but still looked very worried. So I said, “AnLeon and Acrux know how to deal with these Fae. We just need to find out who the leader is first.”

Every one settled around the table just after we stopped talking. They all had grim looks on their faces and I was not sure if that was because they over heard our conversation or because they all came to a conclusion that is different then mine.

“Why the long faces gentlemen?” I ask.

“Chris, I think it is time to tell you the legend of you. With everything that is up there on the boards I feel like this all points back to it.” Oscar says quietly.

“Ok.” I say simply.

My mates come and stand behind me. Each of them have a hand on my shoulder for support. I stare at Oscar waiting for him to get his thoughts together.

“You all need to understand this is a very old legend and I was told by the King himself.” Oscar stated firmly. “The legend states: When a 5,000 year old Fae is wiped of her memories she will forget the atrocities she has caused. The Humans will take her and raise her as their own. When she Awakens again her memories will slowly start to surface. The atrocities that she caused will come to haunt her. These atrocities were not truly committed by her but by another that is similar but not. She will have four sets of mates and 12 forms. One of her mates will be the King that abandoned his post in the Seelie courts and took over the Human Realm. When two babes turn to three will her powers finally start to emerge again. When her last set of mates come will she finally be able to fulfill her destiny given by the Gods and Goddesses by demolish all of the evil in the Realms. Once the last of the Evil is destroyed then will she no longer be the Gods and Goddesses Hammer of Justice. The role will be passed on to her second set of twins. She will be free to rule the Realms til the end of time.”

“I am sorry that is all I can remember.” Oscar says sadly.

I sit there contemplating what Oscar has said and deep in my bones I feel the truth ring with every word he spoke. But some of the things confused me. So I said, “My powers started showing up before the two babes turned to three. I also have not finished my awakening. Plus I have started to regain my memories”

Oscar seemed lost in thought and seemed confused on what I said. All of the men seemed to be lost in thought.

“I know why,” a voice said before fire and brimstone could be smelled and a man appeared.

“Ahh Saffar my old friend. I was going to summon you later, but it seems that is unnecessary.” Acrux says

“I figured you would be when I caught your scent at the castle. But I did not think it would be mixed with my mates scent.” Saffar said angrily

“You mean to tell me your mad that his scent was mixed with his mates scent. Which happens to be mine.” I say scathingly, “If your only coming here to cause a fight then leave. Otherwise say what you mean by you know why.”

“I am deeply sorry. I was only mad because he showed up at my castle but did not come in nor leave a note but yet was carrying your scent every where on him. Which will only bring your enemies that much more closer to you.” Saffar said.

“I did not even think of that. I forgot that when we mate we take on our mates scent as well.” Acrux said hanging his head.

“Oh, never mind that. You were trying to do what you do best. How are you supposed to remember every little thing all the time. Acrux please do not be upset. I have been in danger since I have been here in the Human Realm.” I say soothingly to Acrux while hugging him.

“We all agreed to have you go and follow the scent. None of us gave it a thought that you were carrying her scent.” Hydrus said while AnLeon was nodding his head.

“Saffar, why are you here?” AnLeon asked.

“I came to make sure the Queen was safe. I have been trying to figure out which idiot from my house has been up to no good. But when I found Acrux’s scent and he was carrying my mates scent as well, I figured instead of waiting for Acrux to contact me I decided to come myself to see what was going on.”

“What do you know about the legend we were just talking about?” Oscar decides to ask.

“Well there were two versions of that legend. One was the one you were telling, the other one is if certain things changed from the path.”

“My forms keep telling me the timeline has been changed. Is this what your talking about?” I say.

“Can you explain to me how the time line changed?” Saffar asks.

I bring my Lycan/Kelpie form forward but do not shift. “The King did not attend Christiana during her awakening. She had to go through her awakening in the Grey Realm. She was ripped from the Grey Realm before she finished her awakening. Her trees and birds were being harmed so it was harming her. She also did not mate her first mate til she after she met her second mate. The King has not made things easy for her. It also took several days for Hydrus and the King to mate because the King was being resistant. Hydrus had to take matters in to his own hands and force him to complete the mating. Then she had to give birth to three babes in their forms because her mates went missing when she needed them most. Then she was forced to mate with two more mates before it was time so she could heal and not fall in to a coma.” My Lycan/Kelpie form explained then faded back to the background.

“Ok. Well that makes sense. So basically the second legend is the same but you will start getting your powers earlier and your memories will come sooner as well. Every thing else is the same. I am assuming that me showing up has thrown the timeline as well. But no matter, it is for your protection.” Saffar says.

I fade in to my mind and ask my forms about every thing. I know they have been listening so I know they can answer my questions.

“Yes the legend is true. No you did not cause atrocities. The one who is trying to kill you did. She has been jealous of you and wants to end you and your mates before you regain your memories and full powers. Now that your babes have been born they are at risk as well. It is ok that Saffar is here. He will help protect you. But he needs his other half for him to protect you better. They can mate but it is not time for you to mate with them. A new timeline has been made and if it gets differed from again you will die.” My forms explain.

“Saffar do you know who your male counter part is?” I ask.

“No I originally thought it was going to be Acrux. Wait I actually may know. Seeing that each one is an opposite.” Saffar says.

“Oooo I know who it is. I will summon him if you wish Chris.” AnLeon says.

I nod my assent and AnLeon starts summoning someone. I sit there and stare at Saffar. He seems really afraid and I am unsure why. When AnLeon starts repeating a name Saffar starts shaking. The guys and I stand up and go and hug Saffar. I may not be able to mate him yet but I will not stand by and let him be afraid.

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