Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 30

“You all seem so shocked we were able to figure out things so fast. Why?” I say perturbed.

“We have been working on this for years and you guys only look at it for ten minutes and have it figured out. It was amazing to see. We knew you were smart but what you four just did, we even could not fully put every thing together the way you guys did.” Trent says.

I slightly blush at this but I shake my head a little and say, “You guys are taking this too hard. You have been working on it for years. You just needed fresh sets of eyes on it to put things in to perspective.”

“Umm Chris. Hydrus, AnLeon, and I did not even figure it out like you guys did,” Acrux says.

I sit there and stare not completely understanding what he is getting at. So I ask, “What are you saying?”

“For me I am an investigator, spy, assassin, and other things in the Unseelie Realm. I know AnLeon is the same in the Seelie Realm even though he is a prince. I am unsure about Hydrus though. But the fact that neither of us noticed what you guys did shows some thing about the way you guys can compartmentalize all the information in front of you. It is a great skill and an amazing asset to have.” Acrux explains.

“Oh.” I say while my face is turning red.

“Ok, so I have a question. Do you guys by any chance have a file on everything that has been going on in the castle and pictures of the staff that were hired for no reason?” I ask

“Well,” Oscar says while scratching the back of his neck. “That is a little difficult. So we are unsure of which ones were hired with no reason. We just noticed extra bodies.”

“Then there are the complaints from head staff that they have extra bodies that they do not need and was given no reason of why they were hired.” Theo finished what Oscar was saying.

“This is not good guys. Is there a pic in here of Clade?” I ask.

Max points to one of the ones on the board. My heart dropped. This is going to get really messy and fast. I sit there thinking and looking at every thing, trying to fit all the pieces together. There is something missing but I just can not put my finger on it. Then a thought occurred to me.

“Get me all of the files on the packs that you have been investigating. I need these like yesterday, that is how important this is.” I demand immediately.

“Persephone do you have to go back or can you stay longer. I would really like your help here if you can.” I say quickly.

Persephone pulls me closer to her and says in my hear softly, “I can. The babe has chnaged me somehow and that is why I was able to survive in the cells for so long. I really want to help you with all this. I need to find the bastard that did this to me and make him pay.”

I do not reply but just grab her and hug her fiercely. I let her go only when I hear the babes start to fuss. I look over to see Hydrus and AnLeon return to the table both with a babe sleeping in their arms. They are so cute right now. As I was watching the guys look over the list I created, while rocking the babes I could not help but smile. Acrux leans over and pulls me back so I am leaning against him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. AnLeon seems to be looking at some thing specific and I swear I can see the wheels turning in his head.

“What is it An?” I ask.

“I just realized why you asked for all the files from the packs that are being investigated. There are a lot of holes here but I feel you are on to something with wanting those files. I feel like they will not only fill the holes but give us more information on what exactly is going on.” AnLeon states.

“We should have Everly make us some food and take a break then regroup. Unless everyone wants to keep working and just take a break while we eat?” I say.

“I think we should keep working and break while we eat. We have only started to make progress and we should not stop now. I have one of my trusted guards grabbing the files you requested. She will be here any minute. She is one of my personal guards and was not part of the questioning earlier. Before you get mad she was out dealing with some issues that popped up because of the arrests made. You can scan her memories when she comes in.” Theo says.

“Alright,” Hydrus says before I can respond.

“I am starving. I can not wait for food.” Persephone states which makes me giggle.

She just smiles and grabs my hand. I send her soothing and loving vibes. I want her to know that I am here for her no matter what.

“Seph, I really appreciate you being here and helping. I know your reasons and I support you one hundred percent. But I need you to tell everyone here what happened that way Theo over there will stop glaring daggers. You do not need to go in to detail but just give the basics. Or if you would like I can for you.” I say.

She sits there contemplating for a few minutes before she starts saying, “I am Hydrus’s youngest sibling. I have yet to come in to my powers yet. I have about six months left til I do. I do not know maybe a week or longer I was woken up in the middle of the night by a presence standing over me. As I went to scream they knocked me out. I came to with my body in excruciating pain and I was being raped. I was in a pitch black room and never saw the person clearly enough to recognize them, but they had tattoos and tons of scars. I remember because when I touched them to push them off me I could feel the jagged scaring all over. I could also feel the raised edges of tattoos almost like they had just been done or redone. Then I passed out again from all the pain. The next time I woke up I was in a cell in your dungeons. Days later I was brought to a room with a bunch of other Fae and that is when I met Christiana. She freed me after sifting through my memories and realizing that I had been switched with the actual prisoner. I did not belong there.”

There was complete silence. Hydrus had handed Acrux the babe while Persephone was talking and is now holding his baby sister while she is crying. I sit there glaring at Theo and he actually looks ashamed.

“Theo, I have my reasons for doing things. If you do not agree or question some thing, speak up.” I say and then leave it alone.


I can not believe this women would allow a criminal in here. A murdering Fae at that. Is she that blind or has she gone crazy. Hydrus pulls me away and drags me to a corner.

“What the bloody hell is your issue Theo?” Hydrus whisper yells at me.

“Your really going to ask me that. Why not ask your Mate my Queen what the hell she is doing letting a murderess Fae running around and inviting her in here at that.” I whisper yell back at him.

“Number one that Fae is my little sister. Number two the real Fae that was locked up was switch with my sister and Our Queen released my sister when she realized what happened.” Hydrus says.

We kept going back and forth for numerous minutes til the Queen started screaming at Hydrus to get her something. I walked away and kept vigilant til one of the Fae guards handed me a folder and I realized Hydrus was telling the truth. I decided to just go about business and try to forget it. But I kept finding myself glaring at Persephone.

My Queen saw me every time I glared and she said something to Persephone. After Persephone explained what happened to her I felt really bad and ashamed.


We sit there silently, each in our own thought while waiting for Margret to show up while Hydrus is still trying to console his sister. About five minutes goes by and the doors open and guards bring in three more large white boards followed by Margret. When my eyes land on her they light up. I jump up and run to her. I grab her and start crying. She awkwardly pats my back because she is holding so many folders in her arms. AnLeon pulls me back and consoles me. He can feel everything that is going through me and can tell the toll of not knowing what happened to her was killing me.

“Shh, shh, it is ok. She is alive and well. Come let us sit down and she can explain every thing.” AnLeon says.

He gently steers me back to my seat and has me sit down. I notice Acrux now has one of the babes. He has such a soft look on his face and it makes me want to cry again. AnLeon sits back down and rubs my back to get my attention. I look up at him and give him a watery smile of appreciation. I am so lucky to have these men as my mates.

“Chris, I see you have found more of your mates. I knew you were meant for great things and I am glad that I can be here for you.” Margret says.

I look over at her and ask, “What happened to you after I left the Library?”

“Well I sent the message as I said I was going to. But just after I sent it Sean had me arrested and I was held in an underground bunker, I did not even know about. It took some time but I managed to escape. I made it back to the Kingdom just after the sentencing took place. I wish I could have witnessed you tearing Sean apart. I have heard from so many people what you did and I am just happy that you were able to take vengeance on him.” Margret said.

“It was a sight to behold. You could see the wrath on her Lycan’s face while it happened. It was amazing.” Theo exclaimed.

“Ok, Ok, enough. I let my anger take over that day and I should not have done so. Afterwards I did feel a little better but it is not going to heal the damage done to me. I am thankful that you are ok Margret. I was so worried that some thing happened to you. I have missed you. Now that you are here I know that we will put an end to all of this. Plus you know where all of the Elders are located. We have to go there and my mates will be doing there own investigation. Plus their essence will be passed on to these two little ones. It has been deemed so by the Gods and Goddesses.” I say to Margret.

She looked surprised when I said this, then said, “May I hold them?”

After I gave her my consent she went and took them both in her arms and sat back down. She sat there studying them. After a few minutes passed a white light started to illuminate from the babes and this seemed to shock her even more. The light faded and she stood up and brought the babes back to the guys. After she sat back down she seemed to be in deep thought for awhile. Just as Margret started to speak the doors opened and Everly walked in pushing a cart full of food and drinks. Instantly my forms pushed forward to make sure it was safe.

“No need to worry your Majesty I made all of this myself in my own quarters that way it could not be tampered with.” Everly said.

“I really appreciate that Everly. I know you take your job very seriously. Once this investigation is done and we restore order in the castle I am going to appoint a new Head of Kitchen that is worthy of the job. I am going to make you the personal chef to the Kings and Queen.” I say to her.

“Oh my your Majesty. You do not need to do that, especially when we know these men know how to cook for you. But I will serve you in any way you need me to. I only ask that you let me pick the person to take over. I have one specific lass that I have been grooming since she was little. She knows what is going on and has been trying to help me take care of the situation in the kitchen.” Everly responds.

“Everly I trust your judgment and will let you pick who proceeds you. I want you close to us that way no harm comes to you during everything that is going on. I do not need Clade doing something underhanded while he is still here. He will be dealt with soon.” I tell her.

“Thank you, your Majesty.” Everly says and bows.

“Would you like to join us Everly? You can explain what has been going on in the kitchen after we have finished our meal.” I asked her.

“Yes your Majesty that would be lovely. It is not very often I get to have the company of so many handsome young men.” She replied giggling. The guys all chuckled at this.

“Is there enough food for the guards that have been stationed outside the doors Everly?” I ask.

“Oh yes. I made a feast to make sure you were all fed well and then some.” She replied.

“Theo do you think the guards are able to come in to eat or should we set up a little table for them to eat out side the door?” I ask.

“I just had some guards bring a table and a couple chairs for them so they can still keep an eye out for any one and eat.” Theo said.

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