Emerald Luna

Chapter 7


Yesterday was just too much… I took a personal day from helping Alarick to help clear my mind… I put on some hiking clothes and figured I’d go on a hike maybe even do some climbing. Alarick was already in his study but I could tell he wasn’t focused on work either. I head towards the kitchen to pack some snacks for myself when I smell Alarick’s earthy scent coming towards me.

“I thought you were working today.” I gave him a confused look at why he was following me instead of in his study.

“I couldn’t concentrate knowing they upset you from yesterday. I asked Koa to fill in for me today so I can be here for you…” I smile at him. Knowing that he took the day off for me... I felt touched.

“Thanks that means a lot to me. I don’t even know who I am anymore… what if my actual parents are some criminals or they were trying to hide me from something or-“ He pulls me into a hug trying to stop me from panicking.

“Or what if they’re good people who were scared out of their mind leaving their child with some random werewolf pack? Maybe they were just trying to protect you from whatever was harming them. They missed out on 21 years with the best woman I’ve grown to love…”

“Love?” He hasn’t told me ‘I love you’ before…

“Yes, love… we’ve been together for almost two months and I’ve grown to love you. I want to protect, care, adore, make sweet love with, be there for your highs and lows… I love you, Esmerelda.” My head snapped up to his eyes in shock. Nobody ever calls me by my real name unless I was in trouble.

“I love you too, Alarick.” I blush as I tell it to him back and I give him the most passionate kiss I could give. I figured I could wait on my hike and we both go up to our room. I change out of my hiking clothes and into one of my lacey baby doll nightgowns in the bathroom. I had been saving for our special moment like this. It’s black with spaghetti straps, just enough lace to cover my chest, see-through and it went to my knees. It also came with a matching thong that not only covered most of my front but enough see-through material to cover my butt crack. It left little to the imagination. I took a deep breath as I opened the bathroom door to our bedroom and his eyes looked like they were saucers and he gives me the sexiest smile. Checking me out with his eyes, I just stand in the doorway for a minute trying to muster the courage to move my legs.

“Why don’t you come over here. You look so damn sexy!” I blush as he tells me that. His eyes turn from his blueish grey to midnight black and I can feel his lust for me over our bond. I sashay over to the bed where he was laying shirtless in front of me. I knew he was good-looking, but damn I have a good-looking alpha for my mate. I give him a shy smile as I straddle his lap.

“Damn you are so handsome.” He lets out a hardy laugh as he realizes I’m checking him out too.

“Are you checking me out?”

“Yes, I am and not ashamed to admit it.” We both let out a laugh as he wraps his arms around me.

“Where in the world did you get this??”

“I’m not as sheltered as you may think I am. I went to college in the city. I was hopeful for meeting my mate so I thought I’d get some lingerie for whenever I met him.”

“Well, I certainly like…” He kisses me as he pulls me close to him. It felt like the air was sucked out of my lungs but I didn’t care. I wrapped my arms around his neck enjoying the moment. I feel his hands trace all around my curves and taking off the thong. Kind of relieved that they’re not very comfortable but at least he likes it.

“I’ll be honest… I’m new to this too.” He blushes at me after I realize what he means.

“You waited for me?”

“Of course, I did. I knew none of the she-wolves here were my mate, so I still had a chance with someone. When you came into our life accidentally, I knew you were mine. Gunner was so excited to finally meet his mate.” He caresses my cheek and I can feel the sparks of the mate bond just explode. We run our hands down each other just to get a feel for each other and damn he is amazing and we haven’t even done anything yet! I work up the nerve to stay straddled him but he rolls on top of me before I get to make my decision. He delicately takes off my baby doll nightgown not to ruin it and just enjoys the view of my naked body.

“Like what you see?” I smirk at him as it’s getting harder and harder to control Mera from pouncing on Gunner.

“Yes, I do very much.” If his eyes were lusting over me before they are now. “Gunner wants to see Mera.”

“Well, why don’t we let them meet? Mera wants to see Gunner too.” I try to get down from the bed but Alarick kisses me before I can.

“I want you first. He can wait a few more minutes.” I giggle at them as they have to wait.

“I suppose that’s fair.” I kiss him back, and I take off his hiking pants as well. He sort of calmly asks me “You sure you want to do this?”

“I wouldn’t have gotten the lingerie out if I wasn’t ready.”

“Fair enough. Do you want to go the extra leap of marking each other?”

“Are you sure? That’s a big deal.”

“I know it is, we’ve been together for two months which for werewolves is a long time.”

“True… yes mark me.”

“Yes…you just said yes.” I think he was genuinely surprised that I said yes.

“Yes, I did.” I start crying tears of happiness.

“No need to cry, babe. This is a happy thing.”

“I am happy. I never really expected to find my mate. My former pack treated me like I was invisible so I was hopeful with the lingerie.” I giggle a little at the memory of buying that.

“Oh hun…well you’re not invisible to me…you’re all mine…” He wipes my happy tears away and starts kissing me. I feel him caressing my curves lovingly. His touch gave me goosebumps, and I unknowingly let out a moan as he wraps his arms around my waist. My cheeks blush as I feel him get hard around my hips. I tried not to stare but I couldn’t help myself damn even his lower half is sexy. His touch was loving but firm and eager. I could feel his fingers lightly touch my thighs and another moan escapes me. Didn’t realize his touch could affect me so much. While his other hand cupped my cheek and pulled me in for a steamy kiss. It was a kiss that felt like he had a hunger for me and didn’t want to let go. I could feel myself getting wet from his touch that I didn’t know he could do to me.

“You ready for me to go in?” I nod my head as he lowers himself onto me. I let out a scream of pain but luckily for me, it turns to pleasure as I get used to his length in me. “I’m sorry babe I know the first time hurts but this feels just as good for me as it does for you.” I cry out in pleasure as we both get used to the other as we both get into a rhythm. I rock my hips against him.

“You want me to fill you, babe? You like me being in you?”

“Uh-huh…” That was all I could muster out. He gripped my hips as he rocked me back and forth. I opened my mouth to moan, but he kisses me even slipping some tongue but I still let out a moan just muffled from his kiss. His thrusts were making my toes curl and I whimper as he keeps thrusting against me. My mind is mush right now and I am completely enjoying myself. A soft moan leaves my lips as he leaves a trail of kisses to my shoulder. He kisses my neck leaving my shoulder behind and before I know it his teeth sink into me. I let out a scream and I can feel him fill his seed in me as he marks me. He licks my mark to seal it and to make sure it heals properly.

“Your first orgasm babe… are you happy?” He smirks at me but looks hopeful that I’m happy.

“Of course, I am! Now it’s my turn.” I copy him and give him a passionate kiss but I don’t stay on his lips for long. I leave a trail of kisses down to his marking spot; I take a deep breath, elongate my canines, and sink them into his spot. I rock my hips back and I feel him fill me again while he lets out a loud moan as I mark him. I leave my teeth in his shoulder for a couple of seconds until I can feel his orgasm finish. My thighs were so shaken that I had to put them down on the bed and just let us finish our high. I had never felt myself get this high before. We were both panting as we finished and we just laid down on our queen-sized bed. He was stroking my hair and got behind me to rub my shoulders. I was still trembling while my heart rate and breathing eventually slowed down.

“Thank you for being my first and only, Alarick.” I smile at him as we hug.

“And thank you for being my first and only Esme. I think we should rest a little before going on our hike because that wore me out more than I thought it would.” He pulls me into his muscular chest and I cuddle up to him still naked. After our nap, we still went on that hike but I couldn’t be happier to be mated to Alarick. Most alphas are usually mean and arrogant but not mine. We hike the closest mountain to the packhouse which is Emcaster Mountain. There are spooky stories and legends around this mountain but I don’t believe any of them. We find this cave and immediately I get a chill down my spine.

“You, ok?” Alarick wraps his arm around me in a protective stance.

“Yeah, I’m fine just have a funny feeling about this place.” We explore this cave when out of nowhere a bright light almost blinds us.

“What the heck is that?” I yell out. I didn’t expect him to know.

“Looks like some really old box.” I reach out to it but I’m knocked back by the force of the box.

“Whatever it is, it’s a sturdy box.” It looked like a simple wooden jewelry box but it had pearl inlaid in the wood to make flowers with some emeralds as leaves. Probably made a long time ago, but yet the details are beautiful.

“How can a box be so powerful?” Alarick just thinking out loud. Suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I just knew we weren’t alone.

“That is because I made this box.” We both turn around to see a woman with light brown shoulder-length, straight hair pulled back with a headband, a Greek tunic on that had a golden corset-like thing around her waist, a bow, and arrows on her back, Greek-style sandals with shin guards.

“And who might you be?” I ask the strange woman who I’m a little scared of.

“My name is Agrotora but some call me Artemis. I’m the goddess of the moon, hunt, wild animals, vegetation, chastity, and childbirth.” Whoa… that’s deep didn’t expect that answer.

“May I try to open the box?” I ask nervously but also curious about what’s in it.

“Of course, you can, it’s made for you.” Made for me? I cautiously walk towards it and open the box. Inside was a beautiful emerald necklace. One bigger, maybe a carat, shiny stone that had ancient gold all around it and a smaller one that looked like a shiny bead all wrapped like it was in a flower. The chain was old gold and had an emerald on the clasp.

“This is for me? Why me?”

“I will explain all in due time, Esmerelda.” I snap my head at her when she said my name.

“How do you know me?”

“You are a special young woman… these texts will tell you how. Also, since you are mated to your love, you are both stronger than you know.” Magically appearing in front of me next to the box on this oddly smooth stone. It was a dark emerald green colored book with gold details on the spine and the title.

“The Emerald Luna? What does that mean?”

“I will explain all in due time, young warrior. I must go I have little time in this world, but I will come back.” Just as quickly as she came, she disappeared. I’m very freaked out, but I put on the necklace and put the book and box into my hiking bag. We quickly leave the cave but as we’re leaving, I look at my hair and I scream a little.

“Why is my hair green!?” bright emerald green replaced my beautiful dark brunette hair. I never dyed my hair crazy colors, so this is very weird for me.

“Maybe it has to do with what Tora/Artemis said?” I knew he was guessing, but this was beginning to become too much… I’m just an ordinary omega wolf who fell in love with my handsome mate. What does all this have to do with me? I’m so confused…

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