Emerald Luna

Chapter 6


A couple of weeks have gone by with ease and Alarick has finally made it a point to spend time with me! Twice a week I’d be his secretary and sometimes it’d be business and sometimes it’d be flirty… we’re in his office together and sometimes I dress professionally for him to make an impression and show off myself in a pencil skirt. We give each other some flirty looks at each other trying to get some work done, but it doesn’t seem to work well. I walk over in my nice shiny three in black heels and we have a small make-out before getting back to work. I’m helping him file some stuff when I get a mindlink from my dad. Since I’m not officially a member of Emerald Warrior yet, I can still mind link my family and friends.

Sweetie, it’s dad! We’re under attack!” He sounds out of breath and desperate.

“What!? How can we help!? I want to help!” Worried for my friends and family I jump into action almost ripping my formal work clothes.

“Ask your alpha to send as many warriors you can spare and that’d be great!”

“Sure, I can do that!” I hold on to the file cabinet so I don’t fall over from the shock.

“Babe is something wrong?” He seems genuinely concerned which is nice.

“News from home, my former pack is under attack! We need to help them!” I see some hurt in his eyes when I say that my former pack is still home, but right now we need to I need to get back home. I change as fast as I could to workout clothes and run downstairs to meet with the rest of the warriors.

“Listen up everyone! Our neighbors are under attack, we need to get there as quickly as we can and get rid of the threat! Do you understand?” He commanded his warriors, and I agreed with him. Nobody was going to harm my home and get away with it.

“Yes alpha!” All the guys and a couple of ladies answer him. Alarick and I are in the front leading them to my former pack. I’m worried about my parents and friends… hoping that they’re ok. When we get there seem to be about 20 rogues. Luckily, it was less than what I thought despite that, I don’t want anyone to get hurt! I had one rogue come up behind me but I could flip him over like Accalia and Koa taught me and going to get some answers.

“Why the heck are you attacking a random pack??” I probably look like a maniac but I don’t care right now.

“We’re looking for something and also told it was somewhere in this area.” Looking for something?? In the middle of the mountains?? Why?!

“Well, what the heck are you looking for??” I shouted at him angrily. I wanted some damn answers.

“We were told it was something powerful that’s of value to us hidden somewhere.” It made me think of the local legend my dad told me about a month ago but thought it was crazy. Is he high on something?? The rogue stumbled away after interrogating him. Between our warriors and my former alpha’s warriors, we took them down in no time. Some running away and some got killed.

Mom, dad are you ok??” I asked hoping they were alright.

“Yeah, we’re alright… a few scratches but we’ll be ok.” Oh, thank goodness…

“Accalia, Rica are you ok??” I asked the same way I didn’t want anyone I cared for to be hurt.

“Yeah, we’re fine too!” Great, my loved ones are ok… that’s a relief.

“Glad for all that training… didn’t think I’d need to use it.”

“You ok, sweetie?” My mom asks worriedly.

“Yeah, some scratches from some rogues trying to grab me, but I got away obviously with some help from Alarick.” Alarick runs to me to make sure I’m ok and I just bolt to him to hug him he’s ok…

“Esme you alright??” I hug him tight thankful they did not hurt him during the fighting.

“Yeah, nothing that I couldn’t handle. I even got to interrogate one before he stumbled away.” I smirked at what I did during the battle. A little proud and probably still on an adrenaline rush.

“Well, why don’t we round up the higher-ups and your parents to find out what the heck is going on?” Accalia mind links her alpha and we all head to the packhouse to figure out what’s going on… I’m a little shaken up from the fight and probably still running on adrenaline. We get to the study where Accalia is next to the desk and my former alpha behind it.

“Alpha Alarick, this is Alpha Conan.” I nervously introduce them. Hoping this was going to go well.

“Nice to meet you.” They shake hands to make pleasantries and luckily things seem to be civil for now. To think that my mate meeting my former alpha is a little weird to me since I used to have a crush on him as a kid, but never acted on it. Guess it benefited me I never did, anyway. Conan is like all the other wolves around here. The corn-fed, buff, and the strong country guy that everyone thinks about and about 6ft. Muscles as big as my head that I’d be terrified to go against, but he is easy on the eyes with those nice hazels. Don’t tell Alarick…

Alarick is all mine… all 5ft10 and 200lbs of muscle… yeah but don’t let the macho look fool you he’s really a sweet teddy bear well to me at least.

“So, what happened today? Why were you randomly attacked?” Alarick kicks things off by asking the obvious.

“I could interrogate a rogue before he stumbled away, alpha Conan.”

“Please go ahead, Esme.” I didn’t think he knew my name. That surprises me.

“Well, according to the rogue, they were looking for something in around our area, apparently something of value of some form is hidden here. He didn’t say what it was only that it was powerful and that they want it badly.” It was like you could hear a pin drop like everyone knew something and I didn’t… Mom walks over to us as well with a sad look on her face. “Mom, what’s wrong?”

“We should’ve told you this years ago, but were too afraid to, but now that people are looking for this valuable thing and you… it’s time that you knew the truth…” She has tears in her eyes and my dad gives her a comforting hug.

“You’re adopted…” To say I’m shocked is an understatement! I get off the couch and pace around a little holding back Mera from going all crazy. Alarick tries to hug me but I push him away too…

“I’m sorry… what!? I go 21 years and you’re just telling me now!?”

“We wanted you to live a normal life… we found you on the edge of the pack border with a note saying what your name was and that when the time was right, your actual parents would come back and find you.” I just had to leave… I bolted out of the room with everyone telling me to go back, but I just couldn’t… everything was a lie… my whole life was a lie… Mera needed to run to calm down. I check on my former pack members to see if there’s still any more injured that needed help so I’m focused on something else instead of thinking about what I was just told. Unfortunately, there weren’t a lot of injured wolves so I just let the doctors do their jobs.

I find the gym and just take my aggression out on a punching bag and I’d rather hit it than someone I care for. About 20mins later I can sense Alarick behind me probably not wanting to get too close to me.

“Sweetie, you want to come back to the meeting?” He sounds hopeful that I’d come back, but I’m just too angry.

“How can I go back in there when I’ve been lied to for the past 21 years?!” I cry angry tears and they fall down my face. I stop punching the bag and just fall to the ground. He puts a supportive arm around my shoulders.

“I know you’re in shock, but let’s see what else they have to say… ok? Mera, are you ok?” My eyes change from my emerald green to her jade green eyes.

“We’re hurt, and in shock, but this was the safest way for us to take our anger out.” He shifts to Gunner’s jade eyes too.

“We won’t hurt you… please come back to us.” He shifts back to himself and hopefully, that’s enough to calm us down. I stop beating the crap out of the punching bag and just sob into his chest. He wraps me in a hug and we go back to the office.

“Sweetie, we’re sorry we didn’t tell you sooner.” My mom hugs me as well and I let her. They may not be who I thought they were, but they still raised me.

“So crazy people looking for a powerful item, what does this have to do with them attacking us and wanting to grab me?”

“Well, for now, your guess is as good as ours. I’d say you stay with your mate and keep living life as if today never happened.” Conan speaks up from behind the desk. Alarick with a comforting arm around my waist pulls me close.

“I agree, we shouldn’t live in fear that more rogues will come cause then we won’t enjoy life while we’re still together.” He kisses me on the temple and I still try to take deep breaths to calm down.

“Alright, well I guess if the meeting is over then I’d like to go home with my mate…” I leave the office as quickly as I can and shift back into Mera to go back home. I could feel Alarick and Gunner close behind us but we just wanted to run and let off some steam. It doesn’t take long for us to see the packhouse again. I wet my paws from the stream and dirt stuck in my fur but I didn’t care… as we got closer, I try to clean up my paws with the closest water source and shift back to myself. I make it back to our room to take a shower to clean the rest of me the events of today just whiz on by my head… I can feel the anger and worry all come back and just bang my fists against the wall of the shower… luckily, I didn’t break any tiles or the wall itself but it made me feel a little better. Alarick comes back 10 minutes later and I get out of the shower and just smell his scent to help me calm down more.

“I know you’re upset with what happened, but I will try my best to make things better.” He carries me to the bed, and he kisses me everywhere to make me feel better…

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