Emerald Luna

Chapter 8

I’ve been reading and staring at this book and necklace for almost two weeks… what does all this have to do with me? What makes me so special? I do not know… since leaving the cave my hair went back to its normal brunette which I was thankful for. That green color didn’t look good on me. I’ve been keeping the necklace close to me if not wearing it at all times. Who knows who’s trying to steal it or use it for its power? Whatever power it has… lost in my thoughts on this book that I’ve read repeatedly trying to see if it makes any sense, and my new necklace Alarick puts his arms around my waist to distract me. I went to the library again to read this book and to figure it out.

“Come on babe, you’ve been working on this too much. I know you want to figure out who you are and what the heck this has to do with you, but you can’t figure it out all in one day. It’s going to take time.” I took a deep breath and fall into his chest and let him comfort me.

“I suppose you’re right. I just have so many questions and nobody to answer them. Ugh, I’m so confused!” I let out a frustrated groan and lay down on the bed. Why is this so dang hard to figure out??

“I can tell you will not forget this anytime soon, so let me see the book.” I hand him the book gladly because I was so dang confused.

From childhood, Agrotora, also known as Artemis, loved to be surrounded by the earth. Its beauty mesmerizing her, its peace soothing her. She would spend hours at a time in the woods, listening for the disturbances in the trees to hunt. Over the years she would grow to become a gifted huntress and so her father, God of the Heavens and thunder made her Goddess of the Hunt. On her 16th birthday, the mighty God gifted his daughter a necklace of emerald green. But it was no ordinary necklace for it gave its bearer special powers. Powers to communicate with the wildlife, heal the wounded or spread disease and control the element of the earth. It was a very special gift indeed and Agrotora cherished it dearly, wearing it every day while she was in the woods.

One day, the young Goddess went hunting as she always did and after hours of hunting and running around the forest, desperately needed a bath. She undressed from her hunting clothes near a tall mountain with a small river running by it, placing her necklace on a small boulder while she went to freshen up. Little did she know, she was not alone, for in the trees, a couple of fairies named Skylark and Nightshade Moonclover from the Moonclover clan. A clan that’s notorious for being greedy tricksters. So, while the goddess bathed, the pair of fairies flew down from their hiding spot in the trees and took the necklace wanting its powers for themselves.

The goddess was devastated and began a search for her necklace. Many moons would pass, but she never found it. The Moonclovers would use its powers for generations, passing on the necklace from member to member. That is until Lumiona Moonclover received it. Knowing its history, Lumiona set off into the mountains where it was taken in the snow and cold and placed it in a wooden box that had pearl and emerald flowers on it, which was also passed down to her, for the Goddess to find in a cave. When she got there, she realized that her hair was a shade of emerald green making her realize she was a part of the family who hurt Agrotora many many years ago. Agrotora saw this, and she was so happy that she got her beloved necklace back! She saw she didn’t use it for tricks and pranks and rewarded her for doing the right thing. Letting her keep it but only to use it for good, times of trouble, and not for selfishness or greed. As Lumiona was on her deathbed, she told her son to put it back in the cave so someday someone in the family will find it and use it for good. So, her son did as he was instructed and put it back. No one knows when it’ll be reunited with the Moonclover family again…

“Wow… quite a legend.” He finished reading it and had just as confused look as I did.

“Who is this family? Who is Lumiona? What does it have to do with me?” All these questions and no answers…

“It could be possible that this is your actual family. Remember, your mom, well your adopted mom, said that you were adopted.” That was probably the biggest information bomb I’ve had since finding out I was adopted… this whole thing is my family… “If you read it again, Lumiona, her hair turned green as yours did in the cave. So, you have to be related somehow.”

“I-I guess… fairy?? I wouldn’t have guessed that…” I sat down in the chair I was using and tried to process all of this. “Why would my parents give me up?”

“Only they can tell you that, and now that we have the last name, we can start looking for them! It’s not much since it’s just a family name, but at least it’s something.”

“Yeah, I suppose… what if I have siblings or what if my actual parents are dead or what if they still don’t want me or what if-“

“Or what if they feel so guilty for leaving you behind that they’re looking for you too…” He gives me a hug to calm my nerves “We’ll find them…” I dig through every fairy book we had to find this family. If they are my actual family, I’m going to find them.

“If I’m part fairy, wouldn’t I have wings?” I look around to my back... no wings.

“You’re asking the wrong person… sorry… full werewolf.” We both let out a small laugh and it felt good to laugh and make a joke.

“Thanks for making me laugh… I needed it. So… where do we go from here?”

“Well, I can look around the supernatural world seeing if a couple of fairies are missing their daughter, they gave up over 20yrs ago… and since we have the last name, it can be that much easier.”

“I can look around books. Anything to give us a name… so many questions and no answers…”

“You’ll get your answers soon. Just hang on a little bit longer…” He gave me another sympathetic hug, and I gladly accepted it. His touch always made me happy. As much as I didn’t want to let go of him, we had some work to do…

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