Emerald Luna

Chapter 12


It has been almost two days since Esme and her dad have been ‘asleep’… I’m getting anxious about them waking up and so is May. It’s raining and all I feel like I can do is pace my room and just try to be there for her. May has been sleeping on the couch near Oleander so she doesn’t have to be away from him and I try to sleep with her when I can.

“How long are they going to be like this!? It’s been days! I would’ve thought she would’ve been with us by now!” Gunner was missing his mate in Mera, I was missing Esme… I figured this would take time but days?!

“I’m sorry but these things take time… it varies from fairy to fairy, but what can be a few hours back at our home can be a few days here.”

“There’s a time difference!?” I growl so loudly that I almost shake the entire house! An alpha without his luna almost feels incomplete.

“Unfortunately, yes… I know your pain… it’s not just your mate… she’s my daughter… and you’ve had more time with her since you’ve known her longer than I have in her entire lifetime.” I let out a deep sigh. She had a point… I probably know her daughter better than she does. I walk over to her and try to give her a sympathetic hug. It felt weird to hug her but I guess it’ll get better with time. The stormy weather seemed to reflect my mood… dark, gloomy, and upset. I miss her… I need her… I love her… I go over to the punching bag I had brought to our room and start beating the crap out of it to let some aggression and frustration out.


I could almost hear dad and Rose talking, but right now I just want out of this darn thing. I try to break free like I’ve seen butterflies do when getting out of their cocoon. The sooner I get out of this thing the sooner I can get back to Alarick. I’ve missed him so much… sure my actual body may be back sleeping on our bed but it’s probably not the same. I try to move my arms and legs but man they wrapped me up well. I’m ready to get out but I do not know how to get out. I just keep wiggling my way around and soon I break myself open! I try to make the hole bigger so I can get out and finally I can get out!

“I’ve had enough of confined spaces and being tucked in for now!” I stretch myself out and readjust to moving again. Ugh, I’m so stiff. Dad and Rose look at me like I have three eyes on my face.

“What’s wrong? Did I do something that I shouldn’t have?”

“No, not at all sweetie, it’s just you were only out for a couple of hours which means you were asleep for maybe two days back in your world. That’s pretty short for a fairy except for… no… can’t be.”

“Can’t be what dad?” Now I’m more confused than I was when I went to sleep.

“Well, there are rumors about my family… that once every couple of generations that they’d be blessed by some necklace. I had only heard stories about it…” Then he notices the necklace around my neck. “It can’t be…”

“This thing? I’ve only had it for maybe a few weeks close to a month. I never take it off.”

“So, you… you found the cave? The box? The mysterious book?” He’s looking at me like I’m a ghost now.

“Yup all in the house in our room. I keep it close to me so I can find out more about myself.”

“Amazing… so do a little twirl let’s see your true fairy form” Oh yeah, I had completely forgotten about that. I spin around for him and he looks at me with awe, happiness, and pride. I try to look at myself in something reflective and the closest thing I could find is a stream nearby. I see myself with an emerald forest green hue to my skin, the same swirly tattoos on dad except on my shoulders and chest, but what I’m in awe about is my wings…they’re so beautiful. The edges are a bright light green almost white and they swirl around to a dark forest green near the tip’s kind of ombre effect. The lower part is near my hips while the tops are taller than me swirling into curls on the ends.

“Well, go ahead try them out.” Dad urges me to fly. Well, I guess there’s a first for everything. I start simple with just flapping them, then flutter, and then I start to actually fly around.

“I can’t believe this!” I smile so wide my cheeks hurt! I’m actually flying!

“You’re doing so well, honey!” Dad encourages me from the ground, but I can see he’s a very proud parent right now. I fly back down to the ground and land pretty well without injuring myself.

“I can’t believe I just did that! That was amazing! Ok now, how do we get back home? I really want to get back to Alarick and mom.”

“I know I miss them too. Rose will have to do it for us since I can’t do it to myself. Here, use the yellow dust that’s supposed to wake us up. Let’s go home…” I couldn’t wait to show mom and Alarick my new wings! I wanted to hold him again.

“Before we go, can I see your house… where I would’ve lived?” I was curious about where I could’ve lived. I had always wondered since my wolf mom had told me they adopted me where I was supposed to be.

“Sure, it’s close to here.” He guides me to a tree, but it’s a literal treehouse. Wooden steps are leading up to it and it’s big enough for a wolf to fit inside.

“I made it especially for us. Took a decent stump that wasn’t dead and transformed it into a house for your mom and me. I also had to make it big enough for her to fit in so I had to do it maybe ten times bigger than a normal fairy house.” We both laugh at that. I can tell this is the biggest house around. These fairy houses were tiny but cute! We get inside and it’s like a living fairytale! Everything was normal size instead of teeny tiny, and it looked like a normal house except for it probably being magical. Living room, dining room, kitchen on the main floor, a spiral staircase leading upstairs to the bedrooms, and bathroom.

“Why couldn’t I stay here?”

“Because of that necklace… if they knew you were here other fairies would’ve used you to get to it and use it for pranks and tricks which isn’t what you’re supposed to use it for…” It made me sad I couldn’t live with my actual parents, but I love my wolf parents and they gave me a good life.

“Rose… dad… I’ve seen enough… I don’t want to cause any more sadness over what could’ve been so let’s go home…” I lay down on what I presume was mom and dad’s bed and Rose blows the yellow dust on me first and I presume to dad next, hopefully giving that stuff back to him. Soon I can feel Alarick’s hand in mine. The worry and anxiousness through our bond. I groan and squeeze his hand to let him know that I’m back and dad does the same.

“You’re back! I’ve been so worried! Are you ok!?”

“I’m better than ok! I have my wings and they’re beautiful! They’re a forest emerald green and almost as big as me!”

“That’s great sweetie! I can’t wait to see them, but I’ve missed you so much!” He wraps me in a big hug and I hold on to him until he wants to let go. I’ve missed his scent… a pine forest after a summer rain. I lay my head on his shoulder and just breathe him in. My parents leave us alone and they probably go to their room.

“Can you try to show me your wings here or does it have to be in your fairy home?”

“You know… I didn’t ask before we left, but I can try.” I try to focus on my wings like how I focus before shifting to Mera. Soon I can feel them uncurl and a green glow comes out from behind me. I smile as I realize what I had done, and he sees me as my fairy self for the first time.

“You’re just as beautiful as a fairy as you are a wolf… I love you no matter what you are.”

“I love you too.” I give him a passionate kiss just to let him know I missed him just as much as he missed me. We make sweet sweet love to each other for the rest of the day until we fall asleep in each other’s arms.

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