Emerald Luna

Chapter 11


Her dad put some weird sleeping dust on her and she instantly fell asleep comfortably on our bed. Well, at least she seemed alright. I sit down on our bed and continue to hold her hand… now I guess we let nature take its course.

“What does that dust do?” I look up at her dad curiously.

“It’ll help with the transition and make it smoother. It also will help her connect with the fairy part of herself and to our home. I can try to guide her in her dreams on what to do, but it takes a lot of energy for me to do that, but seeing her after all these years… I’d do anything for her.” Her mom, I called her May, gives him a consoling hug and leans her head on his shoulder.

“She’ll be fine dear… we have to have confidence in her.” I can see him becoming more and more anxious by the minute. Pacing the room like his hands were tied, he wanted to help Esme but maybe he couldn’t.

“I have to guide her somehow. I just can’t sit here and do nothing…” Her dad walks over to my side of the bed to sit next to her.

“Be careful Ollie… come back to us… both of you…” He squeezes her hand in reassurance and smiles at her.


It felt like dad teleported somewhere. I don’t recognize this place at all but it’s beautiful. Everything seemed to sparkle, from the trees to the grass even the path all seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. There were weeping willow trees over ponds, and a garden with large and colorful flowers of all shapes, sizes, and species with bridges over every stream and pond. Soon I could feel I was being watched… I wasn’t alone.

“Who’s there?” I shout out in worry wondering who was following me.

“Do not be afraid, I am a friend.” A little flower fairy flies up to me. She was so cute with rose-colored wavy, chest-length hair, a rose petal dress, and leaf green eyes!

“Who are you and how do you know me?”

“My name is Rosalinda Brightleaf, but friends call me Rose. It’s nice to meet you, Esme.” I stare at her in shock with her already knowing my name.

“I’ll ask again, how do you know me?” I asked her nervously.

“I’m a friend of your dad’s. He should be here soon if he isn’t already.”

“My dad is here?? He was just with me at my house in the wolf world.” I’m confused about how could he be here and there at the same time. I sit down on a boulder that seemed to support my weight and tried to figure out what was going on.

“Look, one moment I’m in my room sitting on my bed and the next I’m here.”

“Did Oleander throw some gold dust on you?”

“How did you-“

“It’s sleeping dust. It helps humans, and other supernaturals sleep or in your case get your wings. You must be a new fairy.”

“Uh yes, I am…” Soon in the distance, I hear footsteps becoming louder and louder.

“Esme!” I look up at the voice to see my dad or who I think is my dad. His wings looked more like swirling water in a stream with the blues and greens on his wings and they stretched from just above his head to just above his knees, he had these swirly and black tattoos like things on his arms and chest, and he had a beard which he didn’t have back home!

“Dad!? What are you doing here? And why are you so… different?” He didn’t look the same as he did when I just saw him.

“I came to help you. I couldn’t let you do this alone. I have already missed out on so much of your life that I didn’t want to miss this. Also, this is how I really look, shapeshifter, remember. If you saw me like this back at your home, you would’ve probably screamed at me.” That was actually kind of sweet. I give him a small smile but yeah, I probably would’ve screamed at him.

“Aww, how sweet!” Rose has a big smile on her face and giggles at us

“I see you two have met.” He laughs at us with our small interaction.

“We have but I’ve been doing most of the talking.” Rose blushes at her confession and he laughs more.

“Well, this is her first time in her actual home give her a moment to breathe, Rose.”

“I’m sorry but how do you two know each other??” I’m getting more and more confused by the second the more these two interact with each other.

“She’s a friend of mine that I’ve known for a long time, we can trust her. So now that we’re together let’s get you your wings.” He beams with pride as he guides me to a large flower that kind of reminds me of a rose or a tulip.

“Ok, why do we need a flower?”

“Fairy flowers can help support you as we help you make a cocoon and you’ll be put to sleep again. Then what’s a couple of hours here will be a few days back with your mate in your room.”

“Seems simple enough…” Sure I just become a butterfly-like thing, sleep, and wake up with wings… yeah this happens to normal people every day…

“I think this rose will do!” Rose points out this dazzling dark pink rose that seemed big enough to support me so I guess she’s smarter than she looks.

“So, climb the flower and we’ll help you from there.” Dad gives me a reassuring smile and I’m still very confused but I listen to him and climb the flower.

“Do I have to sleep upside down like butterflies do or can I just lay down?” Being half-serious I didn’t know what to expect.

“You can lie down no need to be upside down, you’ll get a head rush if you do.”

“Oh, people have done that… whoops…” Dad laughs at me and gives me a reassuring hug.

“Everything will be alright, it’s as easy as falling asleep and waking up.”

“Except I’m here and away from mom and Alarick…” I miss him so much… wish he was here with me.

“He is here. He’s holding your hand in your room, technically this is all a dream. Kind of like how Alice goes to Wonderland, but she’s really asleep same concept.” Yeah, I watched “Alice in Wonderland” but it’s been a while… think I’m mind blown… this is all too much for one day… I felt light-headed before fainting in front of Rose and dad I lay down.

“Easy there kiddo… I know this is a lot to process but you just have to trust me.” He catches me and hugs me. I calm myself down and look up at him waiting for more instructions.

“Alright… I’ll blow more dust on you and we’ll get to making your cocoon.” He blows the gold dust again and I’m fast asleep again. I feel so relaxed and calm with this stuff. I can feel them spin the cocoon and soon I’m completely covered up like I’m wrapped up in a blanket, and now we wait…

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