Emerald Luna

Chapter 13

Warg POV

It has been weeks since I’ve been watching Esme. In between trying to come up with a plan to get Esme back and keeping up the charade that I’m fine, to my dear sister, Selena, and somehow finding my proper mate, Violet, while visiting Selena in Knoxville.

“Warg, please,” Violet begs “We can make this work! Why do you keep fawning over this girl who isn’t your mate and clearly doesn’t want you!?”

We’re in the cabin that I’ve recently built and kept hidden not too far from her new pack. I hear her sobbing and blubbering over me as I’m trying to come up with a plan. I try to walk away from her but she keeps following me like a lost puppy! Makes me sick that I even keep her around.

“Violet, get this through your thick head!” I snapped at her and she backs into a wall. “I. DON’T. WANT YOU! I want Esme! So, unless you’re going to help me get her back then you’re useless to me!”

I slap her across the face for trying to grab onto my shirt. I normally don’t like to hit women but sometimes they just deserve it!

“Get off my back! You think you can take me!? You’re crazy!”

I shove her onto the couch. But then this annoying pup gave me an idea…

“Wait, maybe you could be of use…”

She looks up at me with hope in her eyes, or I’m guessing that maybe she thinks I’m going to take her back.

“Anything, Warg!” She smiles and has hope in her eyes. “I’ll do anything to have you love me!”

Ok, now she’s just desperate and pathetic…

“I want you to be all buddy, buddy with her. Act like you’re lost, don’t have a pack, and she’ll take you in. Be her best friend and when she least suspects it… you’re going to kidnap her for me…”

I give her a grin, knowing full well that she probably won’t do it, but if she wants to be on my good side, she’ll do this.

“What??” she gasps and looks kind of scared.

The look of shock on her face is priceless. Maybe she actually thought I’d actually accept her. Eclipse, my wolf, was begging me to take her too, but I ignored him too. I only want Esme! She is my mate even if it is a chosen one!

“If you want to be with me and want me to accept your mate bond. Then you’ll kidnap the girl I want. Maybe we can even enjoy ourselves together…”

“Well…” She hesitates for a moment, actually thinking this over. “If this will make you happy and I can have you as my mate… I’ll do it.”

Holy crap, I didn’t think she’d actually do it!

I stare at her wide-eyed as she walks away from me and grabs a few clothes to put together in a small bag.

“I’m all set. If this crazy plan makes you fall in love with me, I hope it’s worth it in the end…”

Weirdly, I guess I felt bad for her, but I wouldn’t admit that in front of her.


Looking back at Warg as I leave our cabin. I try to smile at him, but I know it wouldn’t make a difference. I really love him and I know his own sister thinks he’s crazy for going after this girl even though he has me. His sister Selena seemed nice when we met back in Knoxville. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh to let out my nerves. I must be crazy too, for even considering doing this for him. Harming some girl that I don’t even know! I grip my bag harder since my hands are getting all sweaty, but no matter how much I keep walking in the direction Warg told me to, everything told me I should go back to him and just abandon this crazy plan. I don’t want him to reject me, but I’m even having doubts about this plan.

Does he even care that I’m doing this for him? Does he even care for me? He clarified that he only wants this Esme girl… maybe I should just reject him and move on with my life? I’m only 21 and have plenty of time to find a new mate. One that’d actually want and love me. I stop right in the middle of the path I’m on and just sob. Wondering what the heck I’m doing… is this all worth it? Warg made it known that he doesn’t care for me. Maybe I should just turn around and just reject him. I actually turn around but stop myself from going. What if this is the only way he’ll love me? Is that genuine love? I look to see some guards coming towards me. Well, guess there’s no going back now.

“HEY! What are you doing here??” One guard asks rudely.

“I’m just lost. I didn’t mean to bother anyone, but I think I can find my way home from here. It’s not far.” I act all nervous and scared, but it took little acting.

“Alright miss, run along now. Next time you’re here you’ll meet with our leadership.” The second guard says to me.

“Thank you… sorry for wasting your time.” I walk away and when the guards are out of sight, I climb a tree so they don’t see me. When they’re gone again, I text Warg about what happened, and no surprise he’s mad that I got caught by the guards. I can’t seem to do anything right, according to him, but then I had an idea.

“Wait, guards.” They turned around to face me again. “Can you take me with you? I don’t have a home to go back to and I’m a rogue.” I know saying that would get me some trouble since we usually frown upon rouges, but the guards seemed to pity me.

“Alright, we’ll take you to our alpha and luna, and we’ll see what happens from there, ok?” One guard reached out his hand to me and I shyly accepted it.

“Thanks. I know rogues don’t have an excellent reputation, but I don’t mean to cause trouble.” I let them lead the way. At first, I originally wanted to do this crazy plan to help Warg, but maybe I can use it to backfire on him and help this Esme girl. They lead me to a beautiful rustic-chic packhouse and there were small cabins around it. Seems like a decent-sized pack. The guards bring back their alpha and luna and I’m just in awe of them. He’s so handsome, and she’s so pretty. But they’ve already mated with each other, so no luck to me. I’m sure I’ll find a proper mate someday.

“Welcome to my pack. I’m Alpha Alarick and this is my luna, Esme. Sorry to hear you don’t have a home.” He looks at me with sympathy and compassion, something I hadn’t seen in a long time.

“Thank you alpha and luna for your kindness. I’m sorry for the intrusion, but I got lost in the woods and the guards found me. Hope I’m not in trouble.” I’m not trying to act. I was worried that this plan would flop before it even began.

“No, not at all. We have an empty cabin that we can easily set up for you, and my luna can help you with whatever you may need.” She smiles at me with the same kindness as the alpha. They both seem so nice how am I going to pull this off? Maybe I should just stop it and tell them what I know?

“Of course, whatever you may need. Come, let’s get you something to eat. I’m sure a good home-cooked meal sounds good.” Actually, it does… I haven’t had a decent meal since Knoxville. Warg didn’t want to draw attention to ourselves so we couldn’t use the fireplace he built. Selena has been texting me since we left to dump him as well. Maybe she’s right…

“Thank you luna.” I smile at her, and genuine tears well in my eyes.

“No need to call me luna, call me Esme, and no tears we’re here to help.” She hugs me and leads me inside to get some food. We sit down at some bar stools and I try to compose myself.

“It’s been a while since someone has shown me genuine compassion and kindness… I actually ran away from my mate…” I stare down at the counter in front of me trying not to cry again.

“Oh, I’m sorry… maybe you should reject him?” I look at her with wide eyes.

“I’m not sure… on the one hand I want to make him happy, but yet he’s shown me no compassion or kindness or even cares that I’m gone.” The flood gates opened, and I just sobbed on her shoulder.

“You poor thing. It’s ok… you know what can cure a broken heart? Comfort food and ice cream. Is there something special you remember loving?” She wraps an arm around me in comfort, and all thoughts of harming her are slowly going away.

“Well… my mom and I would make cornbread together. She’d make the best chicken and dumplings and sweet tea…” I smile at the memories… “And to top it all off apple fritters and ice cream… but if we wanted to make it a real treat, we’d go to the Old Mill restaurant in Pigeon Forge.”

“That all sounds nice. I’ve heard good things about Old Mill. Maybe we can make a trip sometime. What happened to your parents?”

“Sadly, when I ran off with my mate… I haven’t been able to contact them… he said it’d be better to cut them off.” I wiped away my leftover tears.

“Ok if he’s telling you to cut off your parents, yeah reject him so hard and fast he won’t see it coming.”

“I’m seeing that too. I snuck my phone out so I’ll call them when I’m settled in my new cabin.”

“Oh good. I’m glad I can help you feel better. It won’t be the same as mom’s but we make excellent cornbread and sweet tea. I can ask about the chicken and dumplings and fritters.”

“That’s so sweet, thanks, Esme.” I smile at her as she walks away to talk to the cook. Maybe living here won’t be so bad.

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