Dragon's Mercy

Chapter 9.

"Ryker, it's not what you think."

"You have no idea what I think, Maria."

"I know you're looking at me like I betrayed you when I didn't."

"So you didn't ignore my specific order to stay inside?"

"Well, I don't take orders. And your order didn't make any logical sense." She gives a nonchalant shrug, one she knows will increase his anger, but she doesn't care. She's tired of not being trusted.

"You agreed to be my wife."

"And as your fake wife, I'm an equal partner and won't be ordered around."

"So, you defy my order and now your suspiciously searching my territory?"

"Of course, I'm searching your territory. I can't find your kidnapper if I'm hiding in your bedroom." Stepping toward him, she softens her tone and presses her hands to his chest. "Ryker, search your dragon senses. Do they tell you I'm being untruthful?"

Ryker narrows his eyes as he stares down at her. "Yes, I can tell there's something you're not telling me."

"What I'm not telling you is that Crispin was here."

"I knew you were lying."

"I'm not lying. I just didn't tell you right away." Suddenly, Ryker takes out a key and opens the door in the ground. He grabs her hand and pulls her down the dark tunnel. "What is this? Where are you taking me?" Ryker says nothing in response. His grip on her hand tightens as he continues to pull her down the tunnel. "Crispin risked his life to tell me there's a bounty on my head!"

"That's hardly news. I could've told you that myself."

"He also said my stepmother and my ex have told everyone I conspired to kill my father and run away with you! Ryker, you're not even giving me a chance to explain! Crispin tried to get me to leave and I refused." She stops and gives his arm a hard tug, forcing him to face her. "If you're going to kill me, then just do it now."

Ryker's strong hands grasp her waist as he lifts her against the stone cold wall. His hot breath caresses her cheeks, sending shivers through her whole body. "I have no desire to see you dead." His nostrils flare as he holds hers. She sees anger, but there's something else behind it.

"Ryker, what is it that you desire?" It's so dark she can barely make out his face. "You say you don't want me dead. But why? Is it because you want my body?" She rubs her breasts up against his chest, smiling when she hears his sharp inhale. "Or is it my mind that has you so conflicted?"

"Your mind intrigues me. You've acted with integrity when I expected you not to. You've proven trustworthy when you could've easily screwed me over. I won't lie and say I don't want you. I do. I want you badly, Maria." Her pussy clenches at his words. "Every time you talk back to me, I'm tempted to bend you over and fuck the attitude right out of you." His hands tighten on her waist as he pressed her harder into the wall.

"Then why don't you? Is it because you're afraid you'll fall for me?"

"You're a virgin, Maria. You don't even know what you're asking me."

"Don't I? Tell me what you've fantasized about."

"Are you sure you want to know? Your virgin ears may not be able to handle my dark and dirty fantasies."

"You aren't the only one who has fantasies."

Ryker's hands move from her hips to caress up and down her ribs. His thumbs massage the side of her tits with each stroke. "Then you want to hear how I've imagined chaining you to my bed. But you don't fight your chains, you welcome them. Because your trust in me is so complete, you want me to chain you." Heat pools in her core and her pussy gets wet at the thought of being chained by Ryker for pleasure. He inhales with a low growl. "I can smell your arousal, which means you like my fantasy."

"Maybe I do."

His right hand travels from her ass to the heat between her thighs. His fingers gently massage her clit and sparks shoot down her legs. "But you're not ready to be chained yet."

"Ryker, you have no idea what I'm ready for."

"Your courage is impressive. Let's see if you're courageous enough to let me kiss you....here. I bet you taste as sweet as you smell." He cups her throbbing pussy as she moans with pleasure. She's heard other dragons talk of such pleasure but never experienced it herself. She lifts her hips harder into Ryker's hand, causing his fingers to rub her clit through her pants. He leans down to kiss her, but she moves her lips to his neck, kissing a path to the hollow behind his ear. "You dare to tease me, Maria?"

"What are you going to do about it, Ryker?"

He pushes his hand into her pussy again, eliciting a moan from her. Heat explodes in her core, sending tingles down her legs. "I've been dying to taste all of you. I can't wait to make you scream for me."

"I don't scream."

"You will today." Ryker goes down on his knees in front of her. Her heart pounds with excitement.

"Fine, but don't stop."

He expertly removes her clothes, leaving her naked. "Open your legs for me, Maria."

Without hesitating, she opens her knees, shamelessly exposing herself to him. "Fuck, you're beautiful." He lifts her right leg to rest over his shoulder, then his hands move to cup her bare ass. Slowly, he leans in and gently licks her wet pussy.

"Oh, yes. That feels so good." The sensation of Ryker's hands on her ass mixed with the swirling tongue sends her nerves into overdrive. "Oh, God....." Ryker's hot tongue probes inside of her and she quivers from head to toe. Then he removes his tongue and licks from her pussy to her clit. She cries out when he slides two fingers inside her. "Ryker, push your fingers deeper."

"Whatever you want, Maria." Ryker presses higher inside of her.

"Yes, just like that." His fingers push higher as his tongue continues to tease her clit. Her stomach tightens and suddenly, she explodes with pleasure and screams Ryker's name. "Ryker!" He continues to pleasure her as her orgasm rolls over her body. Finally, he kisses a path back up her body. She puts her clothes back on and looks up at his smirk.

"Told you I would make you scream."

"You were amazing." She presses her hips against his. His erect cock juts into her stomach. "But we should keep moving."

"I guess you're right." He takes her hand and continues leading her down the dark path. A few moments later, they come out of the tunnel at the edge of his territory. He points toward the water. "That way is north. It will take you to your dragon flight. I'm showing you this incase something goes wrong. Incase someone does kill me, or I'm not around to help you."

"How many people know about this passage?"

"Just my immediate family. Me, my mother, brother.... and now you."

"I hope I never have to use it."

"So do I. But the way things are going, you need to be prepared for anything. Come on. Your fight with Lexi is tonight. We need to get you ready."


That evening, the entire flight stands around the fighting ring in anticipation of her fight with Lexi.

"Glad you showed up. I thought you'd chicken out."

"Only a fool would think such a thing."

Ryker steps into the center of everyone. "The rules are that you will both start in your human form. Then shift into your dragons." He pulls Maria off to the side.

"Any last words of advice?"

"Don't lose."

"That's one order I'll comply with."

Ryker's eyes soften, but he doesn't smile. He steps close so only she can hear him. "She's going to try to kill you. If it gets too intense, I'll step in."

"No, don't you dare step in. I've never forfeited a fight in my life and I'm not about to start now. I'm stronger than Lexi and will beat her soundly."

Ryker nods with a smirk. "With that confidence, you could beat anyone."

The rest of the dragon flight watches, curious as to what he's saying to her. "Everyone is watching us."

"That's because they can't fathom how two enemies could look so in love after only knowing each other a few days. Our plan is working. The more in love they think we are, the more desperate they'll be to get rid of me. And here's something else that will prove our love." Her mouth drops when he pulls out a large gold chain. He gives her a small wink before he hands it to her. Then he raises his voice loud enough for the rest of the flight to hear. "This gold necklace has been in my family for generations. Consider this a late wedding present."

"It's stunning, thank you. I love it so much." She takes the necklace, admiring its beauty.

"It's not nearly as beautiful as you." Tingles move through her whole body at Ryker's compliment. Even though he's only saying it because everyone else is watching, she can't help her response. "I'll hold it for you until after you win this fight."

A few women sigh at his romantic gesture while Lexi just rolls her eyes.

"Hey! You can't give that to her!" Mason shouts.

"Yes, I can. I'm the dragon lord. This chain was reserved for my wife."

"A wife who hasn't even pledged her loyalty to you! Has she accepted you as her dragon lord?"

"She shouldn't even be allowed to compete until it's clear she'll be loyal to us." Lexi complains. The whole flight looks at her in question.

"I'm sure Maria will have no problem offering me her loyalty now." Ryker looks at her with raised brows.

"I won't pledge my loyalty now, but I'll do so with Ryker in private later."

"I'm fine with that. Considering you offered me your loyalty as my wife when we married. Maria will still compete."

She steps into the fighting arena with Lexi. The entire flight, with the exception of Ryker, is cheering for Lexi, but she barely notices. All she's focused on is winning.

Lexi makes a few jabs that she easily dodges, then slams her fist into the girl's throat. "Ah!" Lexi falls down but quickly pops back up and circles Maria.

"You're not nearly as good as I thought you'd be, Lexi."

"Fuck you! I'll kill you!" With a sneer, Lexi quickly crouches on the ground, trying to sweep Maria's legs out from under her. But the move is anticipated and the dragon leaps into the air.

"Ryker, I'm disappointed you don't train your dragons better than this. At least give me a worthy adversary to pass this test."

"You're a great fighter, Maria. Your superiority over Lexi is only proof that you belong next to me as our flight's dragoness."

"Maybe Maria should fight someone more up to the task."

The whole flight turns to Vanessa, the dragon who claims she was engaged to Ryker, steps forward.

"Vanessa, you're not a part of our flight. You're not even allowed to be here."

"I told her to come. I thought it only fair that the woman you were supposed to be engaged to would fight your current wife."

Ryker grabs his brother by the shirt and pulls him aside. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Mason? You said you supported me."

"I do, but I also said I don't support Maria."

"Why so sensitive, Ryker? Are you worried I'll run your scared little wife away?"

"Vanessa, your pathetic attempt to win Ryker won't work."

"Vanessa, even if I didn't marry Maria, I still wouldn't have married you. Fighting her now won't do you any good."

"Yes, it will. I don't care about marrying you anymore, Ryker. But I do care about beating and embarrassing Maria, so she has to leave your flight. You made me suffer, so now I'll make you suffer."

Ryker glares at Mason, who gives a nonchalant shrug. "If Maria is really meant to be your wife, she'll have no problem passing the test, no matter who she fights."

"He's right. It doesn't matter who you put me up again. I'll still win. So let's go, Vanessa. The faster I beat you, the faster I get to kick you out of here." She turns and grabs Ryker, giving him a big kiss. "Don't worry, honey. I'll make sure you never have to see Vanessa's ugly face ever again."

Ryker smiles down at her, playing up her affection. "I have complete faith in you." He grins. "Since Maria already won the hand-to-hand portion, all that's left is to shift into your dragons."

Vanessa shifts into her dragon and immediately shoots fire at Maria. "Die, bitch!"

She dodges the fire and shifts into her own dragon, flying high into the air. "You're already too slow, Vanessa."

Vanessa flies at her, claws out, ready to strike. Maria waits till she's almost at her, before spinning and swiping a claw out, scratching her neck. "Lucky shot." The red dragon flies at her again, but she dodges left, sinking her teeth into the leg. Then Maria twists hard, breaking her leg. "Ah! Let go!" But she doesn't. Instead, Maria drags her down and slams her to the ground ground.

"Yes! Maria pinned her in record time." Ryker shouts.

Maria and Vanessa shift back into their human forms and stand to face each other. "You talked a lot of shit for not lasting more than five minutes."

"Maria cheated!"

"I did not cheat, you just suck. How embarrassing for you. First, I stole your fiance."

"I wasn't her fiance."

"And now, you came here thinking you were going to win and you couldn't even get a hit on me. No wonder Ryker didn't marry you. You clearly aren't worthy." The rest of the flight nods their agreement and for the first time, she feels she earned their respect. Vanessa's face turns red with embarrassment as tears fill her eyes. "Are you crying? There's no crying during a dragon fight."

"I'll kill you for this!" Vanessa runs off crying as the rest of the flight gathers around her.

"Congrats to Maria. She's passed the first test. Now for your final test." Ryker leads her to a steep cliff. The rest of the flight follows. She looks over the edge. Sharp spikes stick up from the ground. It's clear more than one enemy has fallen to their demise over this cliff. Keeping her composure, she looks up at Ryker. "This will be difficult. No one has passed this test in over 50 years. Just stay calm, follow the instructions and you'll pass." Her heart pounds with nervousness when Ryker takes out a blindfold. "Trust is the most important part of being in a dragon flight. Without trust, our flight won't survive. You need to trust me as your husband and as your dragon lord." Ryker takes her hand and moves her closer to the edge of the cliff. "For this final test, you're not allowed to remove your blindfold or shift into your dragon. You must stay in human form and do nothing. Just trust that it will all be okay."

"I understand."

Ryker puts the blindfold over her eyes and leans in, whispering into her ear. "Good luck, wife." Then pushes her off the cliff.

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