Dragon's Mercy

Chapter 8.

Carefully peeking out from behind the tree, she tries to spot the two people talking, but they're hidden.

"We need to do it tonight. You'll sneak me into the flight before dinner, then I'll kill Ryker tonight as they sleep." She tries to make out the voice, but it's too muffled. The other person from Ryker's flight doesn't speak so she can't tell if it's a man or a woman. "Now go. I'll stay hidden until it's time." Their footsteps walk away. She sneaks out from behind the tree, trying to see their faces, but they're already gone.

Five minutes later, she bursts into Ryker's study. He and Mason jump with shock. "Maria, are you okay?"

She looks at Mason and knows she needs to get him to leave so she can speak privately with Ryker. "I need to speak along with you. Now." She puts her hands on her hips and gives him a good glare. "It's really important." She gives him a hard look.

His eyes narrow as he understands her meaning. "Well, if it's important, then I can't keep my beautiful wife waiting, Mason. We'll finish this later."

"What? No. She just waltzes in here and you do whatever she says?"

"Mason, Maria is my wife and I have a duty to her."

"My own brother choosing our enemy over me is something I never thought I'd see." Mason stands and glares at her. Ryker tenses but keeps his voice calm.

"I'm not choosing my enemy, I'm choosing my wife. Now get out."

Mason stomps out and slams the door. As soon as he's gone, she blurts out what she just heard. "Someone's going to kill you tonight and blame the murder on me. When I was walking, I heard people talking, but I couldn't see who it was."

"Excellent." Ryker's devious smile gives her pause.

"Ryker, this is bad! They want to execute me tomorrow."

"No, this is good. Your presence has scared them."

"You're right, I guess. An attack this early is a good sign. It means they really want to kill you. Not that I blame them. I'm sure anyone who meets you wants to kill you."

"Funny. Was anything about the voice familiar?"

She thinks back to anything that would help them identify who was talking. "No, but the man your flight member was speaking to isn't a part of your flight. Your flight member is going to sneak into the house. I assume you're going to increase security?"

"No. We're going to act like we know nothing and let them come to us."

"You're not even going to tell your brother? He was with so, so couldn't be him who I heard plotting."

Ryker steps to the window with his back to her. His tense muscles bulge through his shirt. "I'm not an easy person to kidnap, Maria. Most wouldn't even dare try. It would've taken careful planning from sone who knows me well, maybe even multiple people. So, no, we won't be sharing this information with my brother or anybody else." He turns back to her with a smirk. Her body buzzes with adrenaline at his focused attention. "Can you handle the pressure?"

"I can handle anything you throw at me."

"We'll see about that."

"I'm alive, aren't I?"

Ryker smirks when she throws his line back at him. "Yeah, you are. And I plan on keeping it that way."


That night, she sits next to Ryker at dinner. The rest of his flight ignores her. The hate is obvious in their gazes, but she barely notices. She's too busy wondering which one is setting her up for Ryker's murder.

"Ryker, what did you decide about the east border?" Mason asks.

"What's wrong with the east border?"

"We suspect thieves have been crossing onto our land from there. We thought they were from your flight."

"My dragon flight doesn't steal."

"No, you just murder."

Silence moves through the room as everyone waits for her response. "Then I'm in welcome company since most regard you as a murderer. And the next person who calls me one will get their mouth sewn shut."

"We have reason to believe it's Nestor and his dragon flight who's been stealing from us. But we're not sure since we haven't been able to catch them."

She thinks back to the day before she was kidnapped, which was the first time she met Nestor. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was Nestor. His ego believes he can whatever he wants from anyone. What have they been stealing?"

"Grain. An enormous amount. Since you know Nestor, maybe you have some advice?"

"Unless you're secretly still rooting for your ex-fiance?" Mason says.

"I hate Nestor. If I see him again, I'll rip his throat out." She takes Ryker's hand as she looks out over the flight. "I assume you've increased security, especially at night."

"We've increased security at all times, but yes, we've added extra at night."

"Nestor's sneaky and he thrives on doing the unexpected if it is him who's stealing. Which means he's going to steal during the day, right underneath your noses." The glares around the room turn to intrigue as the flight hangs on her every word. "After you gather your grain, what do you do with it?"

"It's taken to a warehouse with the rest of the flight's food supply."

"Have you actually seen them stealing from the farm area?"

"No, but we can see tracks from when they've been there."

"That doesn't mean that's where they're stealing from. If it were me, I'd make everyone think I was stealing from the farm while I really stole from your warehouse supply. So, I'd add security to the warehouse and all pathways that lead to and from it."

Ryker raises his brows and crosses his arms over his chest. "That's shrewd, Maria. I'm impressed, but I shouldn't be surprised."

The rest of the flight nods their agreement, equally impressed. "Are you satisfied that I'm loyal to Ryker now, Mason?"

"No, but I accept that's a good idea."


Later that evening, they walk into his bedroom. They both immediately search the room, looking for anyone that might be hidden. "The room's clear. Now, all we need to do is wait."

"Oh, I hate waiting. I wish we could kill the traitor now."

Ryker gives her a thoughtful look. "I appreciate how much you like killing the enemy."

"I'm sure. Especially now that you're not on my hit list. You seem so calm. Do you ever get excited about anything?"

The heated look he gives her sends shivers down her spine. "Rarely. But there are a few things that draw my interest."

"So what's the plan? I know you have one."

"Of course. Our advantage is that they don't know that we know they're coming."

"Right, but we also don't know how they're going to try to kill us. It sounded like the man I heard was talking to only one person, but we should also be prepared in case more than one person attacks."

Ryker goes to his closet and pulls out a few large pillows. She helps them position them in his bed under the blankets. "With the lights out, it will look like we're both asleep in bed."

"We know they'll be quiet as they try to kill you, so they don't wake me up. They need me alive to blame for your murder." She takes out her bow and gets her arrows ready.

"You'll lie under the bed. When the man comes in, you shoot his ankles. I'll be in the closet and will attack from that position at the same time. I want him conscious so I can question him immediately."

"Sounds like the perfect plan."

He studies her with a slight. She raises her brows in question. "Out of all the dragons in my flight, it's you who's defending me."

"Don't get sentimental, I'm only helping so I get my flight back from my ex and stepmother."

"Is that right?" His eyes turn stormy as they hold hers. Suddenly, there's a shuffle outside the door. "Quiet! He's here."

She dives under the bed as Ryker dodges into the closet, waiting for the killer. The door creaks open. Her heart pounds as footsteps approach the bed. Relieved it's only one set of footsteps, she gets into position. The footsteps get to the bed. The blankets ruffle as he pulls them back, expecting to see a sleeping Ryker. She shoots her arrow, hitting the killer in the ankle. "Ahhh!"

Shock moves through her when she sees the hunter leader, who held her and Ryker captive, fall to the ground in pain. Ryker jumps on top of the hunter, holding his arms behind his back. The hunter struggles against the dragon's grasp.

"You! Who let you in?"

"Get the fuck off me!"

"You aren't going anywhere but my dungeon, where you'll be tortured and then die very slowly."

"I don't think so. You don't even know what's coming for you. You and that dragon bitch." The hunter snarls.

Moving toward the hunter's legs, she slams her foot into his groin.

"Call her a name again and I'll rip your balls off." Ryker growls. The hunter pushes against him again, desperate to get free. Ryker elbows him in the kidney. "The rope, Maria."

She jumps up and grabs the rope Ryker stashed in the drawer. Running over to him, she kneels on the hunter's leg. "I'll hold his legs while you tie him." She hands him the rope as she digs her knees into the back of the hunter's thighs.

"Hold him tight, Maria."

"No! Get off!"

Ryker quickly loops the rope around the hunter's hands. Then he moves around to tie it to his ankles. "He's secure. You can stand, Maria."

"I'll kill you!"

"Quiet. You're going to wake the whole house. And I'm only interested in who betrayed me and snuck you in here." She finds a dirty sock in the corner and stuffs it in the hunter's mouth. "We executed that plan perfectly, Maria."

Hearing the commotion, the rest of the flight rushes in. "What happened?"

"A dragon hunter snuck in here and tried to kill us."

"Are you sure he's not working with Maria?" Mason tries to pin it on her.

"I'm positive. We were awake when he entered."

"I would never work with a dragon hunter."

"I'll tell you nothing. You may as well kill me now." The hunter huffs.

"I'm going to enjoy torturing you." Ryker grins.

Mason grabs the rope and leads the hunter into the foyer. Suddenly, the hunter lunges for Mason and knocks him over. With his teeth, the hunter turns his head and rips into his shirt. He then swallows a pill.

"Stop him!" She shouts.

Ryker lunges for the hunter, but it's too late. Foam forms in his mouth as he convulses. Moments later, the hunter is dead. "Fuck! Take his body away to the basement. I want double security at every entrance. We have a traitor in our flight. Someone let that hunter into our house." Gasps move through the room. Ryker turns to the rest of his flight and she can tell he's wondering which one is the traitor. "You all need to be on the lookout. Someone we all trust is betraying us. And when I find the traitor who had me kidnapped and just tried to kill me off, I'll rip each of your limbs off. Everyone back to bed. Now!" Ryker stomps into the bedroom with Maria right behind him.

"Coward! Now we'll never know who he was working with." Ryker growls as he punches a hole in the wall. She doesn't miss the other holes from when he's previously lost his temper. " She walks up behind him and puts her arms around him, resting her head against his back. At first, he tenses and she thinks he's going to push her away, but then he exhales as his body relaxes. She smiles when he slowly turns around to face her. "We'll find them, Ryker. It's only been a day."

Ryker's hands clench and unclench with tension. "I....hate looking at my flight with suspicion."

"Have you noticed anyone acting different than before when you were kidnapped?"

"No. Everything seems normal, which bothers me even more. But tomorrow, I'm going to question every dragon in this flight." Ryker walks back toward the bed and takes off his clothes. "Come to bed. It's late and you need your sleep."

She walks to the closet but doesn't see any pajamas in the clothes Ryker brought for her. "Do you have anything I can sleep in?"

He sits up in bed as his eyes slowly move over her body. Even though she's fully clothed, she feels like she's naked. "You could always sleep naked."

She slowly runs her hands over the top of her shirt. His eyes follow her fingers. "Is that what you really want, Ryker? Me naked in your bed?"

He stares at her as if he can see right through her. Her heart skips a beat when he stands and walks toward her. He gets so close her breasts touch his chest. "You couldn't handle being naked in my bed, Maria." Then he reaches behind her and opens the drawer to his dresser, which is filled with clothes. "I'll have someone get you something else to sleep in for tomorrow. But for now, these should do." Ryker gets back in bed as she changes into his oversized shirt. His addicting scent surrounds her and her inner dragon roars with contentment.

Ignoring the unfamiliar emotion, she looks at herself in Ryker's mirror. His eyes narrow on her exposed upper thighs. "You like me in this. I can tell."

"My shirt does look good on you."

"Better than it looks on you."

"This is the one time I agree with you, Maria. And you can keep that shirt."

"A compliment and a gift? Has someone poisoned you?"

"Not today. But if I do get poisoned, you can have all of my shirts. It's the least I can do."

A giggle escapes her at Ryker's comment. "Wow, I didn't realize you had a sense of humor hiding behind all that muscle."

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Maria." When she gets into his bed, she turns toward him. Her heart pounds as she stares into his dangerous eyes. "How does it feel to be in your enemy's bed?"

"Isn't as bad as bad as I thought it would be. But the night's not over yet."

Ryker laughs at her comment. A real, actual laugh. "I swear no one has insulted me as much as you."

"Then I'll make sure to keep doing it, especially if it makes you laugh again."

Their gazes hold and the intensity becomes overwhelming, so she looks away. "The flight seems to be more accepting of you."

"Hardly. All I get are glares. But maybe that's a good thing since this is only temporary. They'll be happy to see me go. And I'm sure you will be too."

"You can sleep easy. No one will try anything again tonight."

"I wish I could take your word for it, but I'm still sleeping with my knife under my pillow."

Ryker gets up out of bed and walks toward the door. Her eyes involuntarily track over his toned legs and defined back. He locks the bedroom door and picks up a large piece of wood. He puts the wood on the slat on the door for protection, then comes back to bed. "Satisfied?"

"Oh, you'll never satisfy me."

"Don't test me, Maria."

"I'll acknowledge that you're handsome, but you're not as hot as you think you are. I could have you eating out of my hand if I wanted."

"No, you couldn't. Your innocence is obvious."

"No, it's not. And you know my virginity was a necessary bargaining tool when my father was arranging my marriage."

Ryker holds her challenging gaze, then lies back and puts his hands behind his head. "Fine. Then make me eat out of your hand. I'm willing to be seduced."

Her mouth parts, having never seduced a man before. But Ryker's smug smirk gives her courage. She leans over him, straddling his hips, then she greedily runs her hands up and down his hard chest. Pressing her lips to his, she kisses him passionately. His hands grip her bare thighs as his tongue duels with hers. When he deepens the kiss even more, she pulls back and stares down at him. "You taste delicious, Ryker."

"I taste better as you keep going."

Her hand runs down his boxers, rubbing it over his cock. It hardens against her touch. She moves her hand against his cock again, gripping his thick hardness. "Damn, you're big."

"Keep going and you'll see how much bigger I can get."

"You have no idea how many times I've thought about us being together."

Ryker, who's been passive so far, suddenly sits up, pulling her closer against his lap. His hard cock rubs against her pussy and she moans as pleasure tingles run down her leg. His hand grips her hair as he pulls her head back, forcing her to look into his gorgeous eyes. "I know you have. I can tell by how you look at me that you've imagined all the ways I can pleasure you."

"Yes, but this is about you, Ryker. And that I now have you eating out of my hand." Grabbing his hard cock again, he pushes into her hand. He holds her gaze and she knows she's won this round.

"Then don't stop, Maria. Let's see how far you can go." Ryker watches her with hooded eyes as she slowly removes his boxers, then she teases her hands up and down. "You learn quickly."

"Or you just really like me." As she slides her hand up and down his shiny skin, he moans with pleasure as he kneads her breasts with his hands. She reaches into the nightstand and grabs her hand lotion, using a few pumps to make him slick. When she grasps him again, her hand easily slides up and down.

"Do that again." She picks up her pace and squeezes him harder. "Yes. That's the perfect pace." Ryker drops his head to her shoulder as she works her hand, his labored breath in her ear. "Fuck, yes. Keep going." Then she leans down and takes the tip of Ryker's steel-like cock into her mouth, sucking hard. A hiss leaves his lips as his hips lift into her, wanting more. "Fuck, you're going to make me come." She wraps both hands around his cock, pumping up and down as her tongue sucks up and down on his tip. She reaches her other hand down, gently massaging his balls. "Don't stop." Ryker's hands grip her hair as his legs tighten. His whole body shakes as his orgasm pulses through him. "Maria!" She lifts her mouth off him and cups his cock as his come shoots into her palm. As he catches his breath, she wipes her hand off and lies back next to him. He's watching her with a sense of wonder. "That was fucking amazing, Maria. Especially the way you added your mouth at the end." Ryker puts his boxers back on and lies sure.

Sure that he doesn't want to cuddle, she moves back to her side of the bed. But he stops and pulls her into his arms, holding her close. "I didn't take you for a cuddler."

"I'm not a cuddler." The comment defies his action as he tightens his arms around her. A few minutes later, they're both asleep.


The following morning, Ryker's already dressed by the time she wakes up.

"I need to talk to the council about what transpired last night and I don't want you to leave the flight house today. It's for your safety."

"That's ridiculous. I'm not your prisoner."

"We'll discuss it later, but I order you to stay inside." Ryker walks out the door without another word.

She jumps out of bed and gets dressed. She walks out into the backyard, staying close to where it meets the forest.

"Psst! Maria!"

Turning with a shock, she finds Crispin hiding behind a tree in the forest at the edge of Ryker's land. The other two dragons from her flight huddle behind him. She turns and makes sure no one's watching her, then dodges into the forest and pulls Crispin away from Ryker's backyard.

"You can't be here! If someone spots you, they'll kill you."

"We had to make sure you were okay. How have you been treated?"

"Ryker's been wonderful to me. But I can't say the same for the rest of his flight. They all want me dead."

Crispin nods, accepting her words. "Your stepmother has told our dragon flight that you betrayed them by marrying Ryker and killing your father. She and Nestor are marrying tonight."

"That bitch!"

"There's a large bounty on your head. Once Ryker's flight hears about it, they'll be after you too. Come away with us. We can hide you."

"No. I need to stay here and find out who's working with my stepmother. Now, go. I'll be in touch in the next few days to plan our attack on my stepmother." Crispin sneaks away. She turns to head back to Ryker's flight house when her foot lands on something hard. She kneels on the ground and moves the debris out of the way, uncovering a steel door.

Suddenly, a hand clamps over her mouth as she's grabbed from behind. She immediately knows it's Ryker holding her. He angrily whirls her around to face him. "What are you doing sneaking around after I told you not to? Maybe you're plotting against me after all."

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