Dragon's Mercy

Chapter 7.

"You're engaged, to who?"

"To me."

Jealous rage pulses through her veins, but she tamps it down. The woman runs up to Ryker and throws her arms around him. She tries to kiss him, but he pushes her away. "Vanessa? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I heard you went missing, so I came here to see if I could help find you."

"But we're not engaged. I said I'd think about your father's offer."

Vanessa looks at Aelon with feigned surprise. "But Aelon has already accepted. That makes us as good as married."

"No, it doesn't. Aelon doesn't have the power to agree to anything for me."

Vanessa's furious gaze burns into Maria. "You can't be serious, Ryker. She's not even pretty! And she's weak! You know she can't keep you happy like I can."

Vanessa reaches for Ryker, but Maria pushes her away. "Hey. Don't you dare touch my husband. You need to accept his boundaries and leave." Taking his hand, she steps closer to him.

"There will be no wedding, Vanessa."

"This means war, Ryker. I'll be back." Vanessa runs off as Ryker grabs Aelon by the shirt with a roar.

"Never speak for me again. Understand?" He tosses Aelon back and addresses the rest of his flight. "I'll talk to Vanessa's dragon lord and tell him the engagement is off. There will be no war."

"You can't possibly choose your enemy over a merger with a stronger dragon flight."

"Now that Maria's father is dead and she's agreed to be my wife, there's no need for a merger. Our flight is strong enough on its own."

"You can't be stupid enough to think Maria isn't going to take her revenge on us!"

"Aelon, your fear of me is pathetic. I'm one dragon among all of you."

"I'm not afraid of fighting you. I'm afraid of the influence you'll have over Ryker."

Ryker speaks loud enough for the rest of the flight to hear. "If you trusted my judgement enough to make me your dragon lord, you should trust my judgement now."

"Maria will kill you in your sleep!"

"She hasn't killed me yet." Ryker gives her a smoldering look as he puts his arm around her waist. "And if I do die, it will be of pleasure, not pain."

She almost laughs at the incredulous look on Aelon's face. But she holds Ryker's gaze, enjoying this ruse more than she thought she would. "I love you way too much to let you die. But I do like bringing you close to the edge."

"Enough. We get it." Aelon huffs.

Ryker takes a deep breath as he looks out over the dozens of people in his flight. "I trust Maria with my life and she's trusting me by being here. I'm surprised you're so ignorant and not seeing the positive side. Maria is one of the best fighters in our territory. She's intelligent and has a devious war strategy."

"Yeah and the little slut is going to turn that strategy on us and kill us all."

Ryker roars with anger at Aelon's insult. He moves toward Aelon, but before he can grab the man, she reaches her right arm back and slaps Aelon across the face. The slap is so powerful that Aelon stumbles back a few steps before regaining his balance. "Call me a slut again and I'll cut your tongue out. You may not like me, but you will respect me."

"It's against our flight code to slap an elder. Put her in the dungeon!"

Ryker grabs Aelon by the throat and slams him to the ground. "It's also against our flight code to disrespect the dragon lord and his wife. But since I'm feeling generous today, we'll call it even." Standing back up, he takes her hand in a show of possession.

"I take all accusations against me seriously. I understand respect is earned and it will take time for you to trust me. But the next person who disrespects me should be ready for a fight."

"Fine. Since Maria is your wife, we'll accept her into the flight.... if she passes our tests."

"She'll pass."

"If she doesn't, she dies, just like every other dragon who's tried to be apart of our flight."

Maria shoots Ryker a look, but he's too focused on Aelon to notice.

"I volunteer to face Maria in her final test and prove she's not one of us." Lexi steps up.

"Oh, watch how you talk to me. I'm about to be your new dragoness." Ryker leads her up the stairs and into his bedroom. As soon as he shuts the door, she turns on him with annoyance. "Why didn't you tell me you had a possible engagement?"

"I didn't agree, so I didn't think it was important. I barely know Vanessa."

"So you're not in love with her?"

Ryker studies her face as she holds her breath, waiting for his answer. "No. I have no interest in marrying Vanessa.....ever. But I didn't take you for the jealous type."

"I'm not jealous. I don't even like you."

"You look jealous to me. It was kind of hot, Maria. Watching you stand up for me." Ryker steps closer, gripping her hips with a smirk. "You may not like being attracted to me, but it's obvious you want me."

"No, I don't."

His eyes move lower to the swell of her tits. "I can see your budding nipples through your shirt. It's not because you're cold. Cause I can tell you're very, very hot right now." His eyes glow with desire as he massages her breasts and she moans with pleasure.

"I'm not that hot, Ryker. You aren't as skilled as you think you are."

"Oh, is that right?"

"Even though you turn me on, I won't have sex with you."

"I already told you I'd never fuck you, but at least we can take some pleasure while we're working together." Ryker lets out a throaty, carnal sound. Then he uses his hand to split her legs apart, wedging his hand between her aching thighs. A loud moan escapes her lips when he rubs his thumb over her clit through her panties. The friction sends electricity through her. She clamps her thighs together, already shocked by how wet she is. "Fuck, you're already wet." With a growl, Ryker rips her clothes off her. His eyes move over her near-naked body. The air between them sparks with sexual tension, then they lunge for each other at the same time. "I dare you to let me go further. Not because we're pretending, but because you want to." He lays her in bed and comes down on top of her. Her body burns for something that only he can give her.

"Don't stop."

He runs his thumb over her panties, splitting her open beneath. Her breath hitches when he moves them. "No one's ever touched you like this before, have they? No one has ever made you shake with want."

"No." His thumb circles her clit as he sinks his middle finger inside her. "Oh, Ryker...."

He hooks his middle finger, pushing into her G-spot over and over as his thumb continues small circles on her clit. She almost shoots off the bed as electricity runs through her. "Damn, you're sensitive to my touch."

"I can't help it."

"I want to hear you scream my name."

Heat builds in her core and her legs begin to shake. He slips another finger inside her and pushes deep. "Oh, my God. Go faster."

"Yes, Maria. Tell me what you want." Ryker's fingers move faster inside her. She clenches around him, trying to feel him deeper. Her body tightens as she comes close to the edge and she lifts herself harder into his hand. His fingers increase in speed and her body explodes with pleasure.


He holds her close as wave after wave of pleasure rolls through her. After a few moments, she catches her breath and looks down at him. He gives her a slow, seductive kiss. "You're more than I expected."

"Get used to it."

Then Ryker steps back. "Why don't you take a hot shower, then I'll show you around our territory." Before she can agree, he pushes her toward the bathroom door. 10 minutes later, she's refreshed as she walks back into the bedroom. "Here, I had this brought up for you. You need to look like a dragoness, not a hunter."

She opens the box and sees that it's filled with beautiful clothes, more beautiful than what most dragonesses wear. "Thank you. These are perfect."

"Did you think I would dress you in rags?"

"No, but I wasn't expecting clothes this nice either." Reaching inside, she pulls out a gold-plated bra.

"Our flight colors are red, gold and black. You should wear at least one of those colors at all times." Ryker walks into the bathroom to shower as she puts on the gold bra with jeans. When he exits the bathroom, he stops in his tracks when he sees her. She is equally as enamored when she sees he's naked. He confidently walks into the room as he eyes her up and down.

"You do know you're naked, right?"

"Yes, this is my.....our bedroom. It would be weird to act modest here with my wife." Ryker confidently walks to his dresser and puts on his boxer briefs, before slowly circling her and taking his time as his eyes scour over every inch of her body.

"You like what you see?"

"It's not about that. Everyone else will be just as critical of you." When Ryker finally gets in front of her, her knees feel weak from the intensity of his gaze. "Your round ass looks perfect in those jeans and your tits are something to be admired. No one will doubt I'm attracted to you, which is necessary for our ruse. I assume that's what you're going to wear?"

She quickly changes into a different outfit. Ryker eyes her up and down. "You look good." She's wearing a black and red crop top with black fitness pants.

A knock at the door startles them. Ryker opens it and his brother, Mason enters, glaring at her. "So it's true, you married our enemy. Have you gone mad?"

"Mason, my brother. It's so good to see you after my near-death experience. Come, meet my wife."

Mason keeps his distance as if she were infected with some contagious disease.

"Mason, it's lovely to meet you." She smiles.

"Fuck off, Maria. You killed my family."

"Her father did. Get it right, Mason." Ryker protectively steps in front of her.

Mason sneers at the action. "If you want to keep her as a slave, fine, but you can't make her your dragoness."

"Yes, I can. And I need your support."

"And mother? Have you abandoned her for your new.... enemy wife?"

"Ryker sacrificed himself so your mother could get away from the dragon hunters."

"And so did Maria. When Mom returns home, she'll be on my side."

"I support you because you're my brother, but I'll have nothing to do with the person who killed my father and sister." Mason glares at her and leaves.

"Well, that went well." She sighs.

"Give it time. You've only been here for a few minutes." Ryker gets dressed, then grasps her hand and leads her to the back of his flight house, where his training area is.

"So what are these tests I have to pass?"

"There are only two. Since Lexi challenged you, your first test will be to shift into your dragon and fight her. The second is a test of courage, but I can't tell you what it is, or you'll fail."

"Can't we postpone the tests? It shouldn't take us too long to find out who had you kidnapped."

"No. The test will be tomorrow night. If we postpone, it will look suspicious. Once you pass, you'll be one of us and the flight should drop their guard with you." She sees a few of Ryker's flight members shooting arrows at targets. "You've got 24 hours to prepare, so the best way I can help is to practice sparring with you."

"Oh, I'd hate to embarrass you in front of your dragons."

Ryker's eyes glow with danger. He gets so close her nipples graze his chest. "Dare you tempt my beast? I'm going to eat you alive, Maria." Without waiting for him to say go, she drops to the ground and sweeps his legs out from under him. He drops to the ground and rolls, tugging her down with him. She elbows him in the chest and quickly pops up to her feet. "Good move. You'll need to be sneaky like that to beat Lexi. But let's see how good you fight in the air." Ryker shifts into his dragon. She's still in awe by the power of his beast. "Come and get me, Maria." He flies into the sky as more of his flight members rush over to watch them fight.

"Ryker's fighting Maria! I bet he'll destroy her!" Lexi calls.

"I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you." Aelon warns.

"Please. No one's ever knocked Ryker out of the sky before."

"Then I'll be the first." She shifts into her dragon.

"Is that a purple dragon? I didn't know such a thing could exist." Mason looks up at her in awe.

"Neither did I."

Then she flies into the sky and chases after Ryker. "I'm coming for you, Ryker."

"I know you've got speed, but let's see about your skills." He dodges toward her, but she twists away and evades his attack. The crowd below gasps with excitement, bolstering her confidence. She flies at Ryker. He flies higher, but not before she swipes out a claw and scratches at his hind leg. "Damn, Maria. You weren't this fast when we flew earlier."

"I wasn't about to show you all my moves."

Ryker turns, now chasing her. Diving deep, she flies in between the trees, trying to stay hidden. But Ryker's faster than she is and finds her immediately. He jumps on her back, hooking his teeth into her left wing, pulling her down toward the ground. "I've got you, Maria. Give up."

"You haven't won yet." Right as she's about to hit the ground, she flips, propelling Ryker forward. His large dragon slams into the ground as she lands on her feet next to him.

The crowd is stunned into silence. Then a little girl from the back jumps up with excitement. "Maria beat Lord Ryker! She's the fastest dragon ever!"

Ryker's large black dragon stands, towering over her. He's just as shocked by her win. "Next time we fight, you won't be so lucky."

"Don't tell me I bruised your ego?"

"Not at all. I went easy on you."


They shift back into their human forms. "You fight clever..... and dirty. But I like it."

"Oh, I need to fight dirty when I go up against you."

"The dirtier, the better, I say. And I'm confident you're ready for tomorrow."

Mason ignores her as he grabs Ryker's arm and pulls him to the side, where they speak in hushed whispers. The cute little girl runs up to Maria and peers up at her with a smile. It's the first time anyone from Ryker's flight has given her anything but a glare. She smiles back. "You were great! My name's Gretchen. Are you Lord Ryker's new wife?"

"I am. And I'll soon officially be your dragoness and lead by his side."

"Everyone says you're going to kill us, but you don't look so mean to me."

The crowd around her stills, nervous about she's going to react to the girl's statement. Even Mason and Ryker pause their conversation to look over.

"Oh, I can be mean. But only to those who come against my dragon flight. And since you and I are now on the same side, you won't ever have to worry about me being mean to you. It's my job to protect you."

"I like you."

"I like you too."

"Gretchen, don't talk to her. You need to help set the table for dinner." Lexi reaches out and grabs the girl's tiny arm, tugging her toward the house.

"Let go of her, now!" Lexi lets go of Gretchen and pushes her behind her back. "You don't put your hands on anyone unless you're looking for a fight."

"I wasn't hurting her. She's a child."

"But she's not your child."

"So? I know Gretchen better than you."

"It's clear you still haven't accepted my authority here."

"You have no authority here." Lexi states.

Maria looks over at Ryker, silently asking for his support. He gives her the briefest of nods and she knows he's on her side. "Lexi, your obsession with me is getting out of hand. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you have a crush on me."

"The only fantasy I have is of gouging your eyes out."

Ryker steps behind Maria in a show of support. "Maria, you have my permission to deal with Lexi as you see fit."

Faster than a bullet, she grabs Lexi's wrist. With a growl, she gives it a hard tug, pulling it behind the girl's back and forcing the dragon to her knees. "Ahh! Let me go!"

"Move again and I'll snap your wrist."

"Ryker, help!"

"Not a chance. Maria's been much kinder than I'd be if you spoke to me like that."

"Now, since I have you on your knees, you're already halfway to apologizing."

"I'll never apologize to you."

Maria pulls harder on her wrist. The rest of the flight is conflicted as they watch. "Last chance."

"Fine! I'm sorry for being disrespectful!"

Maria lets her go and she jumps up, grabbing her wrist. Ryker takes her hand and leans close. "I approve of your discipline style."

"I had a feeling you would."

The flight disperses. Ryker turns to her with a tense jaw. "I have some things I need to discuss with my brother."

"Okay. I'm going to go for a walk in the woods. You mentioned there was a lake not too far from here."

"There is. I'll meet you there when I'm done." He pulls her close and kisses her soundly, letting her go with a smirk. "And stay out of trouble, wife." Ryker walks off with Mason while she enters the woods, searching for the lake.

As she walks, she hears hushed whispers coming from behind a tree. She crouches low as she silently creeps closer. "This is perfect. Don't you see? With Maria here, we can kill Ryker and blame it on her."

The man's words make her hair stand on end.

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