Dragon's Mercy

Chapter 10.

"Ahhh!" She freefalls through the air, heading down toward the spikes. Her hands reach for her blindfold, but she stops herself. She takes a shuddering breath and tries to relax, hoping her instincts about Ryker are right. Suddenly, she lands on something soft and hard, realizing it's Ryker's dragon.

"You can take off the blindfold, Maria."

Ripping her blindfold off, she rides on Ryker's back as he soars through the rocky cliffs. "So, I passed the test?"

"You passed with flying colors, just like I knew you would."

"How did you know for sure? I could've just as easily failed."

"Because of how you kiss me."

"Ryker, that's ridiculous."

"No, it's not. When I kiss you, you give yourself over, trusting me completely." Before she can reply, Ryker flies her back to the top of the cliff. He shifts into his human form and takes her hand, turning her to face his entire flight. Everyone stares at her with a mixture of shock and awe. "Maria has passed every test we've put in front of her. She is officially a dragon in our flight and has now earned her place as your dragoness."

Aelon, a flight elder on Ryker's dragon council, steps forward. "I'd like to be the first to apologize to you, Maria. You fought honorably and bravely, something I never thought I'd say about you given our flights' history. But when I'm wrong, I'll admit it."

She stares at Aelon, who only two days ago was calling for her death. "So I passed one test and now you've completely changed your opinion?"

"You're a fierce fighter and your affection for Ryker is obvious. We're honored to accept you into our flight."

Lexi steps forward with a begrudging look. "What about the bounty on your head? Your stepmother is offering a lot of money for your death."

"The bounty means nothing. It's a badge of honor for Maria."

"Don't worry about my stepmother. I'll be killing her soon."

"What if other flights attack us to try to get the bounty on her?"

Ryker's anger finally gets the best of him. He picks Lexi up by the neck and dangles her over the cliff. "Have you lost your honor? You're a dragon of the Demon flight. If anyone attacks us ever, we destroy them. Maria is one of us now."

"Yes, Lord Ryker. I'm sorry for questioning you."

Ryker moves back and drops Lexi on the ground. "I've been lenient in your terrible treatment of Maria. But that ends now. Anyone who is speaking ill of your dragoness will be punished.....severely."

Lexi turns to her and attempts to look humble. "Welcome to our flight...... Dragoness."

Maria looks up at Ryker. He squeezes her hand and pulls her close to his side. "Very few dragons are strong or smart enough to pass our test. You've proven your worth, Dragoness Maria. I'm sure you'd like to say a few words to your new flight." The flight roars in celebration and she's surprised by how quickly their opinion of her has changed. She wants to speak, but her nerves get the best of her. Ryker can tell she's uncomfortable and speaks again. "Here's to Maria. Your new dragoness." The crowd cheers. "Now, go prepare for tonight's ceremony."

She's ushered into a guest bedroom by the women, who are excited to prepare her for the ceremony.

"I hope you don't hold my attitude against me, Dragoness Maria. I was only protecting my flight."

She looks at Lexi, knowing she could very well be apart of Ryker's kidnapping. "The flight always comes first. I'm not angry anymore. So, let's put that aside and start fresh."

"Thank you, Dragoness."

An older woman enters. She smiles softly at Maria. "My name is Agnes, dear. I'm the head housekeeper. We're so happy to have you as our dragoness. Ryker never would've chosen you if you weren't worthy."

"Thank you, Agnes. Ryker has also proven worthy."

She chuckles lightly and gives her a wink. "Oh, you're going to be very good for him. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were dragon mates."

"There's no such thing as dragon mates."

"There used to be, which means there could be again. In our dragon history, enemies rarely ever become friends, let alone husband and wife. And I've seen the way Ryker looks at you. It's obvious you're both in love." The women bring in a large tub and fill it with hot water. After scrubbing her down, Agnes brings out a stunning gold gown. "This is hand-made out of the finest threads of gold. It was made to match Ryker's ceremonial outfit."

"Oh, Agnes. It's the most beautiful gown I've ever seen."

"Which is why it's perfect for you." Maria puts on the golden dress. "Oh, Lord Ryker isn't going to be able to take his eyes off you tonight."

"You do look stunning, Maria." Lexi compliments her.

"Thank you so much."

A few minutes later, Agnes and the rest of the women walk her to the ceremonial grounds. She looks around, suddenly nervous. A wave of guilt moves over her. Suddenly, tingles move over her body and she instinctively knows that Ryker's behind her. Her breath catches as she turns to see him in his ceremonial threads.

"Maria, you look truly beautiful." Ryker hungrily stares at her cleavage.

"You look really sexy."

"Not nearly as sexy as you."

She leans closer to Ryker and presses her hand to his chest. "Can we talk privately for a moment?"

Ryker grasps her hand and walks her away from the group. Concern flashes in his eyes as he searches her face. "What's wrong? Did you hear something about the traitor?"

"No, it's nothing to do with that. Are you sure you want me to take these vows? Even though we're not really married, these vows are still real."

"We discussed this. Now you're getting cold feet?"

"I feel guilty. Agnes and the rest of the women have been so kind since I passed the test earlier."

Ryker brushes a lock of hair away from her cheek. "Maria, we aren't betraying anyone. You'll take the vows and you will act as our dragoness. That will all be true. If we don't find the traitor, more of my dragons will die. Their lives depend on you."

"Agnes thinks I'm your dragon mate! She said she can tell by how you look at me."

"And how do I look at you, Maria?" He holds her gaze as the air sizzles between them. Shivers run over her body when his fingers caress her collarbone.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were starting to like me." Her heart pounds with excitement when Ryker's hands grip her waist and he pulls her into his hard chest.

"And what if I am starting to like you?"

"I want you to like me. I enjoy your attention."

"Is that because you like me too?" Her mouth parts as she stares up at Ryker. "Don't tell me you're going to deny your feelings for me? The Maria I know speaks her mind, even when it's hard."

"I'd prefer to talk about this later."

"Fine. I'll let you off the hook this time."

"Ryker, it's time to start." Ryker turns to Agnes with a soft smile. She walks over and gives him a giant hug. "Now, I know I'm not your mother, but I feel like I raised you like my own. So I want you to promise that you'll be a good partner to this young lady. She's a keeper, I can tell."

"I promise, Agnes."

Agnes gives her a wink and her heart melts. "Thank you, Agnes. Ryker needs someone like you."

The pair follow Agnes back to the crowd. They form a circle around Maria and Ryker.

"Wait! I can't allow this to happen!" Simone walks out of the forest.

Ryker and Mason rush over to her. "Mom, where have you been? We've had search parties out for you for days."

"Since I was kidnapped, I thought I'd wait and spy from afar to see if I could figure out who the culprit was. But then I heard you married our enemy and will now make her dragoness over our flight."

"Maria saved your life. She also helped save mine. You've been pressuring me to take a wife, so I have. And now it's done."

Simone turns to her with cold eyes. "Fine. What's done is done. We'll have a long talk tomorrow where you can tell me all." Simone walks and stands next to Mason.

Ryker takes both of her hands and turns her attention back to him. "Maria, it's just us now. No more interruptions."

Aelon steps forward as her and Ryker face each other. "For a dragon flight to be complete, our dragon lord needs a dragoness. Maria has passed our every test. Betray us she will never. Our loyalty is with her forever."

Then as one, Ryker's entire flight goes down on one knee and bows their heads to her. Tears fill her eyes as the power of the flight connection moves through her. "And you all have my loyalty. I am yours." The flight stands with a cheer. Everyone walks to the party area where food and drinks are served. Maria and Ryker sit at the head of the table. "Ryker, do you think our flights could ever be allies?"

"No. But I also thought you and I could never be allies, either."

After dinner, the flight walks them to a clearing on the other side of the boulder.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"It's tradition for our dragoness to clean our lord's scales on her ceremony night."

Ryker's mother glares at her before turning and walking away from the crowd. Agnes approaches Maria with a gentle smile. "Nothing to be worried about, sweetie. But many of our past dragonesses have gotten pregnant on their ceremony night."

"Oh, I'm not getting pregnant tonight."

"That's what they all say."

The flight shifts into their dragons and flies off into the night, leaving her alone with Ryker. "Did you know I was going to have to clean your scales?"


The heated look in his eyes makes her core quiver. "Oh, are you going to clean my scales too?"

"I'll clean your scales if you want me to. But you have to do me first." Ryker's knowing smirk makes her wish she had the power to turn her back and walk away. But she doesn't. Because she can't help, but be drawn to him like a magnet. Ryker shifts into his dragon. Even though she's seen his form before, this time feels different.

"Did your dragon grow?"

"It appears so. I'm stronger now that I have a dragoness." Ryker eyes her as she picks up the large brush leaning against the boulder and walks toward him.

She gently moves the brush over the scale on his neck and he roars with pleasure. "You like that?"

"I love it." She gently brushes Ryker's scales on his side before she moves back to his front. As his large eyes watch her, heat rises in her core. As she moves the brush down his neck, he leans toward her. "You can brush harder, Maria."

"Whatever you want, Lord Ryker."

He turns toward her as his large pupils dilate. She purposely leans low, letting the strap of her shoulder fall, exposing the swell of her breasts. "It's courageous to tease my beast."

"I welcome your beast, Ryker. As your dragoness, it's my job to take care of it."

"Careful what you wish for, Maria." She bends down again, lifting the hem of her skirt to rise higher on her thighs. Ryker shifts back into his human form. The dangerous look in his eyes makes her want to run. Instead, she steps toward him. He pulls her into his arms as their lips find each other in a desperate kiss. His wicked tongue tangles with hers as he wraps her in his heat. Ryker's large hands move down her body to her plump ass. His hands massage her muscles as he pulls her closer against him. After a few moments, he pulls back, then runs his fingertips down her collarbone to the dip between her breasts. Her whole body comes to life at his simple touch. She slowly inches her dress over her body. Ryker groans when she pushes her ass toward him as she turns and tosses aside her clothes. "You are so fucking beautiful, Maria. Your ass is fantastic."

"Aren't you going to remove your clothes for me?"

Ryker smirks as he takes off his clothes. "I can smell your arousal and can tell you're just as turned on as I am." He leans down and passionately kisses her. She wraps her arms around him and presses her breasts to his chest. Her nipples harden from the exquisite friction as his hard erection pushes between her thighs. She runs her hands up Ryker's broad chest. His warm skin sears her cool fingertips. "Fuck. I love how you touch me." She squeezes his hard dick and he inhales sharply. "More, Maria. I want more from you."

Her heart pumps with excitement and she knows what he's asking her to do. "When you say more, do you want me to take you in my mouth?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I want." He pushes his hips harder into her hand. "Don't stop."

"Hmm, I don't think so." They kiss for a few more moments, then he pulls back.

Shivers move over her body when he grips the back of her neck and brings her lips inches away from his. "Your virginity belongs to me, Maria."

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