Down End Road

Chapter 15

Flaming red, I stalked down the pit with Ally. Soda in hand, I took a large gulp then gathered myself. I was ashamed by childishness. Flustered by Alex’s penetrating gaze. Confused about... everything.

Why was everything he did so effective. I had a feeling of frustration and... longing towards him. Ugh! I jerked Ally’s hand toward a bench, and I sat down. I took a large gulp from my soda and rested my forearms on my knees. The red soda can cupped in my hands.

“So, are you gonna’ talk about it or are we just gonna’ sit here and sulk?” Ally drawled; her thick Texas accent caused her question to feel more like a reprimand.

“Sit here and sulk,” came my muffled response. I dropped my head in my hands then suddenly looked up when I heard a shuffling noise beside me. “Hey where you goin’ what happened to buddies stick together?” I interrogated, a pout on my lips.

“If you aint’ gonna talk that is fine with me but just because you’re miserable doesn’t mean I have to be as well. I am going to go and talk to Jason we still have ten minutes, so you might as well steal the extra sodas or something.” She stated. Not a hint of judgement in her tone.

I smiled up at her and lifted my eyebrow. “Stealing sodas really Ally. And to think I thought you were above theft.” I mocked. She shrugged nonchalantly and mirrored my smile.

“They call it free for a reason.” She said, and began to walk away toward Jason, who was standing in a corner watching the crowd. I shook my head and stood up, walking toward the path I assumed led back to the manor.

I stalked along the dirt path, a million thoughts running through my mind. After five minutes of aimless wandering, I came to two conclusions. I was hopelessly lost in the forest. And everything led back to Alex. Even the rampant butterflies that fluttered in my stomach just thinking about his impossible brown eyes, was his fault.

I silently scolded myself for my foolishness. Less than twenty-four-hours and I am already thinking about boys. Sheesh. I knew what Kaylee would have said in this exact moment. I smiled to myself, humorously thinking about what she would have said. “Finally, it only took you eighteen years to obsess over a boy.”

I shook my head and laughed. I laughed about Kaylee. I laughed about my situation. I laughed about Alex. Then slowly my laughter died away and a tear rolled down my cheek.

What was I doing here? I was so out of my league thinking I could just slot right in and pretend I had been here all along. I was scared. Scared about how new everything was and how I felt so... alone.

I looked up to the sky when I heard a roar of thunder in the distance, and sure enough, grey billowing clouds where roiling overhead. My feet shuffled quickly in the direction of the manor when I suddenly heard an animalistic snarl.

I whipped my head around and found a shaggy grey wolf. The same wolf that I had encountered previously. The same wolf that had made me faint from shock. On closer inspection I caught sight of its full ratty tail. It was matted beyond belief but the divide between the two propeller like tails was clearly visible.

It snarled again as soon as my eyes connected with its gaze. The black eyes were demonic looking. There was no white; only black. Its snarls slowly blended into whining. The whites of its eyes started to show. My breath hitched in my throat.

Its dull whimpers sounded like nails on a chalkboard. I placed one hand over my ear and one hand in front of me. Abruptly, my ring started to warm and eventually sting. Wrenching my fear-clenched eyes open I saw that the Whizz-tail was suspiciously sniffing my ring.

I cocked my head to the side in curiosity. It opened its mouth to howl when a faint shwoosh, came from in front of me. The Whiztail showed its Canines and began to snarl savagely again. I blinked in confusion, my eyebrows drawn together in worry.

Suddenly, I felt a large hand on my elbow. The hand moved further up and roughly gripped my arm and tugged me backwards fiercely. I moved against it, mesmerised by the strange creature in front of me. Something like recognition flashed in its eyes when I struggled forward.

I faintly began to hear someone yelling my name. Over and over and over again. “Myra, Myra we have to go, Remington get your head out of the clouds. Myra please.” The voice pleaded. I turned my head and jolted when I saw Alex. His face was stony and grave. “Myra, thank goodness, right listen to me, on the count of three we are going to run at max speed. That means using your gift.” He murmured.

I nodded faintly and began to tremble. His full pink lips were pursed in a thin line. He began to whisper-count. 1... 2... 3. He said it so close to my ear that I shuddered. His breath fanned my neck and then I ran.

The trees blurred past and all I could hear was faint growls and the air thrumming past us. I smiled. I felt free and invincible. Alex looked back at me and I thought I saw a ghost of a smile on his lips. But his features were pulled back into shock when he looked behind me.

I turned my head and the Whiztail was right behind me. It stretched out its paw and scratched my lower back. Blinding pain shot through me. I let out a strangled yelp of pain. Alex’s eyes widened when he saw me. My hair whipped everywhere and it soon became tiresome to keep my eyes open.

I pinched my arm and straightened up. Then I ran. I ran straight to the front steps of the manor. Alex opened the large door and I stumbled into the entry way. I took one last look behind me, sending an acid sting straight through the entirety of my lower back, and saw that the Whiztail was retreating back into the patch of forest it had originated from.

Before it left completely it breathed one last whimper and its eyes sparked with recognition and agony one last time, then its eyes went back to their original crazed state.

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