Down End Road

Chapter 14

Alexander griffin POV


I saw her, talking with Maverick. The orange glow from the campfire illuminated her strawberry blonde hair, and made all her curls look like coils of red and white flames. Her mildly tanned skin glowed, like an other-worldly woman, for a split second when her eyes locked onto mine.

My heart fluttered in my chest when I saw those ocean blue eyes. They were luminescent from the fire-light. Her full pink, soft-looking lips parted at the sight of me.

My spirits fell when she looked down at the ground. Away from my gaze. I quickly collected myself, scolding myself mentally for such fanciful thoughts.

My feeling of unease quickly returned when I came nearer to Myra. Everything seemed different around her, and in all honesty it scared me. Me and Maverick's fathers died when things changed. I grew up fatherless because of change in the order. I couldn’t blame Myra for my father’s death, that would be unfair.

However, at the same time, she made something deep inside of me come alive. This was ludicrous, I thought. I have known the girl less than twenty-four hours and I am already boggled by her. I felt an eruption of anger and irritancy, toward Myra, swell inside my chest. Why was she so enigmatic? I inwardly groaned in frustration. Everything just needed to slow down. My thoughts, my feelings and my ever-growing curiosity toward Myra Remington.

I decided to forgo rude impatience and instead feigned indifference toward Myra. “Maverick It’s almost ten we have to pack it in, I do not want to have to explain why some kid has a bite mark on their hand, again.” I stated. Maverick barked a deep chuckle and slapped me on the back.

“You gotta’ admit, it was pretty funny having to explain it all to my mom and Ben. I mean the look on their faces when Harris burst out laughing was priceless.” He reminisced. I shook my head and laughed lightly with him.

I saw a small smile grow on Myra's face and it warmed my heart. I shook my head again, and tried to banish all thoughts of Myra, but yielded no victory.

“Whatever, we still need to pack it in.” I exclaimed. I looked over to Myra and... Ally, I thought. “You two should head back to the manor.” I suggested. I lightly winced at the harsh and commanding tone I used. I internally groaned frustrated with my own accidental hostility. Myra whipped up her head. Her brows drew together in confusion.

“You can’t tell us what to do, we will ‘pack it in’ when everyone else does!” She countered. She tugged Ally closer to her side. My anger flared and I took a cool steadying breath and tried to keep my temper on a short leash.

Her cheeks were flushed red and if I wasn’t so irritated, I would have gawked at her beauty. What a fool I was, I think that by her I will forever be astounded. Something in her depthless blue eyes sparked as she stormed off to go and join the rest of the teenagers.

Maverick’s infamous amused expression was stamped on his face. A laugh bellowed silently in his bright green eyes. Maverick and I have, and will, always be different. I was calm, quiet and introverted. Maverick was outlandish, quirky and extroverted. We were as different as the sun and moon, water and fire, land and sky. However, we were still the best of friends and would always be there for each other.

“Well, she really is something else isn’t she.” He stated more to himself than me. I thought I saw adoration shadow over his features for a moment, but when I blinked it was gone. “Good luck training her buddy.” He said and patted me on the back.

My eyes widened in horror. “What, what do you mean training?” I asked.

“As in, before classes you will be helping her learn about her abilities and how to use them.” He explained, “or at least training her with strength and speed.” He clarified.

My mouth dropped and I sucked in a shuddering breath. Me and Myra, alone, in the same room! Well, I was officially doomed.

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