Down End Road

Chapter 13

I stared straight ahead at Alexander Griffin. His dark brown eyes holding glimmers of tempered anger and a slight curiosity. I cocked my head to the side trying desperately to read his facial features.

His expression was a neutral blank, a look which I knew was a façade that hid many secrets. He broke our... whatever that was, and slowly turned to Maverick who was talking the life out of Alexander.

He had a shine of amusement to his features, but then again, he always did. I looked down to my plate then back up to Ally who looked ready to burst with questions. She whipped her head round to Maverick and Alexander, then back to me.

“What was all that about, like girl I need answers. I mean y’all know each other or something?” She asked, I rolled my eyes from side to side in consideration, I mentally debated whether or not someone stealing your necklace counts as knowing the person.

“Kinda, Maverick stole my necklace and accidentally, or at least I think accidentally, led me to this place and he basically is the reason I found out about the order.” I paused, considering about what to say about Alexander. I frowned and simply stated, “and Alexander, I don’t know the guy.”

It was the complete truth, even though the storm of emotions that roiled inside of me made me feel like I had met him lifetimes ago. I just shrugged and continued eating.

“Wow, I mean the tension between you two feels like something straight out of a history book,” she explained, her eyebrows raised. “Doesn’t seem like the twin Medusas over there are too happy about you knowing them, though.” She stated, and nodded her chin to the table behind us.

I looked back and saw two dirty blonde girls staring at me. I could practically see the steam coming from their ears, I knew that if looks could kill I would probably have died ten times over by then. Their hazel eyes sparked in possessive rage and fury.

Ally looked from me to Genevieve and Heidi Leviticus, a disapproving frown etched onto her face. “If y’all are gonna’ get into a fight just remember we don’t know each other,” she said then winked. I smiled and barked out a conspiratorial chuckle.

“Ah, don't ya' think I could take the blondie twins over there? I think I could.” I mused. I looked back down to my plate and speared a piece of chicken and carrot. Looking back to Ally I saw her eyes wide and staring behind me to the side.

“Making enemies already, you better watch that list Myra, you’ll find it can get extremely long with that kind of attitude.” Maverick advised, giving me a small wink. His platinum blonde hair was lightly ruffled and his T-shirt was rumpled. Looking around the hall I caught a glimpse of Alex’s tall figure strutting through the doors, a wrapped hamburger and soda in hand.

Maverick followed my gaze and smirked. “You know I could always ask out Alex for you, it's clear there's some tension between the two of you.” He teased, rolling my eyes I looked over to him as he sat down in the seat next to me.

“And you are here because.” I asked, raising an eyebrow in annoyance, glancing back at Ally, I saw her small frame completely still and a tiny blush spread evenly on her cheeks.

“Ah yes, just a reminder that when you come back from the party tonight to stay away from that little patch of forest, I’m sure Ally here has already caught you up on that but seeing as you are... you, I thought I would remind you.” He said gesturing down to me, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and simply let out a small huff instead returning my focus to my plate.

“Oh gee, thanks Maverick, for looking out for me and my safety,” he imitated, each word set in a mock high pitch tone. I rolled my eyes then speared another piece of chicken into my mouth and motioned to him.

“You were just leaving I believe,” I said my face hardened with severity. Maverick huffed and stood to leave. I let out a small sigh of relief and turned back to Ally, who was now wearing a blush the shade of beets. Ally stared at Mavericks retreating back as he made his way to Alex.

I laughed and said, “so I’m guessing you have a thing for Maverick.” She stared at me in wide eyed horror, then grasped my hand in hers. Worry plain as day on her soft, tan face.

“Please, do not tell anyone about that, it’s just so embarrassing,” she pleaded. Ally tucked a stray brunette lock behind her ear and looked down to her food in shame. She released my hand and I shook my head and laughed.

“Ally I wouldn’t tell anyone about that ever, it's just he’s... him and you’re so sweet.” I explained.

She frowned and then snidely said, “so what I’m not good enough for a forty-seven is that it.” I vigorously shook my head, my eyes wide.

“No that’s not it I just mean... Mavericks a total froot loop and your smart and kind and sweet and he’s well... a froot loop.” I clarified; she nodded her head in acceptance and laughed mildly . A wave of confusion overtook me when I recalled how she called maverick a forty-seven.

“Hey Ally what do you mean by a forty-seven,” I asked. She looked at me, and cocked her head to the side, then her mouth formed the word ‘oh’ and she began to explain.

“So basically you sometimes call people their test score and I know it’s weird and in a normal sense prejudice but it’s just how it goes here.” She paused then said, “So basically Maverick scored a forty seven on the test for our abilities and stuff which is the second highest compared to Alex who got a forty-nine which is kind of the highest someone can get really.”

I shook my head and she looked at me confused. “No, it’s not, I got a fifty,” I blurted out. She gawked, looking at me in wide eyed adoration. A heat flushed the back of my neck, spreading like tendrils of heat to my face. “Look it’s not a big deal so please don’t make it one, I really should have just kept that to myself.” I reasoned.

“No you shouldn’t, you should totally tell everyone that, it would definitely put the twin medusas over there in their place,” she reasoned, “and it is a big deal, the last time someone got a score like that was in 1952, I believe.” She mused.

I shook my head, telling her to pipe down about it, and continued eating without interruption.


Ally steered my elbow towards her dorm placing the cowboy hat on my head once again and draped the boa over her delicate tan neck. The overwhelming tangy cloud of perfume hit my nose like a brick to the face, and I winced coughing the gaseous plume out of my throat.

Girls rushed in and out of the rooms once again, and I could have sworn that I could hear the unmistakeable howl of the boys on the other side of the ballroom.

Whilst Ally smacked on her lipstick I dusted my eyes with a light tint of shimmering brown and rolled on my mascara. “Gee Ally that’s a nice lipstick where d’ya get it, Walmart.” A snobby voice insulted from behind me.

Genevieve and Heidi Leviticus were both leaning against opposite sides of the doorframe. Their leather-belt clad hips resting on the old wood of the frame.

A small groan came from Ally as she rolled her eyes at them and said with a bored and tired voice, “you know every year I come here hoping you transferred to another order and every year you two come rushing to my door, to trade foul insults with me, so Gen, Heidi care to enlighten us as to why you are here... again.”

A small flicker of rage lit up the twin Medusa's eyes as they dragged their stone-cold stare from Ally to me. I bristled under their gaze. “You, we don’t know who you are or how you know Alex and Maverick-” I cut them off. The little ’get-your-claws-out-of-my-guy′ speech was seared into every woman's, on the planet, memory.

“Look, you two can have dumb and dumber if you please, but I am staying out of it completely, because those two are utter jerks. So, if you would please just allow me and Ally some space to get ready then that would be much appreciated.” I droned, their faces were set in identical expressions of annoyance and bitterness as they both pushed off the frame and stalked to their dorms down the hall.

“Sheesh.” I muttered. Ally snickered and I managed to chuckle alongside her. “That is yet another thing I can put on the list of things that utterly confuses me about this place.” I said.

“What do you mean?” Ally said. Her face frowned in confusion. I raised a quizzical eyebrow.

“It’s just this place is so different from the schools I’m used to not to mention the fact that twin Medusas over there are completely in sync, it gives me the creeps.” I explained with a dramatic shudder.

“Yeah, I know what you mean, I mean we’re not your average summer school here, I mean we have freakin’ super-powers -or at least the equivalent- really I’m surprised you haven't bolted out of here screaming yet.” She sympathised. I gave her a tight smile and returned to my makeup.

"I am seriously considered it." I muttered to myself.


Ally yanked my hand down a narrow dirt path that apparently led to the forest where the party was. I tugged on my denim jeans and baby halter-top again. The humid Floridian air crashed into us like a tsunami, the moment we stepped out of the front doors but knowing Florida’s sudden changes in weather I brought a leather jacket just in case it rained.

My strawberry blonde hair fell in neat loose curls around my shoulder blades, whilst my medallion dangled loosely around my neck. The gold and obsidian ring my parents gave me was encircling my index finger along with two other rings scattered along my hands.

Ally’s black denim skirt was ridden up to about mid-thigh as she crouched down under several low hanging trees. Her white baker boy hat and strapless t-shirt shifting with her movements.

We followed the sketchily-made dirt path for a few more minutes until the sound of pop songs assaulted our senses. Ally gave my arm another violent tug urging me forward and it was then that I noticed her bracelet with the Maddison order symbol embossed into a charm that clasped the chain together. It was a big bronze circle with amethyst crystals surrounding the greek symbol of justice and encrusted in the matching bronze chain.

I didn’t know that you could have order charm-thing-whatevers, made into bracelets as well. “Come on let's go and get some soda.” She suggested, I nodded, and she then dragged me down to the table, again, that had various types of sodas lined up in rows. I even spotted Ribena. Most likely Alex’s doing seeing as he’s the only English person here.

“Hey Ally...” A boy with dirty blonde hair and a toned frame, said from behind us. We turned our heads toward him. His baby blue eyes gave away his extreme nervousness. “Um, it’s great to see you again...” He said, his voice fading at the end. He must have waited for her, he had immediately come up to us when we arrived.

She grinned up at the tall boy and bats her eyelashes flirtatiously. My lips quirked up into an amused smile as my eyebrows rose higher. Ally had clearly known this boy well enough before this summer.

I noticed his medallion hanging limply around his tan neck. The blood-red rubies telling me that he was a part of Washington. The order of Washington was like the society’s military and weapon makers.

They created weapons using the other-worldly substances from the portals, to help aid with any portal related issues. They were mostly created to keep the shifters at bay though. I had not learned much about shifters.

“Oh hey Jason, it’s so great to see you,” Ally chirped, she peered up to him through her thick, lowered eyelashes. She slowly dragged her attention away from Jason to the make-shift dance floor, crafted in the base of the bowl-like pit.

A mass of hyper teens were swaying and jumping to the upbeat pop music projected from two massive Bose speakers, set up in the flatbed of some student’s (I hoped) truck.

The awkwardness of my presence hung thick in the air. However, it was only noticed by me and Jason, as Ally was still looking up at him with a fierce spark in her eyes.

I coughed gently and Jason looked toward me. “I’m gonna... yeah I’m just gonna... go over there,” I said stiffly, I tapped Ally’s arm in means to communicate goodbye, although I doubt she noticed it with her full attention focused solely on drilling a hole right through Jason's soul.

I walked over to the edge of the party, fully content to sit there the entire night, watching the developments of the party just not participating. I took a slow sip from my Gatorade and then noticed Ally tug Jason down to the dance area.

I raked my gaze over the expanse of the forest, my eyes rested on the Old Chevrolet truck with the speakers set up in the flat bed. Sat on the top of the car, right behind the speakers, was indeed Maverick Landon and Alexander Griffin.

Maverick’s vibrant green eyes and Luminous blonde head was a beacon in the dim light of the forest. He was wearing a black concert t-shirt with black jeans and high-tops. Alex was sitting next to him with a bottle of Ribena in his hands.

His full lips were mildly curved upwards in a small smile that sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. His dark brown almost black, curls were piled neatly on the top of his head.

His deep chocolatey brown eyes snapped up to mine, as if he could sense my gaze. His lips parted slightly at the sight of me. My eyes widened. I felt a brief twist in my gut. Did I really look that bad? Was my make-up smudged? Did I have soda on my shirt? I had gotten rid of the cowboy hat earlier, did I have hat hair?

I quickly rid my thoughts of the endless questions and doubts, telling myself that Alex’s opinion of me didn’t matter. But in all honesty, I knew it did. I just didn’t know why. I quickly looked down to the ground, then in a spur of spontaneity decided to go find someone to dance with.

My feet shifted on their own accord. Dragging me all the way over to a large group of people. I tried to find a friendly face and was quickly met with one. A boy I recognised as Henry Dale came and stood in front of me. A sociable smile was plastered onto his pink lips, his green eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Hi, I’m Henry," he introduced. He stuck out his hand cordially and I gently shook it. I smiled up at him warmly, tugging at my leather jacket that was now slung over my shoulders. “Hi, I’m Myra.” I said. Tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

“Well, Myra, you must be new here because I have not seen you around here before.” He pointed out, putting extra emphasis on my name. The tinge of smugness in his voice made me inwardly cringe. I decided to overlook his arrogance and move forward.

“Yeah, it’s my first year here.” I explained. He nodded in understanding, I glanced at the dance floor now only a couple meters away. I drew up some courage and batted my lashes like Ally did. I asked, “would you like to dance ?”

He blinked, visibly shocked by my forwardness -I think- and nodded his hand took my small hand in his larger calloused one. He guided me to the dance area, where countless boot impressions were laid in the mildly damp, loose earth.

He placed his hands respectively at my waist and I put my hands around his neck. We swayed at a fast pace to the music and talked about the society and just life in general.

The more I talked to him, the more I noticed the fact that he was mildly shallow... “So, what’s your favourite movie?” I asked, hoping he would say something that I didn’t absolutely despise.

He thought about this for a moment then answered “Fast and furious.” I sighed in relief, remembering the movie and how my dad thoroughly enjoyed the car chase. I thought it was an okay film, but personally I thought that Rocky was way better. “Oh yeah I know that one, why do you like it so much?” I quizzed.

“Because the girls are smokin’.” He replied, with a lazy grin on his face. My eyes nearly bulged out of my head at his response. I inwardly cringed, that was the last straw.

I couldn’t really reprimand him about his own opinion but that didn’t mean I couldn’t think about all the reasons you don’t say that, at least not to someone you aren't close with, in my opinion. However, I was in no position to judge seeing as Kaylee did the same thing, only she was much more private about her thoughts on Paul Walker.

I crinkled my nose and stepped away from Henry. I mumbled some excuse to go and get a soda then darted to the drinks table. Out of nowhere two hands pushed down on my shoulders as Ally bounded up the path in front of me. She was beaming with a twinkle in her eye that told me things had gone well with her and Jason.

“Hey,” I said, my brows were furrowed in shock and a small smile was playing on my lips. Before Ally could even get a peep in another voice sounded to the left of us. “Hello Ladies, glad to see you came Myra.” Said Maverick his annoyingly smug smile etched deep into the lines of his face.

I scowled. “Hello Maverick,” I replied. I saw no reason for him to be so smug and it was annoying me out of my mind. I looked over at Ally who was less starstruck than before, I guessed I had Jason to thank for that.

“I don’t know why you're surprised I came, I did tell you I was coming,” I retorted his smugness fading ever so slightly into a genuine smile.

“Yes, yes you did.” the amusement and sincerity in his tone was overwhelmingly intense, to say the least. I felt a heavy tension grow on my shoulders and was painstakingly relieved when someone interrupted us.


Hey readers almost to fifty reads. Thank you so much for giving my book a shot. Quick Question, who do u think interrupted them? Comment down below.

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