
Chapter 08: Missing

I jolted from my sleep when I suddenly heard a loud noise. Looks like I wasn’t the only one who was disturb because everyone in our tent moved. Aspen, who was already sitting, was looking outside.

“Theo.” he muttered as he stood. I followed him as the rest of the people in our tent got up. I noticed that the other tent looked like they also heard the noise. Sebastian and Jaden were already up and were about to leave.

“Did you hear that?” Sebastian asked as Aspen nodded.

“Theo is missing.”

“Dude what the fuck, was that him?” Jaden asked.

“What happened?” Vince, Theo’s best friend, asked.

“We don’t know.” Logan answered, “Let’s go check them up.”

“Nikita was also gone. I was supposed to go with her back to the house but Theo offered instead when we bumped into him.” Olivia said. I could see the worry in her eyes for the both of them. After all Logan is a guy she is into and Nikita is her best friend.

“We’ll go look for them, Olivia, don’t worry.” Logan assured her as he nodded to Aspen who was just beside me. Aspen nodded back as Logan moved his gaze to the rest of the boys. “Take care of them.”

“Don’t worry we will.” Jaden replied. He might be the playful one but when he is needed he can be a responsible person.

Sebastian opened his mouth about to say something but just nodded and bit his lower lip. He must be worried about Nikita but he knows that he is needed here to look out for the rest of the group. After all, he is one of the seniors.

“Be careful.” Elora said to Logan as he smiled at her kissing her forehead.

“We’ll be back.”

We sat around the bonfire that only has charcoal left. It was cold but we didn’t mind it because we were all worried about our friends. Elora is beside me, her head leaning on my shoulder as I hugged her to her side. She must be really worried about Logan. Of course, everyone is worried about them but Elora and Logan are practically soulmates. Their connection is so strong so I’d understand that she might be more than just worried she must be physically hurting right now.

Sebastian clapped as our attention turned to him, “Don’t worry guys they’re alright. I’m sure they just thought they saw something. So, who wants to hear this story about this epic frat party?”

I understand that Sebastian is just trying to cheer us all up despite him also worrying about them and I am thankful for that. Looks like it lightens the mood a little but I can still feel the tension in the air rising. But everyone seemed to be interested in his story because everyone started laughing.

A few moments later we heard someone approaching. We turned around and saw Nikita holding a lamp. We saw her bloodshot eyes and her dirty clothes. Everyone immediately stood up from our seats seeing her condition. Olivia ran towards her best friend as Elora approached Aspen who was trying to drag a barely awake Theo.

“What happened? Where is Logan?” Elora asked him as Natasha and Jaden who know first aid immediately took care of Theo.

“He has a huge bite mark on his arm.” Erica said looking at Theo who is pale.

“I don’t know. We just found Nikita hiding behind the bush and Theo is trying to fight this dude.” Aspen answered.

“What did Logan do? Where is he?” Elora asked.

“We knocked the guy up. Logan brought him to the old shack. We’ll tie him there until authorities come to get him.”

“I’ll go back and help him. Can you guys take care of Theo?”

“I’ll go with you.” Elora said.

Aspen looked like he was torn but eventually nodded when he saw how worried Elora is.

“I’ll join you.” I added. I couldn’t just leave my best friend alone knowing that she is worried about her boyfriend.

“Okay. Don’t leave my side. It’s dark there.”

We both nodded as I took the flashlight from Elora because her hands were shaking and Aspen carried a lamp. The rest of the group took care of the two as we made our way to the old shack where we hid yesterday.

I look around the forest almost half expecting that something will just jump out from the darkness and attack us too. Elora was almost sobbing beside me as I heard her sniff. I just rubbed her back trying to calm her down as we finally arrived.

Elora practically sprinted towards Logan when we got inside. Aspen called her trying to stop her but she was so worried about Logan that she jumped him.

I just walked beside Aspen as we made our way to Logan where the two were already hugging each other in front of an unconscious man that was tied up. When I pointed the flashlight to him I noticed his complexion is as white as a sheet and his veins are very visible. I kneeled towards him trying to observe him closer when I felt Aspen hold my shoulder almost making me jump not expecting him to stop me.

“He is dangerous, don’t come near.”

“But--- His skin. Why is he like that?”

“Maybe he is sick.”

When he mentioned being sick I remember what Sebastian was telling us earlier. About some sicko attacking people and how I was also attacked by one of them the other day. My eyes widened when I realized the connection as I heard a growl and felt a gush of air. Aspen quickly pulled me away before the man almost grabbed me. I felt my heart beat quickly against my chest as I realized what could’ve happened to me if Aspen wasn’t quick enough.

“Shit. Myla, are you okay?” Logan asked as the man trashed trying to escape the chain. He carefully walked towards where I was along with Elora who was hugging his side.

I looked at the man who had his mouth salivating and his eyes. His eyes that I just noticed now that he is awake. His eyes are clouded with white pigment and there are black veins on the side.

“I’m fine, just surprised.”

“What happened to his eyes?” Elora asked my unspoken question.

“He might be sick.” Aspen answered.

“He looks like an animal with rabies.” Logan said as the room suddenly turned quiet as we observed the man who was baring his yellow teeth and almost black gums at us.

“Did you remember the guy that attacked me?” I finally said, breaking the silence. I looked up as Logan and Elora looked confused. “He looks just like him.”

Realization finally fell on their faces. Their knitted brows are now replaced with surprise.

“You think he is one of them?” Logan asked as I nodded.

“Sebastian also mentioned sickos earlier.” Elora replied, “Do you think there are more of them out there?”

“We don’t know for sure. Have you called the police already to report about the attack?”

“I tried to but for some strange reason it’s not working.”

“That can’t be. But the weather is fine. Sebastian is able to connect earlier.”

After Elora said that something in my gut told me that this is not just a coincidence. Something is happening out there and we don’t know what it is because we are all busy with our vacation.

“Try again. We can’t sleep in this place knowing that there is someone dangerous with us.” I replied as Logan nodded, taking out his phone.

I finally stood up as Logan went out to get a signal and Elora followed him. My gaze moved to Aspen who has been quiet this whole time. He has always been silent but there is something about his silence right now that is wrong.

“What are you thinking?” I asked as our eyes met.


I looked at his eyes looking for any indication that he was lying. Although I know that he is, his expression didn’t give any hint that he is. Call it an intuition but my gut tells me that he might know something.

I just nodded now focusing my attention back to the man who was tied up.

A few moments later Elora and Logan returned and even without saying anything I already knew in their expression that they weren’t able to call us for help.

Logan shook his head as he reached our direction.

“What now? We can’t just leave him here like that.”

“He’ll be fine for the night. We’ll try calling again in the morning. For now, we all need to rest.”

Logan has a point. We can’t do anything if we don’t have any signal. So, I just nodded, “Okay.”

“I’ll watch him.” Aspen replied, “You guys go back to camp.”

“You sure, man?” Logan asked as Aspen nodded.


“Okay. Just wake me up when you want to sleep.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Let’s go.”

Elora followed Logan as I stood there watching them before my eyes landed on Aspen who was still leaning his back on the wall.

“I’ll just stay.” I said as the couple stopped at their track, “Aspen needs company to watch him over. Besides, I couldn’t sleep now that we woke up in the middle of the night.”

Elora being my roommate knows that so I’m sure that she agrees.

Logan nodded “Okay. We’ll just see you in the morning.”

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