
Chapter 07: Camping

The boys attempted to try to catch a fish using Logan’s father’s fishing equipment but they weren’t able to catch even a single one. Not because we didn’t have a proper bait (besides Jaden’s attempt to dig a worm in the ground) but because they were all noisy and were disturbing the waters so no fish wanted to swim in the dock where we are staying. We did have fun though laughing and chatting about. The group got louder when we saw Sebastian and Nikita from the distance walking towards our direction as the boys hollered and the girls teased.

“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” Sebastian said acting nonchalant but I could see the shadow of a grin on his face as he made his way to Vince and Theo who are the ones trying to catch a fish this time, “What are you guys doing? What the fuck is that? That is so wrong.”

“Wow. You say it like you’re so confident you know how to fish.” Logan replied, crossing his arm to his chest as he flexed his brow.

“I do know how to fish.”

“Really? Then show us.”

Sebastian rolled his eyes taking Vince’s fishing rod. He did some changes with the string and ordered all of us to shut up. We girls didn’t though because we started to interrogate Nikita on her ‘date’ with Sebastian. But a few moments later Sebastian scowled at us because we were being noisy and the boys just teased him saying he was just making excuses but we eventually got out of the dock and went to the riverside to continue gossiping.

Nikita is now bright red after the ladies pressed her to answer their questions.

“Oh, come on girls Nikita is already uncomfortable.” I said when they asked whether Sebastian had already made a move. Knowing him he already does and Nikita is just too dense to not notice it.

“Fine. Fine. Fine.” Olivia, her best friend, replied, “Let’s talk about something else.”

“How about we talk about you and Theo.” Elora replied, making my eyes wide. So, she must’ve really seen it too. And I thought she didn’t. Well she did wake up earlier.

Olivia on the other hand started to blush as she tried to avoid our gaze.

“What? What’s with her and Theo?” Natasha replied, acting surprised.

“They were ‘cozy’ this morning and they were talking all night yesterday.”

“Oh, my! Really?”

Now that the topic is diverted all of the girls are now focused on Olivia. Even her best friend Nikita is showing signs of curiosity. Eventually we convinced Olivia to spill the tea. Unlike Nikita, she gave us every detail about what happened last night and how they ended up tangled in each other’s embrace yesterday. Apparently, they found out that they were listening to the same artists and talked about it all night until they just fell asleep unknowingly that they’d end up in that position.

“Oh my god! That is so cute.” Natasha gushed as Elora who was a huge romantic and currently in love nodded in agreement.

We continued talking about Olivia and Theo when we heard the boys cheering at the docks. They were celebrating after catching a single fish. Wow. City boys really be proud of that small achievement.

Now even more motivated the boys started a competition to catch a bigger fish. They eventually released them once they were done and so for the past hour we stayed there outdoors. It was only Aspen, Vince, and Sebastian who caught something. But Aspen was the only one who caught an actual fish because Vince and Sebastian only caught fingerlings.

When it was almost night time we packed up and prepared for our camping. The girls made dinner while the boys started setting up camp. We agreed to not set it up too far from the main house since we still need to go to the lavatory when we need to and in case we need something we won’t get lost in the woods but it was close enough to the lake where we can still have a night swim.

Once everything is ready we carry all of our food at the campsite while the others take their necessities for the night. When everything was set up we ate together outside as the darkness overtook the night sky. The boys started another bonfire as we chatted along after cleaning up our meal.

“Who wants to share some ghost stories?” Sebastian said lighting his face with a flashlight and wiggling his brows acting scary when he looked ridiculous.

“I know one.” Erica replied as our attention moved to her direction. Erica has been the quiet one amongst the group second to Aspen so it’s a surprise that she volunteered for this one. But I did remember Elora telling me that Erica is a huge horror movie fan before.

“Good. Okay Erica you start.”

Scary would be an understatement when I describe Erica’s story. It was frightening. Even the boys who act like they are unaffected looked disturb. I don’t know if it’s because of her voice and how she delivered the story but it was frightening. That’s why when Jaden volunteered to share another story he sounded like we were in a sitcom. But at least it helped lighten up the atmosphere.

“Okay that’s all for tonight guys. It’s already midnight and we should all head to bed.” Logan said.

“Yes, dad.” Elora replied, mocking and teasing at the same time as Logan flexed a brow clearly pleased with my best friend’s reaction. They stared at each other for a few seconds and I could feel the tension around us rising.

“Get a room or something!” Jaden shouted, making us all laugh.

“No funny business in the tent people.” Natasha replied.

There were twelve of us so we had 2 large tents. It was supposed to be a boys and girls tent but the boys complained saying that they are taller and larger than us so they won’t fit inside all together unlike us who have enough room. So, we decided to divide the group depending on who they want to sleep with. So, I ended up with Logan, Elora, Aspen, Natasha, and Theo while Nikita, Sebastian, Erica, Olivia, Vince, and Jaden are on the other one. Natasha wanted to sleep with her best friend Erica but we agreed that there should be an equal number of boys and girls each because of the space so she ended up in our tent. Olivia wouldn’t leave Nikita alone with Sebastian in their tent after all.

Logan chuckled before winking, “We won’t promise we won’t but we’d be quiet.”

Natasha groaned, “Make sure these two are at the far end. I don’t want to be beside them.”

So, we started packing up while some of us returned to the house to refresh themselves. It’s a good thing I was able to take a bath and pee before coming here. It would be hard to walk in the woods in the dark despite knowing that it was just near.

When everyone was ready we made sleeping arrangements in our smaller group. Natasha doesn’t want to lay down beside the couple and she also doesn’t want to be at the entrance of the tent that’s why we all agreed that since I am Elora’s best friend I will be laying down beside her next to Aspen and then Natasha and Theo who was at the entrance of the tent since he said he always wakes up in the middle of the night to pee. Logan of course is at the far end of the tent next to Elora.

Thankfully we each have our own sleeping bag. It would be awkward to be next to Aspen after my encounter with him these past few days. At least there is a barrier between us and there won’t be a chance that our skin would accidentally make contact. He seems to be unbothered compared to me who is feeling a bit nervous with his close presence. I’ve been sleeping alone this trip and for the rest of my life for that matter so this was new to me. Yes, I did go to sleep overs but I never went to one that I’d be forced to lay beside a man.

“Okay, good night everyone!” Natasha greeted us as we are now in our respected places.

“Good night.” we said in unison.

“And keep it down!” she said as we giggled except for Aspen who as usual is quiet.

A few minutes pass and it looks like everyone is already asleep and I am the only one who is up. Thankfully the couple beside me didn’t do anything funny and just cuddled while the rest of us slept. Well I ‘tried’ to. I tossed and turned trying to find a proper sleeping position but I couldn’t. I feel like I am already disturbing Aspen even though he looks like he is already out as light. I could imagine his creased forehead as he looked at me full of judgment.

I let out a heavy breath and covered my sheets up to my face and tried to sleep. After a few seconds I couldn’t breathe properly so I removed it. I tried to blink a few times like what I read before so that your eyelids would get tired until finally it worked as my eyes become heavy and finally darkness slowly took over me. The last thing that I saw when I finally fell asleep was a shadow standing up and leaving the tent.

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