
Chapter 09: Promise

I wiped off the dust from an old chair and sat there. I offered Aspen the other one that I found but he just refused and stayed on his spot. We didn’t speak besides that and just watched over the man who is still wide awake and continuously trying to wiggle his way out of the chains. I don’t know why he is using his torso instead of his hands and trying to pick the lock. It’s as if his basic critical thinking is lost.

“Do you think something happened in a nearby mental health facility?” I asked him a few minutes later.

“I don’t think they are sick in that way.” he replied.

“What do you mean?” I look up to meet his eyes but his gaze is still focused on the man in front of us.

Aspen didn’t reply immediately but just turn around to face me. There is something about the intensity of his stare that somehow bothered me.

We just stayed that way for a few seconds before I heard him sigh and turning his attention to the man in front of us, “Remember when I told you I work for a pharmaceutical company?”

“Yeah.” I don’t know he is telling me this right now but I should be thankful that at least he is being open to me now.

“We were working on this project about fungus. We didn’t intend to create a drug out of it but there are clinical studies that suggest that it has a huge scientific potential for changes in behavior that can help patients with mental health problems. So, we started to study more about this certain species Ophiocordyceps. I don’t know the full details because I’m on the business part rather than the science part but I remember seeing the same symptoms with one of our test subjects.”

I want to tease him and say that “you’re one of those businessmen that sells their ‘medicine’ that hides away its possible side effects” but I just shut my mouth knowing that this is a serious situation. Aspen doesn’t talk much but now he is and I don’t want to ruin that. If he knows something I need him to spill everything so that he’d be able to at least help us in our situation right now.

“It shouldn’t have gone to human trials yet because of the data showing that it is dangerous for primates.” he continued, “I don’t even know if this is just a coincidence but those eyes. I saw those eyes before in a chimpanzee.”

Animal testing. As someone who loves animals I want to call him out for this but now isn’t the time. We have other matters we need to discuss.

“Have you contacted your company yet?”

He shook his head, “I tried but I couldn’t get a hold of them. Not even my parents who own it.”

“So, this guy. This might be one of the test subjects?”

“I don’t think so. The way he is dressed is like he is wearing hunting gear. He couldn’t be a test subject if that is the case. He should’ve worn a white uniform.”

“Do you think he is infected by it?”

Aspen squinted his eyes for a while before shock took over him. His skin became pale as he immediately ripped a part of his shirt before striding towards me. He held the cloth to my mouth as I pulled back.


“Wear this. We have to take precautions.”

“We should’ve been infected by now Aspen if that is the case.”

“We don’t know for sure Myla. Just wear it.”

I gulped when I saw that he was getting pissed before nodding that the cloth covering my mouth as I inhaled his scent. My cheeks turned hot but I pretended to not be affected as he ripped another piece of his shirt and used it to cover his mouth. If I wasn’t covering my mouth with his shirt I would’ve salivated seeing his v-line and the lower part of his abs. I immediately looked away, stopping myself from acting like a perv and focused my attention on the tied man who is still baring his teeth at us.

When Aspen was finally done tying a piece of his clothing around his head he called my name, almost making me jump in surprise as we moved further from the man.

“Should we tell them?” I asked, breaking the silence.

“We should but I can’t leave him alone here if he tries to escape and I can’t just let you walk back there all by yourself.”

“I’ll be fine here so you can walk back to camp. You won’t be gone for too long, right?”

He looked hesitant as his eyes met mine before his gaze moved to the man a few feet away from us.

“He won’t escape. You did say he is sick. He might’ve lost his sense of reason. I promise I won’t come near him.”

He bit his lower lip before finally nodding, “Okay. I’ll be quick. Don’t come near him, okay?”

“Yes. I promise.”

I smiled as he finally made his way out. Like I promised him I stayed in my seat and watched over the man. We didn’t even know his name and he is here tied up in an old shack. His family must be worried about him. Now that I remember I haven’t contacted my parents yet since I got here. They told me to have a great time with my friends and that I shouldn’t worry about them and enjoy myself. I didn’t even contact them about the incident the other day because I don’t want them getting worried about me.

I took out my phone from my pocket wanting to get in touch with them and see if they are doing fine. But just like what Logan said earlier there is no signal.

I tried calling again a few more times, maybe I’d get lucky. I was so focused on my phone that I didn’t realize what was happening to my surroundings. I just heard a clunking sound and when I looked at the man he was no longer there.

I immediately turned around almost having whiplash trying to find him. I felt my heartbeat raising as I scanned the whole shack. The next thing I know I felt a gush of air and as I turned around the man tried to tackle me but I immediately took the chair that I was seated on and shield myself from him. I struggled groaning as his heavy build lean on the chair as the metal dug into my skin.

The chair shook as he tried to claw me with his dirt covered nails. I kicked his legs so he would lose his balance but it didn’t help, he wouldn’t budge. I looked around the shack trying to find something to help me but couldn’t see anything that was within reach.

I turned to my right and that is where I saw the door. I could just run and lock him inside. I returned my attention to the man in front of me as he bared his teeth at me. I waited for the right time to push him so that I would have the time to stand and sprint towards the door.

I kicked his legs again this time and he lost balance as he now lay flat on the chair. With the adrenaline flowing through my veins I pushed the chair to the side and stood running towards the exit. I can feel him just behind me as I almost lost my footing. I glance behind me as my heart beat increase with his murderous eyes. He looks like he wants to devour me.

I moved my gaze in front of me seeing the door is just near when I stumbled to the ground. I tried to stand up but I failed as I felt him grab my ankle. I kicked his face as he tried to bite me but he won’t lose his grip on me. I kicked him again and this time I was able to escape when I hit his eyes and it bled. I didn’t care about the blood gushing from him as all I can think about right now is how to survive.

I crawled my way to the door hearing him groaning before attempting to stand moaning at the pain. His tight grip would leave a bruise on my ankle after this. I skipped my way outside seeing him in my peripheral vision. He is now attempting to stand up despite the blood continuously pouring in his eyes. I debated to stop and help him concerned with his condition but when he bared his teeth at me I continued skipping my way out knowing that wasn’t a behavior of a normal person.

I reached for the door as I tried to quickly stride towards it praying that I’d make it before he caught me. I skipped with all my might until relief washed over me when I touched the old wooden door. I pulled it open quickly, closing it behind me resting my back on it. I let out a heavy sigh but it was quickly replaced by panic when I felt him bump the door almost making me stumble forward as I shrieked. I poured my weight on it but it wasn’t helping as he continuously bumped the door almost pushing me forward.

He continued to pounce forward and I am now losing my strength. He didn’t look even half tired despite his continuous trashing earlier when he was still tied up. He is acting like some superhuman while I am about to lose my consciousness because of the exhaustion. I tried to pill my eyes open and look around for something to help me jam the door but it was too dark.

I tried to hold on with the remaining strength that I have until I heard a voice calling me. As my eyes started to get blurry I saw a tall figure running towards my direction and the last thing that I saw was Aspen’s worried expression before I passed out.

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