Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #32

Sighing Jasmine states, “I’ve only got six arrows. I saw two small beings gathering wood. How many arrows have you got?”

“Nine,” Carr knows that’s not good, “and your one. Thirty males? Really?” Standing to scan the area a couple of arrows strike the stonework he ducks and turns to her, “ah, I’ll take your word on that.”

Her uneasy feelings are speculating luck is running out and rashly considers, “Carr take my arrows. I’m going to do something that’s a bit much. But they wouldn’t want these woods to burn either.”

“They who?” Carr wonders what she’s up too, “and why are you so concerned with trees?”

“It’s not just the trees,” she hands him, her quiver, “I’m going to try and call for some help. Just kill anyone trying to light a fire or burn the building.”

He takes the quiver, “okay. Who are you calling?” He hopes its’ Abby.

“Depends on who’s listening,” kneeling near the middle of the tower she briefly smiles, “they’ll ask a favor for helping. Will you comply?”

Unsure what she’s up to Carr simply answers, “well if they’re helping us, I’ll help them.”

“Good,” clutching something in hand tilts her head back and emits a loud, high-pitched humming. The tone is sad and irritating, also causing sound pulsations strong enough to vibrate the tower, making dirt fall around them. The sound radiates over the area and for a days walk in all directions.

“O-kay,” Carr shrugs and quickly checks the area, spotting two small beings piling wood.

The humming noise hesitates the henchmen as they look up to the tower.

Having an idea of what the noise is about the dark Elf sends men into the rear of the church.

Carr catches a glimpse of the men heading to the back of the church, before dodging several arrows.

Taking one of Jasmine’s arrows Carr stands. Below the sound of someone striking flint catches Carr’s ear. Drawing back the delicately crafted arrow it breaks.

On the ground a male with a crossbow fires his bolt at Carr. The bolt misses as he reaches down to retrieve another arrow.

A male within the church calls out details to the Elf, as they search.

Being gentler Carr draws back the arrow then stands. He sights up a small male striking flint together. Exhaling Carr releases the arrow.

Thug archers also aim for Carr and shoot projectiles up to the tower.

Managing to get down Carr avoids the incoming arrows and bolts. Not seeing his arrow diving deep into the targeted male’s collarbone.

Witnessing the male keel over the dark Elf snaps his fingers causing the pile of wood to ignite. He motions to another small male to tend to fire.

Jumping up to shoot another arrow Carr is surprised to see a fire going. Out of the corner of the eye sees he’s now being targeted. Dropping to a knee Carr avoids being hit, hearing the arrows pelt the tower.

Quickly Carr stands, hastily aiming and letting the arrow fly at the male building the fire. Getting down to avoid being targeted Carr doesn’t see his arrow pin the small male’s hand to a wet branch. The newly injured male sees his wound and cries out trying to uselessly shake the branch off.

Inside the building the searching bandits survey the main hall. Carr moves to view the doorway into the hall, hoping to shoot anyone who enters.

Not even flinching as projectiles sail into and through the tower, Jasmine continues to yowl away.

With a good fire going a few dozen arrows are laid out. An Orc pours a potion of Fiery Oil onto the arrow tips.

In the church the searching males identify their fallen comrades. Promising to avenge the death of the guild members they utter morbid threats to Carr and Jasmine for each one that’s passed.

Due to his youth Carr mentally counts how many he’s personally dispatched.

A Goblin sticks its grubby face into the doorway, looking up the stairs. His count interrupted Carr shoots an arrow at the Goblin.

Evading the arrow, the Goblin jumps back into the hall and reports Carr’s position.

Drawing another arrow Carr stands scanning the grounds. Seeing eight males lighting oiled arrows makes sure of his shot. As Carr let’s his arrow go a group of males shoot back.

Jasmine’s crafted arrow sails beautifully through the air, Carr watches as it hit its’ mark. The arrow buries itself just left of center on a male’s chest.

Incoming projectiles connect mainly with stone. A rock whipped from a sling whacks Carr hard in the head. Rubbing the point of impact, he kneels.

The hit archer collapses dropping his ignited arrow onto a group of unlit arrows, setting them ablaze.

Rapidly seven other archers grab up and launch the burning arrows, before the shafts are burned through. Six arrows stick into the towers’ old wood shingled roof. One arrow sails right over the tower and into the woods, burning itself out in the wet overgrowth.

With one arrow left in Jasmine’s quiver Carr goes for his own.

Checking on the main-floor doorway the Goblin shows his face again. Carr turns pretending to aim, scaring the male back.

Trailing thugs led by Crete reach the clearing. Eight males join the seven archers to shoot burning arrows. Crete and three others stop to speak with the dark Elf.

Flaming arrows rain down on the church; nine hit the tower roof, three hit the hall roof, two bounce off the tower stonework, one misses landing in the woods.

Popping up with bow drawn Carr takes time to aim. Sighting a medium sized archer Carr lets the arrow fly. Another fatal heart hit as Carr’s arrow takes out the archer as the man was drawing back, releasing his burning arrow low into the towers’ stonewall.

The remaining archers fire the last twelve burning arrows; five hit the tower roof, three hit the hall roof, two skip off the tower and into the woods, two more land in the tower.

Swiftly Carr grabs one of the burning arrows, draws it back sighting up the dark Elf and releases it.

Flying true the burning arrow sails right for the Elf. Snapping out his arm, the dark Elf catches the arrow out of the air and tosses it aside.

Foiled and yet impressed Carr stomps out the other burning arrow.

Below the Goblin makes a dash for the stairs. Turning sharply Carr quickly targets the Goblin and fires. Piercing the Goblin’s leg, causing him to fall from the second step. The arrow breaks as the Goblin hits the stone floor.

Carr waves a fist at the retreating Goblin, before reaching for another arrow.

Smoke begins to emanate from the roof patches where flaming arrows are embedded. Waiting for the roof to burn and force the duo out, the thugs shout out threats.

Hobbling away the Goblin narrowly escapes being struck by Carr’s next arrow.

Ready to sight up a different target Carr draws an arrow standing to scan the grounds. Men on the ground were waiting for him and fire. Most projectiles miss, but Carr’s lip is cut by a passing arrow and a rock whacks his forehead with an odd hollowly noise.

Annoyed by the rocks Carr surveys the grounds; archers are drawing arrows, males with crossbows are redrawing. In the center of the grounds a Halfling stands behind the well with a sling winding up for another attack.

Hastily Carr releases his arrow at the Halfling, ducking to avoid arrows fired from the grounded archers.

Peeking from behind the stonewall Carr sees his arrow struck the Halfling in the right shoulder, taking the small male out of sling action. Carr proudly pumps a fist in the air.

Wiping blood from the lip Carr decides to make use of arrows shot at him.

With a useable arrow in hand Carr gets up and pretends to aim. Glimpsing the males on the ground sighting up, Carr waits until the first arrow is released then swiftly ducks.

Bolts and arrows pelt the tower several make it inside.

Nimbly Carr stands and aims at the first male in his sights, a crossbow toting Orc. Carr’s arrow hits the Orc in the belly just under the ribcage.

The tower roof is getting smoky on the inside.

Stopping the humming yowl Jasmine opens her eyes to see Carr dropping down to get an arrow.

Noticing her Carr proudly states. “I definitely took care of three of them.” Jokingly pointing to the floor around them, “and look, several arrows have come back.” Noticing a lot of bolts, “too bad we’ve no crossbow. Did you get an answer?”

Jasmine softly replies, “I can’t hear over the men out there. It’ll take time.”

Carr points up to the smoky roof, “I don’t know how much time we’ll have before the roof burns up.”

Fortunately for both the wet mossy wood shingles are hindering the fires’ progress.

Noticing it she disappointingly comments, “I thought you were going to prevent them from shooting flaming arrows, Jeez.”

Quickly he shoots a gathered arrow, “well, there’s more of them.” Piercing a male’s upper arm, Carr ducks from returning arrows, “and that, makes it hard to hit your target.”

Rolling her eyes Jasmine sees the arrow still through her forearm. Not even flinching she breaks the shaft off, leaving the tip in to prevent blood loss.

Grabbing a few loose arrows from the floor Jasmine picks up her bow, “so, twenty-seven to go?”

Only ever witnessing aggressive males acting like her, Carr admires it but also feels less of a man, “ah, yeah. Five are in the temple hall waiting for us to come down.”

Knowing it she sarcastically remarks, “Oh, that’s who’s yelling down there.”

Peeking over the stone windowsill she spots two easy targets, “Carr on the other side of the well, two are wrapping arrow tips.”

“Okay,” Carr points himself that way, drawing back the bow taking in a deep breath.

Drawing an iron arrow Jasmine aims down the tower to the hall entranceway.

Standing Carr quickly sights the males as all the archers target him and release their projectiles, Carr hastily fires and ducks.

A bolt whizzes past Carr’s face and two arrows skip off his scale armoring. Remaining projectiles rain down on the tower, several more make it inside.

With premonition Jasmine releases her arrow, just as the Goblin sticks his head in to see an arrow tip up close. Skewering the Goblin’s left eye, the arrow enters the brain and is stopped by the back of the skull, the Goblin drops twitching.

Drawing the bow while standing Carr sees his arrow has killed its’ target. A small male can be seen leaning over the downed male.

Lining up the bent over male Carr lets his arrow fly, hesitating to watch.

Turning her attention to the grounds Jasmine spots a group of males targeting Carr, she aims at the fittest male and fires her arrow.

An incoming arrow pierces Carr’s shoulder covering from underneath. The covering pops up with the arrows’ momentum, causing the tip to scrape his head. Still leaning over, the small male takes Carr’s arrow to the back. Thinking he’s been hit in the head Carr kneels down feeling his wound for a projectile, “they got me.”

Jasmine’s target gets his heart pierced with her arrow. She kneels to avoid incoming arrows observing Carr. Pointing to his shoulder armor she laughs, “your okay. Good thing your armor is made that way.” Looking down to the ground floor notices the Goblin’s body has been moved.

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