Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #31

Jasmine grins at him. “In my youth, I’d find you attractive enough.”

Wondering if there’s a chance to lay with her, he asks cutely, “what do you find me attractive enough for?”

“In my youth.” Restating the thought she offers, “some spring I’ll send a younger Swanmay to seek you out.”

Vexed by the lack of interest he queries. “Why’s that?”

“It’d be a males fantasy come true,” Jasmine slyly comments, “all you have to do is take what happens as just that and let her go.”

A very intriguing offer he plays cutely hurt, “why not you?”

Carr’s cute query is the first time she’s felt appreciated in a male’s spoken desire, “I can no longer bare children. So, the act itself doesn’t interest me.”

“Oh,” disappointed Carr sighs, “it’s really the age. Isn’t it?”

Lightly chuckling Jasmine touches his cheek looking into his eyes, “young, old, race. It doesn’t matter you’re all the same. Never finish what you start. Besides my heart still belongs to another.”

Her touch causes Carr’s whole body to go goose bumpy. Softly sighing he replies, “I can’t be like any typical male. After all even Goblin wenches seem to like me.”

“Goblin wenches?” Wondering what Carr gets himself into she points out, “if I were a Goblin, I’d prefer Human males too.”

Getting over the fact that he has little chance with Jasmine, Carr strangely pries, “what type of males would you prefer to be with?”

“Ah,” finding the question odd she answers with, “well, though they are hard to catch. I’d say Elf, their skin is so soft and they smell nice.”

Carr comes to an odd conclusion, “and I thought Ma was only tellin’ me that girls didn’t like smelly boys just to get me to wash.” He also finds it odd that a female as attractive as herself would have to chase even an Elf.

Knowing it was probably the time spent underwater Jasmine informs him. “Despite the blood on you. You do smell better than the first night we met.”

Smelling him self, “Oh really?” He doesn’t smell anything different, “thanks for saying so.”

Chuckling a bit more at him and shaking her head, “you’re certainly a unique male.”

Putting his loose items into the backpack Carr looks up at her, “I guess we best get moving.”

Nodding she agrees, “those two we let go will most likely run back to the guild, if they find a horse, sooner.”

“Oh yeah, horses.” Carr ties down the packs’ flap, “did you see the horses when you came?”

Knowing what was done with ones seen she mentions, “Kind of, there were at least eight of them, but I set them free.”

Standing Carr slings the pack over the shoulder, “you didn’t happen to notice if one of them was mine?”

“Oh, you lost your horse?” She thinks about it. “I couldn’t tell.”

“I guess not,” Carr sighs, “well if they’re gone, I guess I’m walking home.” He starts out into the narrow hallway.

Following him, she knows it’ll be days for him to walk home. “I’m sorry if I let your horse go.”

“Me too, me too. Don’t fret about it. I had to abandon her at the guild.” Stepping over a dead Halfling Carr peers into the dark looking for his bow, quiver and the magical spectacles, “I hope my stuff didn’t get trampled.”

Spotting his bow and quiver Jasmine points them out, “I think that’s your quiver in the far corner and the bow is lying just in front of it.”

Impressed by her night vision Carr mentions. “You must have great sight. I can see better than most, in the dark. But I can’t even see the far corner.” Carefully he walks over, “tell me if you see a jeweled dagger and broken spectacles.”

Jasmine scans the floor of the hall, “okay, but what are spectacles?”

Astounded she’s never heard of them Carr explains, “some beings don’t see good. The wealthy ones buy special glass to help their vision. The glass is usually held in small frames made of wood or metal.”

“Oh,” not sure what to look for she looks for the jeweled dagger instead.

His soft leather boot touches his bow. Moving foot position Carr bends down to pick up the bow. Sliding the bow over his empty shoulder kneels on the ground feeling around for the spectacles.

On the dead Halfling swordsman, she spots a jeweled dagger in a sheath strapped to its belt. “There’s a jeweled dagger on this Halfling here.”

Looking over Carr sees the silhouette of the Halfling, “I put my dagger through him. Shortly after the dagger was knocked from my grip. But I’ll take a look in a minute.”

Continuing to scan the floor Jasmine spots the dagger across the way and walks over to it.

Carr feels his way into the corner finding the quiver. Sitting up positioning the gear on his back, notices Jasmine bend over, “Find it?”

“I think so,” she picks up the dagger and holds it up for him to see.

Only making out the shape Carr nods, “yeah that’s it.”

She brings it over to him, “the spectacles, do you need them to see?”

“Not really,” Carr struggles to get the backpack in place, “they’re just magical and can give me your kind of vision in the dark.”

Handing him the dagger handle first she remarks, “pretty fancy blade.”

“Thanks,” carefully taking it Carr enlightens her, “it was recently acquired. It had a dangerous magical short-sword that accompanied it. I decided it was too dangerous to carry or leave around so I hid it well.”

Pointing to the deceased Halfling swordsman she notes. “It resembles the one on his belt.”

Intrigued Carr looks over to the Halfling, “really?”

“To me it does, anyway,” Jasmine sees a yellowy glitter under Carr’s leg. “Say what’s that? Beside you.”

“Hmm,” Carr scans the area, “what do you see?”

“Under your leg,” She points out, “it’s a very small flicker of green light.”

“Oh, great,” Carr feels the ground around, “that’s those spectacles.” Touching the bent arm picks them up looking through the remaining lens.

Noticing the shape Jasmine recalls, “I think I’ve seen something like that before. Worn on the face in front of the eyes-of-a, I want to say a sage.”

Inspecting the spectacles, the arms and frame are twisted more, the lens is no worse than when found, “yeah sages would definitely wear ’em.”

Curious she queries. “Might I see them?”

“Sure,” Carr stands passing them to her, “careful they are fragile and ready to fall apart.”

Holding the lens up to her eye, sees better but finds it too bright, “Oh my, too much light for me,” handing them back.

Carr asks, “would you mind tucking them into my pack for me?”

“Okay,” Jasmine carefully slips them into the pack.

“Thanks,” wanting to examine the Halfling’s short-sword Carr steps towards him, “now let’s have a look at this blade here.”

Not so interested in the weapon Jasmine would like to get out of the area. “It’s got the same ebony handle. Do you really need another weapon?”

“No,” bending down Carr observes that the sword’s hilt is shaped differently, the jewels are placed in similar spots but are not the same size or type of stones as his.

Jasmine smells the incoming breeze. Nothing sensed through the nose she however gets an uneasy feeling.

Sliding the blade out of the sheath Carr discovers it does have the same engraved words on the blade, “I think this blade is poisonous.”

Unimpressed Jasmine remarks, “foul weapon.”

Carefully sheathing it Carr nods, “yup,” He begins to untie it from the belt.

“What are you doing?” Jasmine inquires, “do you really want another blade that dangerous?”

Contending with the buckle Carr states, “it would be wrong to leave it for another to use. My cleric would want me to get rid of it.”

Not sure if Carr’s being totally honest, she does agree with what he said, “you’ve a wise cleric for council. Just hurry up, so we can get out of here.”

“I’m trying,” Carr gets the belt loosened, “ah, there. I don’t think you have to worry. We should still have plenty of time before any others can make it back here.”

She keeps watch out the windows, “I’d agree but something says different.”

“Oh yeah,” Carr gets up tying the short-sword to his belt, “well I think we can get out of here now.”

“Great.” She walks with him to the tower entrance, “Thanks again Carr for getting me the anklet back.”

“Glad to have helped a being like yourself.” He gestures for her to enter the tower first, “Unless you need an escort, we should probably separate.”

Both gestures make Jasmine smile, “We should separate. Make it harder to track. If I see you in the future, I’ll say hello. By scent I’d be able to know if you’re around.”

Crossing the tower floor Carr jokes, “do I really smell that bad?”

She laughs as they exit the building, before Jasmine can reply a barrage of arrows rain down on them.

Carr and the armor take most of the hits. One arrow pierces the top left arm covering. A second skewers his right wrist missing the armor, bone and any main veins. A third penetrates his leg armor on the inner right thigh. Several arrows and bolts are deflected.

Jasmine takes an arrow through the left forearm. Another grazes her forehead leaving a small gash.

Quickly jumping back into the tower entrance Jasmine reaches out grabbing Carr by the backpack. Jerking him right off his feet and into tower, breaking the thigh arrow off and avoiding the next volley of projectiles.

Having already made it back to the temple grounds the bandits encircle the old church. Continuing to fire arrows into the dark tower entrance.

For cover and an advantage Jasmine points up the tower, agreeing Carr nods.

Almost floating the Swanmay glides up the stairs.

Hesitating Carr tightly grasps what’s left of the arrow shaft in his thigh. Yanking the arrow out with a yelp. After some hopping about he clambers up the rickety steps.

Glancing down on Carr’s progress Jasmine turns her attention out the tower openings to survey the attackers below. Sighting up possible targets she reaches for the long-bow slung around the shoulder.

Moving swiftly up the steps one cracks, as Carr shifts his weight to leap past a gap of missing steps to the next. The old timber gives and falls away. Carr manages to grab hold of the next step, snapping the arrow shaft in his right wrist.

Dangling but only a few seconds before hoisting himself up. The exposed arrow tip through the wrist scrapes painfully against stone wall.

Pain and frustration cause Carr to remove the arrow tip before continuing, cautiously up the remaining steps.

Eighteen males have surrounded the old church, most taking to the trees for cover. Another slower dozen males are closing in on the grounds.

Spotting Jasmine in the tower the dark Elf orders the thugs to maintain their positions. He directs two younger males to build a fire.

As Carr gets to the top the Swanmay informs him, “there’s about twenty out there. I think another dozen are on the riverbank closing in. It looks like they are going to put flaming arrows to the building.”

Removing bow and quiver Carr drops the backpack, “well the roof is wet.”

“It’ll still burn,” she kneels down to count her arrows, “I’d hate to see any trees burn.”

“Trees?” Bewildered Carr comments, “I’d hate to see you and me burn. Trees?”

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