Den of Thieves

Chapter Chapter #33

Tilting her ear to hear outside Jasmine touches the floorboards, “they’re coming.”

Fidgeting with the stuck arrow Carr queries, “huh, what? Who’s coming?”

“Just a little more time,” she points to the well. “I can smell that Fiery Oil again.” Grabbing an arrow she says, “on one.”

“What?” Unsure Carr picks up an arrow.

“One!” Jasmine stands, draws, aims and releases. Her arrow flies as she gets down.

“One?” Carr stands seeing a male keel over. Another male is gathering up the wrapped arrows, as a dozen projectiles enter the tower openings.

Carr shields the face with the left arm; a bolt pierces that arm, an arrow digs into the right arm. Hurting Carr the most, a rock breaks his left pinky and causes the two adjacent fingers to swell up. “Yipe!” Utters Carr stomping both feet twice. Drawing the arrow back with anguish Carr aims at the small male running with an arm full of Fiery Oil-soaked arrows.

Standing to take a second shot Jasmine watches envious of a moving target.

Following through Carr exhales releasing the arrow, like hunting a rabbit before it makes it to its’ hole. The arrow pins the male’s arm to his body, twisting the male to the ground.

Jasmine sends out an arrow to finish the small male.

Making out the small male’s face Carr’s eyes widen. It’s Cal.

Just as Jasmine’s arrow dives into the male’s small collar, heading straight for the heart.

Mouth open Carr’s eyes redden. Jasmine pulls him down to avoid a volley of arrows.

Fighting off a tear Carr yells at Jasmine, “that was Cal! He’s just a boy starting out!” Unsure of whom to direct his aggression too sighs loudly.

Certainly not proud of what she’s doing, Jasmine knows only that the males out there are merely parasites on the world. Standing swiftly, she takes out the man sent to collect Cal’s dropped arrows.

Kneeling beside Carr she softly remarks, “Cal was on the wrong path in life and was helping to get you and I.”

Understanding her comment is what’s really making Carr mad. Trying not to direct his emotions at Jasmine, “it’s more than that. He was the last of his family name. They were wiped out in warfare. You know like hunting a creature until there isn’t anymore. He actually had signs of wisdom and an urge for learning.”

His words get to her, Jasmine sighs as arrows and bolts hit the stonework. Standing quickly, she takes out a third male heading for the arrows.

Softly touching Carr’s jaw Jasmine looks into his eyes, “that is sad. But he is assisting those bandits out there. And anyone that looks threatening isn’t going to make it far from here.”

Placing her hand on the floorboards, “you should be able to feel it now.” Looking up notes the flaming arrow attack wasn’t enough to burn the roof.

As rocks and arrows fly in Carr feels the floor, sensing a faint vibration, “is something big coming?”

Checking the grounds Jasmine sees a male running past Cal taking what arrows he can in passing. She drops down avoiding a group of arrows. “Well,” jumping up Jasmine fires an arrow into the man who just snapped up a few oil-soaked ones. Taking him down the male falls on top of the fire screaming out and smothering the flames. Ducking down Jasmine finishes her statement, “not big, so much, as many.” She reaches over and yanks the arrow out of Carr’s right arm.

“Hey!” Wincing Carr rubs the wound, “jeez, I said warn me next time.”

Bending over she picks up a useable arrow, “come on, we’ve only got to keep them occupied a bit longer.”

Looking for a good arrow to use Carr notes, “we’re low on useable arrows.”

On her feet Jasmine shoots at a male trying to pull his fallen comrade off the fire, only wounding him.

Taking cover from incoming arrows, she snags one out of the air and places it against her bow. Seeing Carr find an arrow she nods, “ready?”

Returning the nod, they both stand and aim at the closest target. Hastily firing Carr gets down as his arrow hits a man in the leg. Jasmine targets the male she wounded, finishing him off leaving the man on top of the dwindling fire.

Remaining standing Jasmine surveys, the area catching another in bound arrow before kneeling. Astonished by her skill, Carr bows slightly.

Grinning from the gesture Jasmine points out, “the trees are shaking.” Her eyes reflect a wild mischievous vibe, “did you ever see the hunter become the hunted?”

“Huh?” Carr wonders what’s going through her mind, “kind of, why?”

Howls, barks and yelps emanate from the surrounding woods, the ground begins to noticeable vibrate. Becoming still, the thugs feel the ground move and listen to the growing sounds.

Peeking over the window’s edge Carr and Jasmine study the grounds.

Birds scatter from the trees, causing Crete, the dark Elf and seasoned males to draw hand weapons. All around look bewildered.

Noticing two of her finely crafted arrows are left Jasmine whispers to Carr, “can you see the large man standing beside the Elf?”

Carr quietly responds, “yeah, both. Why?”

Taking out her last arrow Jasmine points out the one Carr has, “shortly all will be distracted. I’ve got a good shot on the Elf.”

Carefully sliding the arrow out of the quiver Carr comments, “go ahead, take out the Elf. He already caught the arrow I fired at him.”

Smiling she queries. “Wasn’t one of mine, was it?”

Recalling it he replies, “nope, it was flaming.”

“Ah,” Jasmine warns about the arrow, “be gentle when drawing it back.”

The trees begin to noticeable shake. Anything that doesn’t eat meat has fled the area or gone underground.

The rabid sounds of angry carnivores surround the ruins. Unnerving the thugs, they gather around the well. A couple of the males, stationed in the trees get scared and run deeper into the woods. Their blood curdling screams of tearing pain carry back to the ruins.

Hearing that, a few bandits take to the river allowing the current to carry them away, narrowly escaping death.

From between the trees that encircle the grounds Carr glimpses viciously wild animals darting out. Rapidly the animals fill the grounds, focused on the thugs that remain standing.

Jasmine whispers, “now.” Standing sights up the Elf’s chest and releases.

A little slower Carr stands and lets his go, as hers’ strikes the visually occupied Elf. Crete doesn’t even notice the Elf drop or the fatal arrow from Carr’s bow.

Both men keel over as the tide of fierce creatures bare down on the remaining males.

Carr doesn’t see Crete collapse oddly drawn to the gruesome battle; the thugs don’t stand a chance.

Using any useable arrow Jasmine takes out any male who can fight back. She yells pointing to the stairs, “Carr! Get them!”

“Huh?” Carr can’t turn away.

“Hey!” She shoves Carr, “they’re coming up! Here!”

Glancing over Carr takes a double look as males are trying to get up the tower steps, pleading for their lives.

Carr snaps to, “the hell with yous.” Drawing his long-sword, “not up here. You bastards.”

Still trying to get up, the males take out a section of weak steps, crashing to the floor below.

The temple fills with assorted canines tearing at any two-legged being.

From the chaos a Halfling jumps up grasping a higher step, a look of shear terror on his little face.

Stepping down Carr attempts to chop the male down.

Teary-eyed the small male begs for mercy.

Hesitating Carr thinks he should help.

Out of the flurry of fur a coyote racing across the backs of the other animals sees the Halfling’s dangling legs. Jumping up the steps the coyote lands briefly on one to leap up higher. Biting hard and deep into the Halfling’s leg the coyote drags him screaming to his grizzly doom.

Unable to look away Carr can’t believe what he’s seeing, like some twisted nightmare.

Using the last of the arrows Jasmine sets down the bow. After plucking out stuck projectiles rests her hands on the stone sill. As Jasmine surveys the carnage, her eyes begin to redden and swell.

Carr’s stomach turns and knots from watching too long. Seeing his own face on a chewed and torn man, a wolf, wild dog and mastiff are pulling in different directions. Feeling dizzy Carr sits back trying to shake the image from his head.

A bone-chilling scream marks the horrible death of the last male. Growling, snapping wild animals tearing flesh and crunching bones still fills the air.

Rolling down Jasmine’s cheek a tear that drops onto the stone sill. Creating a glint in Carr’s peripherals. He turns to view Jasmine, her body barely moves, only strongly sniffing to clear her nose.

Animals that care not for the flesh head to the river to wash the blood away and drink before moving on.

Slowly the grounds begin to empty, as many of the other creatures, head to the river.

Savage beasts that have had their fill of two-legged meat repeat the walk.

Standing along side of Jasmine, Carr scans the area seeing several different dead animals, “it looks like your animals did well.” Seeing the only thugs not shredded are the ones that died at their hands. Observing a solemn look on Jasmine’s face he asks. “Why do you look so sad?”

Sighing Jasmine tries to make light of the situation, “all that scourgie meat is gonna make them sick.”

Pulling back from her, Carr queries, “are you joking with me?”

Letting out a deep breath Jasmine tells him, “many good animals are dead or dying. I’m going to have to save as many as I can.”

Remembering she is a ranger and not thinking that the animals need to be healed Carr asks looking at his own wounds, “you know lay-healing?”

Turning to him she answers, “I do have the power. But it’s limited to animal kind. In the time it would take me to heal one of your wounds I can heal a dozen of them.”

Not fully understanding Carr nods but also has the ring, “I see.”

She lets him know, “I’m going down there to do what I can. When satisfied a couple of beings will wish to speak with you. It’ll be about what you can do to repay their kin for helping us out.”

“Okay,” thinking there’s no way he’s going down there right now, “ah, are you sure, you’ll be alright?”

She looks into his eyes, “do you have a God, Carr?”

“Oh, yes. Chislev the Caretaker.” Carr returns the look seeing a smiling face fronting troubled eyes.

“Chislev,” she nods knowing the Deity and is glad that is Carr’s base beliefs, “some call her the Mother of Nature.” Her smile fades, “what happened here tonight will leave a stain. Come back another year and you will understand. You’ll know our actions were behind it.” She points to the carnage.

He’s heard similar thoughts before, “I understand.”

Jasmine thinks aloud, “how will this affect us, when we pass over? What will our Gods say?” She pulls out the anklet, “all for a piece of metal. I should’ve used better judgment.”

Hearing that Carr’s perplexed on how to feel, “I thought I was doing right.”

Patting him on the shoulder she replies, “I thought so too, but many lives were lost tonight. Over an object that’s only real power is a memory.”

“It was…” unsure of what to say Carr becomes quiet.

She lightly touches his cheek, “tend to your wounds. Tonight isn’t your fault. I should have just let this anklet go.” Still cherished its put back in the quiver.

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