Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 5

I sat down in the chair and stared at her until I was comfortable in the chair. Then I went inside her head with the essences of the bag and stuff inside.

She was doing the same as yesterday but this time she must have felt me because she stopped and looked at me with a big smile on her face. "Hi Thantos"

With a smile of my own, "Hello, Neve Bianco"

She skips over to me and she stood in front of me and gasps. I frowned about to ask what's wrong but she answered.

"What wrong with your face?" Damn I forgot about my lip and cheek.

"Just a bruise, nothing for you to worry about."

She ignored me, "Does it hurt? Are you about to faint? Oh my god what am I suppose to do..."

I took a step towards her to where there's no space in between us and covered her mouth with my hand. It felt nice to have someone worry so much but I didn't want her to worry.

So looking in her eyes, "I told you, Neve Bianco, I'm fine. This happens so often that I barely feel it anymore. So please stop worrying."

She hesitated but nodded her head. I pulled my hand away from her face and wrapped my arms around her small waist. She put her hands on my chest lightly but didn't say anything.

I smiled at her remembering the bag in my hand, "I have a present for you"

Her eyes light up making them even more beautiful than usual. Note to self bring more presents. "Really?"

"Yes really. Do you want to see them?"

"Yes yes yes, please" She started to clap and jump in my arms.

Laughing a little, I let go of Fantasy and give her the bag. She pulled out the dress and held it against her body. Her smile got even bigger, she must have imagined it on her because instead of the black tights and tee, she had the dress on.

"I love it"

"I'm glad, Neve Bianco, you look even more beautiful in it"

She blushed and pulled out the book. "What this?"

"Tell me Neve Bianco, have you ever seen the world or the stars?"

"No" She shocked her pretty little head

"Pick any place in that book and I'll take you there"

She tilted her head, "But how are you going to do that?"

"Well since I can take souls to heaven or hell, I also have to be able to go in between both and deliver those souls."

"What?" She had a 'what the fuck are you talking about' look on her face.

"There are souls that haven't been chosen to go to heaven or hell, so they are stuck on earth but no one can see them. If they do something that can tip the scale that makes them goes to hell or not then I have to go get them and deliver them."

"Oh ok" she has the book in her hands and looks at it hesitantly.

I stepped behind her and opened the book slowly while it was still in her hands. The first page was a picture of Paris and the next page was a description of it.

"Oh that is so pretty." a smile went on her face

Resting my head on her shoulder, "I can take you see it in person if you want"

"But how long will we stay there?"

"For however long you want, la mia bellezza." Her smile got bigger and I whispered in her ear, "Would you like to go to Paris with me, Neve Bianco?"

She jumped around to look at me, "Yes!!!"

I wrapped my arms around her tight, "Well then hold on to me and don't let go"

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she closed her eyes and put her head on my chest. Thud thud. I took a deep breath and thought about Paris, ignoring the weird feeling. It took a bit longer to get there because I didn't have my body and I'm taking another soul with me.

But I knew we were there when Fantasy gasped. I opened my eyes and saw her amazed face. "This is absolutely beautiful and so much better than the book."

"It is beautiful but not as beautiful as you and your smile."

She blushed. "Come on I'll show you everything Paris has to offer and probably more." And I knew that this was going to be a good day, when I saw her face light up with a huge smile on her face.

I showed her everything, I bought her flowers or books that caught her attention (I toke the essences of the thing and gave it to her), I took her to any store she wanted to go to, and any ride that she wanted to ride. Anything she wanted to do, we did. At a plaza, there was people playing music and she started to dance. She made me dance with her; it was hilarious since neither of us knew how to dance. The day was fun and relaxing. I didn't have to worry about school, people, or shit that would make me stressful. Today put a smile on my face and it's all because of Fantasy's curiosity and happiness.

And even though this is against the rules, I'll keep doing it, just so long as it brings a smile on Fantasy's face and a sparkle in her eyes. Hell, I'll break all the rules just to see her happy.

I start writing in my journal as she laughs trying to chase a butterfly in the park. She is so beautiful with her bright smile and carefree soul. I really would do anything for her; she has me wrapped around her little fingers and doesn't even know it. The butterfly got away and she frowned but I made another one appear and that gorgeous smile went back on her face, where it belonged. I nodded my head when it did and thought out loud to myself,

"You, mio amore will never have a frown or a tear on your lovely face ever again, I'll make sure of that"

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