Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 4

Sitting in Mrs. Matthews' history class, I wait for the damn bell to ring and try not to fall asleep in her class either. Only 3 minutes left then I can go and get the things that I will give to Fantasy. Seb sat next to me with a knowing smirk on his face and taps his pen on his desks twice, code that the teacher is about to call on me for something.

I could feel Matthews looking at me, "Death Dealers are so rare that there are only fourteen of them in existences at this moment. Mr. Richards why do you think that is?"

"Matthews are you asking me that question because I'm one of them? If so why not ask Sebastian he would be more willing to answer." I say irritated

"Mr. Richards just answer the question." I could hear the anger, hate, and the fear she tries to hide in her voice.

I look around the room and see that everyone is staring at me, I so wasn't in the mood for this shit. Turning towards Matthews, I stare at her not looking away and watched as she shuffled on her feet, trying not to back down. I leaned forward on my desk, not breaking eye contact and waited. She backed down not being able to hold my stare, she knows I can kill her and everyone in this blasted school in a second if I wanted to.

"To answer your question Helene," She turned an angry red when I said her first name, "the reason that we are so rare is because our ancestors trusted your old ass for too long and didn't believe the right people."

In the corner of my eye I saw that Seb has a smirk on his face, Matthews turned an even darker red and was about to say something but I wasn't finished yet, "oh and your kind, reapers, are backstabbing, power-hungry motherfuckers. None of you wanted any species to be above you so you killed all of our women and children in cold blood and bombed the place where you were suppose to fight us. And now we have only fourteen because we are the only ones that have the traits and a hint of Death Dealers blood in us, unlike all of you," I waved my hand in my peers direction, "we actually like to go out and see things for ourselves instead of having someone else plan our lives without trying to ruin someone's life while doing it. That is why we are rare, Helene. We are the only ones that aren't going to listen to the bullshit that you are trying to feed us about us being the bad guys. We may be in the future for the revenge of our ancestors but not right now. Does that answer your question, Helene?"

But before she can answer, the bell ringed singling the end of school. Helene is still standing red and pissed and quiet. I stood up with Seb at my side and walked slowly out the room.

Seb started laughing as soon as we're out. "You just couldn't help yourself could you?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and then we both got thrown into the lockers beside us.

"What's up losers?" James Grim, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grim, he can get away with anything just like fucking Connie.

"Yeah, what's up losers?" Patrick Sid, James best friend and partner in bulling, I like to call him Patrick Star for more than one reason.

"Get lost James and take your bag of rocks with you. I don't have time for this." I have Fantasy waiting for me to woo her.

"Watch who you're talking to Richards, I own this school."

"Yeah only because your daddy is the principle" Seb says rolling his eyes

"What was that Ames?" James growls in Seb's direction

"Look we've been through this before, we say shit to each other, then you punch one of us and we fight back. Can we just skip the shit and go to the fight already?" Seb pointed in my direction, "He's on a tight schedule right now"

He glared and threw a punch at my jaw. I hit him in the gut. He hit me in the face, busting me lip. I gave him a black eye. The same hits that we always do when we fight. We continued for a few more seconds until Connie came.

"Oh will you boys stop fighting already, you guys do this every day." She looked at me with sex eyes and started to bite her lip, "I would like to have a partner for chemistry later in one piece."

I shivered in disgust but she took it as desire and winked at me. I will never fuck something that might have STDs of all kinds, no way in hell.

"Come on twin, dad have to tell us something." James backs up and walks towards Connie

"Fine, but this better be important. Come on Patrick."

Once they gone, me and Seb walk to the hell hole, I'm suppose to call home.


"You want me to go in with you?" he asks worried, seeing all of my parents and siblings cars in the driveway.

"No I don't need you getting in the crossfire, if they do anything. And besides it'll be a quick in and out."

He sighed, "Alright call me when you're out, ok"

"Yes mother hen, I'll call as soon as I'm out"

He nodded his head while i walked towards the gate

"Thantos," Seb called out, I turned back around, "Be careful."

"I will" I waited for Seb to be down the street before I turned back to the white picket fence, an ugly yellow 3 story house with 4 cars in the driveway. It looks like a nice home with a nice family on the outside but on the inside it's my own personal hell.

Walking into the door, a bucket of hot tar like syrup lands on my head and covers me. Mark and Dave run by laughing their 16 year old asses off while throwing feathers that smell like shit at me. Sophia pops out of nowhere and takes a picture.

"Oh this is so going on face book."

"Hear that freak, you'll be famous for a good 5 seconds before you go back to being a loser again."

I didn't say anything, just went passed them....or tried to I should say.

"Where do you think you're going freak we aren't done with you yet."

Don't say anything, Don't say anything, once they are done then I can go see Fantasy and be away from these dumb assholes just don't say anything.

"So Thantos when are you going to try and kill the world and everyone on it with your oh so magical powers."

"yeah I think you should tell us now that way we can let you and you're girlfriend, Seb, die happily together. After all we wouldn't want to let the two of you to suffer alone, once the council gets you."

They laughed and said, "Maybe you should take your magical powers and kill you and all of the other death dealers we don't need or want your kind here."

"Yeah go kill some innocent people already"

I finally snapped, "Why don't I just kill you three and be done with?"

Mother walked in, "because if you do then all of the Dealers will be put to death and you wouldn't want to hurt your friends now do you?"

I clenched my jaw and didn't say anything.

She raised an eyebrow waiting for me to say something, I still don't.

"Oh Dear," She yells down the hall

"Yes, Honey" Father answers from his office

"Thantos seems to be ignoring me"

You blond hair bitch

You could hear his footsteps coming closer to the front door. Mother was smiling a sick evil smile while the three idiots were snickering.

Father walks in and raises an eyebrow at my appearance, "Are you ignoring your mother boy?"

I didn't answer him and he sighed. I blinked and ended up on the floor with my right cheek hurting. He kicked me in the chest a few times, stomped on my hands and face, then picked me up by my hair and dragged me down to the basement and chained me to the wall and all you could he was the crack of the whip and my skin being sliced opened.

After 20 whips, father dropped the whip and unlocked the chain.

"Next time answer your mother you ungrateful bastard."

He turned towards and kissed mother and went back to his office. The Triple Idiots walked off and mother went back into the kitchen.

I tried to get off the floor without causing anymore pain, it didn't work. I groaned slightly and went up to the attic where 'my room' is. There boxes full of things that aren't mine all around the room and a bed by the small circular window. No decorations and no personal items, I can't trust that my siblings won't touch anything that I bring in this house.

I stood in the middle of the room and thought about flames being on me but not burning me. I thought of the warmth that comes with it. I thought of it surrounding me. And two seconds later that exactly what I felt. My wounds healed and the sticky shit turned into ashes and landed on the floor, but so did my clothes.

Naked, I bend down and look underneath the bed and pulled out a black tee and black jeans. Guess I'm going commando. After putting that on I go over towards one of the boxes and pull out a book and 100 dollars from a stash that Sophia forgot about. From another box I pull out a white sundress that used to be Sophia before she became a slut. I put the money in my pocket and the book and dress in a bag and walked towards the window.Opening the window I realize that it's cold as fuck out, so I grabbed my leather jacket and jumped out the window. Before I hit the ground I thought about Fantasy and being in her room, I blinked and ended up there.

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