Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 3

Walking towards the elevator with Dr. Scar, yapping my ear off about how happy he was to have an intern especially a male one. He has this look in his eye that said he would love to fuck me....the old bastard better not try anything or I will kill him in a way that would make 1st degree murders look like child's play.

By the time we get to the 7th floor the old man has ran out of ideas to talk about and is now asking me about my life. I don't respond. He opens Fantasy's door and she looks exactly like she did yesterday, hooked up to machines and lonely.

"This is Fantasy Cruz," Dr. Scar saw me staring at her "she's the daughter of Lillian and Scott Cruz, they're members of the supreme court." he checked her vitals and everything else.

"Do her parents visit her often?" Sitting in the chair beside her bed

"I'm afraid not, their duties take up a lot of their time."

"How long has she been like this?" Already knowing the answer but didn't want him to get suspicious.

"Four years, we can't figure out what's wrong with her and her organs will give out soon but no one knows when."

"Thank you doctor" He nods his head and checks everything one more time, writes it on his clipboard and walks out, already forgetting about me.

I stare at Fantasy's face and wonder how she's not crazy, just sitting in the darkness, inside her head with no one to talk to. Her parents don't visit her at all. And if I counted right she had to be in a coma since she was 10.

Oh yeah this girl really needed a friend. Once I got semi-comfortable in the chair, I went inside her head.

She didn't see me yet, so I watched her be very graceful as she spins in circles in a ballerina position. I didn't see what she was wearing yesterday but today she was wearing black tights with a black skin tight tank top that had flowers all over it.

We're still surrounded by darkness; I'll have to ask her why she doesn't imagine herself in a place that brings her peace, instead of complete darkness. The next few seconds, surprised and scared the shit out of me.

I guess she twisted her ankle or something because she started to fall.

She was at least 20 feet away from me, I ran to catch her. She was halfway to the floor when I got on my knees and slid towards her. She landed in my arms and is basically in my lap. There was a thud in my chest that wasn't supposed to be there but I paid no attention to it.

Fantasy was breathing heavily and still had her eyes closed, I opened my mouth to ask if she's ok but then she opened her grayish silver eyes. Three more thuds happened. The way she looked is doing things to me that had me thinking of her in lustful, wet, sinful daydreams. Her hair sprawled all over my lap, her breathing heavily, her pretty red lips bit by her teeth or mine, her underneath me, her.... "Thantos, Are you ok?" Looking at me with wide eyes, god she looks so tempting and so fucking innocent.

"Yes, Neve Bianco, I'm just fine. Sei?" my voice was strained and was using my Italian accent

She tilted her head to the side, slightly rubbing against my friend, I held in a groan.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, thank you for catching me"

"No problem" I untucked my legs from under me but didn't get up. Fantasy continued to lay on my lap and seemed to be completely comfortable.

We sat in silence for a while, me staring at her and her staring at me. She looked like she was fascinated. Wonder what she found so fascinating.

"Hey Thantos,"


"You have the prettiest green eyes ever"

I blushed a little, no one ever complimented my eyes, "oh um, thank you". She giggled and poked my cheeks, which made me blush even more. Glad she finds this entertaining

"Neve Bianco,"

"I like that name it's pretty when you say it." She smiled brightly

Smiling I say, "Well I'm glad you like it, it suits you" She giggled again. God I love her giggles, "what we're you doing a few minutes ago?"

She looked slightly lost, so I continued, "Before you fell?"

She looks shy all of a sudden, "oh, I was practicing ballet"

"You're very good at it"

"All I can really do is twirl"

I shrugged, "Hmm, well that's better than not being able to do anything"

"What can you do?" She is trying to divert the attention off of her. I went along with it and I said, "Deliver souls to hell."

Fantasy blinked her wide eyes a few times, looking a little surprised that I said that.

"Have you ever delivered a soul to heaven?"

"Every blue moon there would be one or two people that will be allowed into heaven."

Her eyebrows furrowed and she bit her lip, "When did the moon turn blue?"

Trying not to smile at the curiosity and confusion in her voice, "It didn't, Neve Bianco"

"Then why did you say every blue moon?"

"It was a figure of speech, tesoro, what I meant was that it doesn't happen very often."

Making an "O" Shape with her mouth, she said, "Ooh ok....why is that?"

"Because there are a lot of evil people in the world, bellezza"

"What do you mean?"

I sighed and started to run my fingers threw her oh so soft hair, "People like to betray or hurt others so they can get something that the person had or they just like to see others in pain."

"Oh" she said lowly


It turned quiet, we're still staring at each other; I didn't mind staring at her, she's beautiful and there would nothing else to stare at anyway since we're surrounded by darkness. ...Which reminded me....

"Neve Bianco, why is your thoughts nothing but darkness?"

She shrugged her shoulders and cast her eyes away but didn't answer. I stared at her, somehow knowing that she was about to tell me why.

"Before I came here, the last thing I remember was practicing ballet and my grandfather was yelling at me to get the twirl right. And I felt pain in my leg and fell."

I don't know what to say to that and I'm not very good with comforting someone, so I said, "Is that why you see darkness?"

"Not really," in a sigh "my mama and daddy left me a lot of times with my mama's parents because they were always away." she held onto one of my hands playing with it, "And one time I thought that my grandparents were my actual parents but they told me that they weren't. I don't remember much about them but I know that we had fun." she smiled a little but it went away when she continued "but then one day my grandpa was crying and I never saw grandma again. Then whenever I did something grandpa didn't like and didn't feel like punishing me, he would throw me in the dark basement for a long time but at least I don't get hit. "

I stared off into the darkness putting the pieces together: her parents dropped her at the grandparents' whenever they were gone. But then her grandmother died and the grandfather was going though grief. To deal with the grief he took it out on Fantasy, he harmed her. And on top of that even while she's in the hospital her bastard parents still don't visit or spend time with her. She was all alone in this hospital with no one but people like that nurse who called her names. Not anymore, I'll make sure of that.

Looking into her gorgeous eyes, "I'm sorry, il mio innocente bellezza"

"You won't leave me, right, Thantos?" looking at me with big hopeful eyes

Staring at the angel that's still in my lap, I knew that I wouldn't leave her unless she demanded me to leave so I told her just that while shaking my head, "Non meno che vuoi che"

Fantasy looked happy for 3 seconds then she turned thoughtful and asked, "Will you ever hurt me?"

I didn't have to answer once she looked directly into my eyes. I don't know what she saw but I saw complete trust in her eyes. No one besides Sebastian looked at me with trust but that wasn't to the degree that Fantasy did. It made me feel like I wasn't the bad guy that everyone expects me to be. It made me feel like I was worth something to someone. Like, I'm her knight in shining armor. This girl is an Angel who'd trusted in a demon too quickly but I know that she would never betray or try to harm me. For some reason, she is the only girl that makes my cold, dead heart actually ache. The trust in her eyes and the ache in my chest is what made me want her to be mine and mine only, and starting tomorrow I plan to do just that. No one is ever going to harm what's mine or they'll die by my hands.

I knew exactly how to answer her question, leaning closer to her I say, only an inch from her ruby red lips, a promise that I will never break in a million years,

"Mai in un milione di anni, sara ho mai male,

I proteggera il mio Neve Bianco,

per sempre e sempre"

Translate: Never in a million years, will I ever harm you,

I will protect my Snow White,

Forever and always

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