Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 33

As he died, his soul was leaving his body when the Adder, unseen by anyone, bit into his soul and held onto it and his body until the council declared him dead and dropped his body to the ground.

The snake put Thantos soul back into his body as the guards dragged his body to the hospital part of the building to have it burned the next day.

Thantos' POV (AN: The rest of the book will be in his POV)

I felt like I was floating.

It seems like I'm in a powerful sleep that wouldn't let me up.

I couldn't open my eyes.

As soon as I said that my eyes open to a white abyss. The ground I was laying on was white as well.

I looked around trying to figure out what was going on and who I was.

Standing up was a pain but I almost had to teach myself how to walk again.

Once that was accomplished I took a started walking in one direction to find someone or something.

Almost as soon as I took one step the whiteness in front of me changed.

It turned into a hospital.

I saw a woman and a man glaring at something in the nurse's arm. When she tuned around I saw that it was a baby with white hair, he was wake but didn't make any type of sound as if he knew that no one in the room was his friend. The nurse walks out the room and I followed her.

The nurse grabs an incubator and separates it from the rest she puts the boy in it then pushed it hard enough to hit the wall and bounce back. Yet the baby didn't cry or make a noise the whole day.

The nurses did what they were suppose to for the other babies but not for the isolated one. But then a black teenage boy with brown eyes comes into the room with a couple of baby bottles. He goes to the boy and picks him up and once he does the boy is amazed at the baby's green knowing eyes. The teen puts one of the bottles to the baby's mouth and waits for the baby to trust him enough to drink. Once his stomach is full the child falls asleep. The teen puts the boy back in the crib and sees the blank birth certificate grabs it and a pen and wrights a name that suites the boy later in time.

Thantos Westcott Robert

The scene changes to a 6 year old boy with white hair getting called names by the other kids. The teachers in the room would nod their heads if one of the kids asked if he was ugly or stupid or looked like an old man.

Then a 9 year old with green eyes was getting beat up by some kids his age and slightly older. The boy was just going to take the hits and not complain until one of them said that his friends was going to be killed and he'll be alone for the rest of his life. The boy's eyes turned red and in the summer heat, ice took over his body, the kids blinked and was torn apart because they hit a button that they weren't suppose to. Soon a lady came and said that if he killed anyone else then they would kill his friends, the boy didn't say anything just nodded.

The images kept going with unstop bulling and abuse until the same boy looked about 13. He was asleep on the floor when a man came into the room, grabs his hair and drags him down the stairs and out the front door.

There wasn't anyone there to stop the random man because his suppose to be family was on a trip and left him there. When the man finally let go he was in a van and was being taken to a human city where the council wouldn't interfere. When the van stopped and he was thrown out the boy saw about twenty other men with sadistic smiles. All twenty men beat him two at a time, then tied him to a pole and threw knives, rocks, and anything else at him. Once they got bored they all separated for a while except for one man, who had an even sicker look on his face. The man looks around and sees no one around him. He walks right up to the boy and touches him in places. The boy screamed bloody murder loud enough to where the other men came running back to see what was going on. The man stepped away from him before the others saw. The boy told the leader what happen but the leader didn't want to believe that his son would do that so he whipped the boy to death and even after. Once done they left the body and went home. A female rouge wolf came upon his body and saw him barely breathing. She felt a pain in her heart for the poor boy so thinking he was human she put him on his back and ran to the nearest hospital. Once there the female doctor took him with the wolf behind her to try and save the boy. She knew that she would need a miracle for that and soon started preying to any god that would hear her to spare the boys life, to let him actually live his life. While the doctor ran around doing what she could, the wolf put some of her blood in the blood bag knowing that if he lived then there was a chance that he would be a wolf. She left knowing that her husband was now looking for her and she only hoped that the poor boy lived, while leaving she prayed to the moon goddess for a miracle to happen. She walked passed another woman who looked bored. She smelled blood and smiled thinking of the free meal that she'll get. Going into the room she sees the old doctor covered in blood and licks her lips. Just as she was about to go for the kill she saw the boy and felt a small pain in her heart. She felt sorry for him and decided that she was going to help save the boy. Not knowing that an angel was coming or that there was some wolf blood flowing into him. She puts a demon inside of the boy kisses him on the forehead and then went back to her husband. The male angel puts her hand in his chest and pump starts his heart then leaves. Once the doctor stabilizes him she walks out the room thanking whatever god had the mercy to save him, only for her to die on her way home in a car accident.

I blinked a few times as the area went back to white, not knowing what to think I started walking in a random direction thinking about everything I just saw.

Who was the boy? why did he look so familiar? Was I dead?

After walking for what seems like forever, lost in my thoughts, I see a little boy with red hair run past me in fear.

I look in the direction that he came from to see nothing chasing him.

I decided to follow the boy what harm would that do?

Only for him to take me to a lake full of colorful fishes and turtles with a swing hanging from a willow tree.

The boy sighed in relief when he sees a little girl with pure white hair on the swing. He was moving his mouth but I couldn't hear what he was saying. The girl looked like she was laughing when she looked at me and her smile got even bigger.

She got off the swing and came towards me. Once in front of me, I kneeled to her and looked into her silver green eyes.

She smiled even more and wrapped her arms around me then all of my memories came back to me. I took a deep breath and realized that the girl was still hugging me when I heard a slight giggle, "It's not your time because you still haven't met me yet daddy"

I blinked and the girl and boy was gone along with the lake.

The willow tree was there but the swing was replaced with a man with black hair and green eyes.

"Hello Thantos, my name is Amos and we need to talk."

I stood there blinking at him, starting to believe that I really am dead.

"You're not dead Thantos, just come sit with me and I'll explain everything."

I sat beside him and it was quiet, kind of peaceful but I still missed my Neve Bianco and even the others with their loud mouths.

"I'll start with Fantasy."

I went stiff when he said her name, "What about her?"

"She is the one thing that makes you stronger. What she is to you actually makes other Death Dealers stronger as well. Once you meet them you won't immediately know who they are to you. Only that you want to be there with them or become their friend. You'll have this instinct to protect them. It's the same way that you met the others only difference is that she's your anima salit."

I raised an eyebrow and Amos said, "The other half of your soul, your soul mate. Soul mates are what make us stronger. It's the one thing that Grims don't have."

I nodded my head I had an idea that she was soul mate and here's the proof.

It was silent but then Amos chuckled, "It's hilarious that you froze hell and damn near burnt heaven for her. But your little human is killing people, stopping the dead from dying, torturing souls and burning buildings for you."

My eyes grew bigger with each word, "WHAT?!"

"Would you like me to show you?'

"Yes" not believing what he just said

Amos nodded with a smirk and waved he's hand. The whiteness disappears and in front of us its split into three sections. One is shown with Shaw, Seb, Vivian, and Henry. The second is with Fantasy, Jeff, and some lady with a golden stick. Last one shows the council building.

"Which one would you like to see first?"

"Go in the order that they actually happened"

He nods his head and plays the first one and I saw the first part of her plan and was shocked to see that Shaw agreed to it.

The rest of her plan was going off without a hitch until Mack and Chris found out about me going to die. So Fantasy decided to make a deal with Jeff, I watched as the snakes went on her body with clenched fist. The scene changed to me in the cell when Fantasy came in and put the snake attached to her hand wrapped its self on me and made its way to my back. I lifted my arm and looked to see the snake's head on my side, only to see him move to my shoulder.

"It's a very powerful spirit."

"What is it?"

"There isn't a name for them or a category really. Only a history to them."

"Which is?"

"We'll talk about them later for now let's keep watching."

Fantasy and Mack are running out the building when there's an arrow coming Fantasy's way. Just as it was about to hit her, Mack jumped in the way. He was hit but made sure to grab Fantasy and run until they we're out the building and flashed to her house.

The others followed while they're trying to fix Mack, Fantasy eyes roll to the back of her head and she falls to the ground. "This is where you we're hanged. When you went into a coma so did she."

I nodded my head as the scene kept playing.

Fantasy was put in her bed while Shaw took care of Mack, Seb took care of her. They then agreed on Alex, Shaw, Jade, and Mack staying with her while they finish their mission. Kayla gives Seb, Rick, and Chris a bag. Then all of them blinked to the capital building. Seb, Rick, Sara, Nicky, and Raven go in one direction while Kayla, Henry, Chris, Lily, and Vivian go in another.

Kayla closes her eyes and starts making what looks to be bombs and hands them to everyone in her group before they separated. Henry, Lily, and Chris are releasing all of the prisoners while planting bombs in almost all of the cells. Kayla and Vivian are running in different halls and rooms putting the bombs in there. Once all five were done they ran out the building and blinked back to Fantasy.

While Seb and his group are fighting off guards and planting bombs, once they get to a certain room they run in and see me laying on a moving convert belt going towards a fucking fire. Just as I was about to be eaten by the damn fire, Seb grabs me saying, "You can't die that easily on me my friend."

Throwing my body over his shoulders he plants about three bombs in the large room then runs out. The rest are surrounding him while they run towards the council room, they bust in and go through a secret door that took them to a church where they blinked back to Fantasy's house. Just as they left the bombs went off, it was like a fucking symphony. The bombs went off in the cells first; the prisoners were already outside so no one was hurt there. The floor that was above it sunk in on top of it. The bombs on the other floors went off as well which only killed the few guards there. The bombs also killed one of the council members. It closed off the secret tunnel and if parts of the building didn't blow up then it collapsed. Seb placed my body next to Fantasy's and waited for Shaw to check his injuries.

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