Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 34

The scene changed back to the whiteness from earlier. I didn't realize I had my mouth open until Amos laughed.

"You know that your friends would do anything for you, especially your little mate"

Closing my mouth, I stay quiet not really knowing what to say to him, so he asked me a question, "What else do you want to know Thantos?"

There were a million things I wanted to know but for now I wanted to know what exactly Fantasy is to me. "What exactly are soul mates?"

Amos nodded his head, "We have someone made for us when we're born. Not by god or cupid but by the stars. Our souls are made by a falling star that breaks into two pieces to make to people that are literally made for each other. The humans believe that one of the higher ups just throws someone together and boom your mates. They also believe in one religion or the other but no one has ever said or asked if all of them were real, what if none of them were and the things they worship now is just full of shit to have so one worship them. I apologize I went off topic there, but anyway a Dealers soul mate is theirs for the rest of their lives. They are what brings out all of our powers. They are the reason that the Grims felt threaten by us but our mates are also our greatest weakness. It's the reason that out race died out."

I silently waited for him to elaborate but he didn't so I sighed, "you need to tell me about what happened all those years ago. I know that I can't change the past but it'll help me understand why they act like this."

Amos stayed quiet, I wanted answer but I decided not to push him though.

When he spoke he was solemn, "What Shaw said is true about us living in peace and the king. What he didn't know is that there was once a king like us before. He was a fair king who was liked by all but rarely showed his face. His wife was the one to do that for him. She was a kind and loving queen that loved to be outdoors. Everyone loved her except for the man that killed her. To this day no one knows who did it but when the king found out his love, his mate was killed, he went into a killing spree until the next king killed him. The new king wasn't a bad man just fucking power hungry. With the rumor of him being the one to kill the old kings wife, but that was never proved."

Amos sighed, "Everything was fine for fifteen years, and nothing really changed until he visited a fortune teller. The teller told him that he was going to lose his thrown to a Dealer. So he banished them all and anyone that was married or related. A few years passed and he spoke to a teller again and she said that he would be a powerful king if he made a Dealer into his right hand man or made us all into slaves. The king didn't really agree to the idea of slaves so he tried to get the death dealers leader to agree to be his second. What the king didn't realize was that the teller was lying and the leader was an imposter who wanted to start a war. The imposter said all the right things and started it. The king put fear in his people so they would fight in the war...and you know the rest."

It was silent when Amos snapped his fingers as if he just remembered something. Before I could ask him his hands start to glow when he puts it on my head. I gasped when I felt something inside of me break free.

"What did you do?" I asked when he moved his hand

Shrugging, "I unlocked any powers that you have that haven't leaked out by now since you met your mate."

I didn't say anything just took a few deep breathes to calm my racing heart.

Wait racing heart?!

"when did I get a heart beat?"

"It was between when Councilwoman Quinn was electrocuting you while you were thinking of your lover and when the snake brought you back to life."

"How is that-?"

"Don't know it might've been the snake that gave it to you."

After a few seconds of silence, "Tell me about the snakes"

"The scepter is normally known to be your death since neither accepts people very often. It's even rarer that they both accept someone at the same time. You and Fantasy are actually the second pair that was able to get accepted the first was a couple as well."

"Who do they normally accept?"

Amos looks thoughtful, "there's never really a pattern but it's said that they look for something specific in everyone they pick."

"How many people have they picked?"

"Included you and Fantasy in the past hundred years...about thirty"



Another stretch of silence before I remembered something, "the teenage boy that feed me in the hospital was Shaw wasn't?"

Amos nodded his head, "He's a good man, it's just that when he was told about all of this he was in denial and did what teens do best, rebel. While you were in the hospital he took care of you and was there for Sebastian's birth as well. He even took care of both of you when you'll left the hospital for about six months before someone started asking questions. He lay low for a month trying to get answers and ended up being there for Nicky's birth and ended up naming her. He was there for all of your births and was the one to name all of you. He's the very reason why none of you have the same last name as your parents. But two years later he met his wife and fell for her. She was leaving town and he went with her."

I didn't know what to say to that so I didn't say anything.

"He's a good man, Thantos. Just give him a chance. He had to live his life before he fully took care of you and the others."

I frowned, "And how do you know that?"

Amos said in a blank tone, "Because I told him to"

Shocked, "why?"

"He would've rebelled even more if he didn't"

I kept silent thinking about what he said but decided to think about it later when Amos said, "Your body is about to force you to wake up so we only have time for three more questions."

"Is there anything that I need to tell Fantasy?"

"No, my wife told her everything that I told"

I hesitated before asking, "Did you ever find your missing child?"

Amos sighed, "No we didn't but I know that either him or a descendent of mine is still alive"

I nodded my head and asked my final question, "What do we need to do next?"

"You need to see a woman named Esmeralda and she'll set you on the right course. But first you need to save your friend, you call Old Bobby before the council gets their hands on him."

Amos started to fade out with the willow tree when he yelled, "Oh and you're friend is a fallen angel"

Then him, the whiteness, and the tree vanished to darkness surrounds me when I hear a sweet melody calling to me, "Thantos? Thantos, love I need you to open your eyes for me please, for me"

I opened my eyes to see big beautiful silver eyes of my love.

AN: There's 2 chapters and the epilogue left.😧

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