Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 32

Before Seb could leave the room Jeff appeared in the room.

"You called"

Fantasy looks at Jeff with a determined look on her face, "You know that they plan to kill Thantos right?"

He sighed, "You know that I can't interfere, Fantasy."

"Yes but that doesn't mean that you can't give me something to save him"

He smirks while raised an eyebrow, "You want to make a deal with me?"

Fantasy smirks slightly, "no this is me turning in a favor that you owe me and Thantos"

The smirk on his face went away, "oh"

The room is quiet as Jeff stares at Fantasy, thinking she'd back down or cower away. But when she stayed strong and even had the nerve to glare coldly at him, he knew that he wasn't going to when this.

He stilled tried one more time, "Fantasy some things aren't meant to be changed-"

She cut him off coldly, "That's funny because when your son was at the brink of death, those words didn't come out your mouth, in fact I think the words that did was 'I don't care what needs to be done or what I have to do just save him'. Am I wrong Jeff?"

Jeff's fist was balled up and before anyone can do anything he was in front of Fantasy before she could blink.

While in front of her, Jeff started to slowly turn red and you could see his horns and tail grow from their hiding places. But she didn't move nor did she look away, in fact she actually glared at him and said, "You touch me and you know that Thantos, even in the afterlife would tear you apart, so get a hold of yourself."

He still glared at her but then took a deep breath and let it out slowly while the redness was going away.

When he got control, he smirked and started to look at her with respect, "I knew there was a reason I liked you. You play dirty smart. Alright what do you want?"

Without hesitation, "something that will save Thantos and by us some time as well"

Jeff looked a little irritated, "wow that was really specific let me see if I have something with that name ok?"

Throwing her hands in the air, "well what the hell do you have?"

Jeff shrugged, "Everything"

"Grr," Fantasy grips her hair saying sarcastically, "then give me something that will that will save Thantos more than once yet connect me to him like I'd go into a coma if he does or some shit."

With a straight face, "Are you positive you want that?"

Seb finally butts in, "wait you actually have something like that?"

Jeff rolls his eyes, "I said that I have everything didn't I?"

He vanishes for three seconds then comes back with his Egyptian woman holding a golden scepter that have two snakes wrapped around it and a glowing ball floating above it. One of the snakes is a Death Adder and the other is a Black Mamba.

Everyone stared at it in awe, not able to take their eyes off of it.

"This is the scepter of life or death. Its host or owner would touch one of the snakes and the snake will attach itself to them. It'll look like a tattoo that moves around on your body."

The woman picks up where Jeff left off, "But that is only if the snakes accept you to be their owner because if they don't then they will kill from the inside out. If they do accept you then you will have three chances to cheat death."

Fantasy shakes her head to get out of the trance that she was in by asking, "Can there be two people wearing the snakes at the same time?"

The woman nods, "Yes but they will have to accept the both of you."

Jeff looks at Fantasy, "Do you still wish to do this child?"

Fantasy closes her eyes and thinks of Thantos dying alone which strengthens her determination, "yes"

Mack and the others go to protest but then Alex whispered something to Seb and he stopped the others from doing anything.

Holding out the scepter the woman says calmly, "Come touch the snakes, child"

Walking slowly to her until she was face to face with the scepter, "how will I get the other snake to go on Thantos?"

"It will see your reasons for wanting to bond with it and know what it needs to do."

Fantasy nods takes a deep breath then slowly puts a hand on each snake.

At first nothing happened but then the Adder suddenly turned its head and bit her hand.

Before she could scream the Mamba jumped off the scepter and wraps itself around her throat, chocking her tightly.

Fantasy grabs the scepter to keep from falling; not realizing that the woman has let it go or that the snake that bit her is now wrapped tightly around her hand and arm.

That's when the pain intensifies and starts to burn.

She's silently screaming and crying because of the pain that felt like someone was throwing cinderblocks with rope around her throat and the blocks would hit her body when they slowed down, the burning sensation of fire licking her body from top to bottom and back again only for it to get hotter and hotter until she reached a temperature that should've melted her bones.

But as soon as it started it stopped.

She fell to her knees coughing and trying to cool herself with the cold wooden floors.

"It's done" the woman said quietly then left.

Jeff helps Fantasy to her feet, "now we are even."

She nods still not able to talk properly just yet and just as Jeff is about to leave he says, "The scepter needs to be hidden and kept safe. It's the only thing that keeps the snakes alive and able to do what they do."

Fantasy croaks, "Thank you"

Jeff nods then left without another word

Everyone stayed quiet for three minutes until Fantasy says, "we need to get to Thantos by tomorrow morning"

Mack asks, "Well what do you want to do?"

"We need to make it look like that we don't know they're planning to kill him, that we're just a bunch of wild pissed off teenagers."

Kayla gets an excited look in her eyes, "so we go in guns blazing"

Fantasy smirks, "Exactly"

Rick crosses his arms, "Then we go when it's dark and there are not that many guards"

Alex, "the sun goes down in three hours"

Fantasy looks to Kayla, "Think you can make something in three hours?"

"Honey I can make thousands for you in two"

"Then let's get ready"

Everyone separates to get ready, Fantasy follows Jade into her room.

"I need you to do something before we leave."

Jade raises an eyebrow, "oh like what?"

Fantasy hands her the scepter, "I need you to hide it for me"

Shocked, "What but why?"

"No one would expect you to know where it is and I want to show you that I trust you."

Jade blinked a few times before she gripped the scepter, nods and blinks to Germany to hide it in plain sight.


Thantos is breathing heavily on the ground, not able to move without something hurting.

Earlier he heard guards saying something about a execution that's suppose to happen tomorrow if everything is set before then.

Thantos grunts, Lucky bastard

He closed his eyes and fell asleep to see his beautiful dream before the bitches come back.

He slept for three hours when the sounds of shouts and distant screams could be heard. He groaned when they wouldn't let him go back to sleep.

And not a minute later the steel door to his cell open quickly for him to see Mack and Fantasy rush into the room.

Thantos blinks his eyes a few times as he stares at Fantasy thinking that he's hallucinating and might be dying since his dream isn't actually in the cell with she?

She turns towards him and he finally sees her beautiful grey eyes, "Thantos"

"Oh, Thantos, I'm so sorry I couldn't find you sooner"

He still didn't believe that she was here in front of him.

Mack said quickly "Fantasy you know we can't stay, so hurry up"

The hand that had a snake, Adder, like tattoo was placed on Thantos face when she kissed him softly.

The snake moved from her hand to his back slowly, Thantos felt it but didn't want to break the kiss just to ask what the hell it was.

Fantasy broke the kiss when she heard the sound of pounding feet and quickly said, "We'll come back for you, my love"

She gets up and runs out the room with Mack.

Thantos in a daze because of the snake moving and the kiss, he didn't see Quinn until she kicks him in the face in anger.

The old man walks in, "There's no need of that Quinn"

She snarled, "I want them dead"

"As do everyone else, too bad, we couldn't get our hands on them"

She snarls again but before she could hit Thantos the old man spoke again, "maybe we should teach them a lesson"

She rolled her eyes, "oh really I didn't think of that. How would you like for us to do that without them here?"

Nodding towards Thantos, "kill their precious leader in an hour on the channel that only the supernatural can get."

She frowns, "what's that suppose to teach them?"

"Fear, my dear, fear."

The old man left the room while she was telling the guards to bring him behind the council building.

They unlocked his cuffs and started dragging him out back. His eyes burned from the little lights that were in the darkness.

He was dragged up some stairs and thrown roughly on the ground.

He couldn't blink away because he was so weak and in so much pain that he couldn't think straight.

All he felt was something digging into his skin without drawing blood and this burning sensation worse than when he changes someone's fate.

Thantos didn't see the camera being set up or the 'grand' speech that Quinn had for his execution.

But he felt the rope being put tightly around his neck and knew that he was about to die.

He didn't fight, there was no reason to when he could use the few seconds of his life to think about his friends and his love.

He thought of first meeting a three year old Seb in a bathroom, he remembered seeing him crying because he was scared of everyone and everything. Thantos wiped away his tears and got rid of his fears and became friends since that day.

A four year old Nicky came to his parents' house with her parents. They came and talked about some random shit. When Nicky dropped something her mother got up and started hitting her while her father was watching biting his lip and palming himself. When her mother stopped her father took her upstairs and was about to molest her when Thantos came in the room kicked him in the balls. Hid Nicky and took a beating for her.

Thantos, Seb, Rick, and Alex went to the same schools at the age of five, kindergarten. Seb and Thantos were walking to class when they saw Alex getting bullied. So they beat up the bullies and added Alex to their group. Rick joined when he accidently threw a ball at Seb.

Sara, Thantos found her when she was seven. He was walking by a park and saw a grave got curious and dug it up. Found her then brought her back to life.

A nine year old Lily had found them and wormed her way into the group.

Ten year old Jade was on top of a building getting ready to jump and die, but Thantos was able to talk her down by saying that there are people in the world that love and cares her she just had to find them.

The twins and Chris were talking outside of a school when a teacher came out and yelled at them. The teacher tried to hit one of them but Thantos came behind the man and threw him into the road. They came into the group at 10, as well.

Ten year old Vivian was sitting alone in the middle of the road at midnight one night, looking at the stars, when Thantos came in front of her, held out his hand with a smile and waited for her to take it.

Eleven year old Kayla was found in an alley about to be sold as a slave when Thantos broke her out, gave her a place to stay and feed her.

Eleven year old Raven was stealing food to eat from random people and it just so happen that she was going to steal from Thantos one night but instead of having to break in. she watched Thantos come out the house with a hot steaming plate, set it in front of her and went back in the house.

Then he thought about his love and how they met when she was 14 and him 15. Thought about how he fell for her when she first said hello. Then thought about their first date of seeing the sights of Paris.

Thought about her gorgeous laugh and beautiful soul.

He thought about their kisses.

Their home.

Their making love.

Them BEING in love.

When the council opened the floors underneath him, his last thought before he died was that of his queen.


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