Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 31

Three days passed before Rick came back.

"The council has no idea that we been in the building at all"


Fantasy was studying the blueprint Nicky brought back for the past three days trying to see how they were going to get to the council building as a distraction to make sure Kayla and Sara can get Thantos and get out.

It seemed the only way to do that was to go through the front doors and cause hell.

She sighed and started sipping on her hot coco when she realized that everyone was back at the house.

Turning to Rick, "There's food in the fridge for you and when you go in there will you tell Mack and Chris to get their fat butts in here so we can talk to this ghost."

"Will do"

He walks quickly to the kitchen while Fantasy calls everyone else downstairs.

When everyone came, Rick included, Fantasy told them the update about the council then nodded to Mack and Chris.

"Alright boys let's get this show on the road."

Chris closes his eyes and breathes in.

He releases it when he opened his eyes

His eyes now had no pupils and are all purple but as he was releasing his breathe started to form into the form of a woman.

Once he stopped you could see the woman's brown hair and blue fearful eyes.

She spoke nervously, "where am I? What do you want you want from me?"

Chris was the one to reply, "Just hope that you're father tells us what is needed."

Before the woman can say anything Mack blinked and his eyes turned pitch black.

He spoke in Latin, touched the ground and slowly rose back up with a black soul next him.

Mack and Chris turned towards Fantasy and nodded.

She looked towards the dark one and said, "Council member Johns, is there a way into the council building other then the front door?"

"Why would I tell you anything?" his voice was one of a smokers

Fantasy smirked darkly, "So your daughter won't feel any pain, but i guess she has to."

She shrugged her shoulders then nodded to Chris.

Chris barely touched the girl's neck and she screamed bloody murder.

"Stop! Stop!"

"Tell me what I need to know and it will"

The soul sighed, "There's an underground tunnel that connects to a church and the courtroom."

Chris got his hand away from the woman and watched her sag in relief.

"Is there anything else I need to know, Johns?"


"Then tell me"

He sighed again, "Head council member Quinn Williams, is a evil and sick woman but she's smart."

The man chuckled softly, "I should know since I handpicked her to take my place. Hell I made her into what she is today. If she doesn't know what you are planning by now then she will later but if you somehow get the best of her then she'll try to kill you the first chance she gets."

Fantasy looked beyond irritated, "I'll worry about her when I have Thantos back but until then she can kiss my ass."

The man started chuckling again while shaking his head, "That's what all this fuss is about? Oh you might as well give up on that, little girl."

Through gritted teeth, "and whys that?"

"Because he'll be dead in two days"

He laughs when Mack punched the soul in the face and it vanished.

Chris raised his hand to put the woman back where she belonged when she quickly stopped him, "I know that you don't owe me any favors but I wish to ask that if you rescue your friend will you rescue my granddaughter, Sophie? She's innocent and doesn't deserve to be there just because of what she is."

Rick raised his eyebrows, "What is she?"

"She's part witch, please save her"

There was so much desperation in her eyes that Fantasy nodded her head and with that Chris sent the woman away.

"Sara can you get though the concrete in two days"

Sara looked at the ground disappointed, "No I need at least a week"

Henry asks, "Why don't we just go through the tunnel, run to him, grab him and be gone."

Seb sits in a chair, "Because then they'll know we're there for him and kill him early."

Vivian, "Or they get all of us and then we'll be dead too"

It was silent for a few minutes but truly to them it felt like hours before Jade scuffed, "we did all that for nothing."

She went and sat down in a corner, no one said anything.

Jade started crying but Fantasy didn't move or say anything. She had no emotion on her face.

In fact, it looked as if she was dying slowly already.

It looked like her soul was leaving her body when she heard that her love was going to die and she couldn't do anything about it.

Jade started sobbing saying, "why can't anything be in our favor?"

Then an idea popped in her head and she quickly turned to Seb, "I need you to go get Jeff"

Seb looked confused, "Why?"

Fantasy smiled, "It's time that I called in a favor"

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