Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 18

A month later

Seb and I were late to school but we didn't care because of the fact that we were dirty, tired, and sore from making the house.

Walking into our class, the teacher stops talking and glares at us.

"Mr. Ames and Mr. Roberts why are the two of you late to my class on the first day of school looking like you got ran over by a truck?"

Seb answered irritated, "Well let's see...we were cleaning when a bear came out of nowhere and tried to mess up our cleaning. So, the both of us had to wrestle a 200 pound pissed off bear, should of just killed the damn thing but noooo. Rick didn't want us to kill it because then we would have offended him since he can turn into animals or some shit like that. So we had to knock it out and drag the damn thing somewhere.-"

"Mr. Ames quit your lying and take a seat. Make sure you and Mr. Roberts come to detention this afternoon"

Seb throws his hands in the air but starts walking to the back of the class with me saying, "Even when you try telling the truth, they don't believe you and still give you detention."

I grunted a reply and sat in the desk beside the window while Seb sat beside me. The lady went back to talking......I should really know what her name is.

Seb ignored the woman talking and turned to me, "we have all classes together but two of the teachers are new and seem to be married to each other."

"What do they teach?"

"The woman is our combat teacher and the man is our history teacher. History is the last class of the day as well."

"When do we have combat?"

"before lunch"

"alright if they give us hell then we'll just return the gesture"

"I was hoping you'd say that"

Seb leaned back and groaned in pain, "that bear kicked our ass"


"How much you want to bet that Rick was the one to set that up?"

I barked a laugh but soon stopped because of my ribs.

The woman glared at us but I just turned my attention to the clock on the wall.

This was going to be a LONG day.


Walking into the gym with Seb, we saw that everyone looked scared and was sitting on the bleachers.

Looking at the reason for their fear, I was starting to think that this school was made of wimps.

The Combat teacher was a woman with short dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She had to be about five feet tall and was wearing all black.

She raised an eyebrow, "I'm guessing you two are Ames and Roberts."

Seb nodded and we sat in the first row, too tired to go all the way to the top.

"Now that we're all here, my name is Sheila O. Shaw but you can call me, Shaw or when you're hurt or in trouble S.O.S. You all know that I'm your combat teacher but I am also a counselor here at the school, just in case anyone needs to talk."

She looked at everyone as if she was remembering their faces then clapped her hands and said, "Ok let's get started"


Walking into history was torture, Mrs. Shaw had us run around the school four times, a hundred jumping jack and other things. She was a drill sergeant and didn't let anyone rest.

"I can't feel my legs" Seb says behind me

It takes me a while to reply, "I can't breathe right"

Seb and I were the first ones in the room because everyone else was in more pain than the both of us......guess getting into fights get you into shape a little bit.

Walking pass the teacher, we go to the back of the class and sit down while groaning in pain.

The teacher has his back to us and from what I can see is that his tall, African American, has a military hair cut, and is wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt.

Seb groaned, "do we have to work today?"

"yeah it has to be done by Christmas eve"


The class slowly started to fill and when the bell ringed all seats were taken. The teacher finally turned around and you can hear the girls in the class swoon over him and his brown eyes.

"Good Afternoon class, I know some of you have had my wife for combat lessons so I'm asking everyone to take out your schedules and double check that you have history for this lesson."

You can hear everyone pulling out their papers; some people got up and left while the teacher gave them a pass to their class.

I didn't pull mine out and neither did Seb, we both knew this was our class because of the fact that there's only two new teachers this year and just so happen to have them both.

When people finally stopped moving and stayed in their seats, the teacher started class.

"Okay class, pop quiz! Tell me who said this quote, 'It is not the title that honors men but men honor the title.'"

No one raised their hand, not even Seb, who usually knew the answer to all the questions.

I knew the answer but I didn't want to bring attention to myself.

"Does no one know the answer?" The teacher sounded surprise but tsked and was about to say something until I interrupted him.

"Niccolo Machiavelli is the one who said it"

"who said that?" he looked around the class room, waiting

I raised my hand lazily, his eyes locked with mine and he smiled.

"What is your name, son?"

"Thantos Roberts"

"Well Thantos, you just exempted the next test we will have"

People groaned and protested and whined but the man paid no attention to it, instead he raised his hand and everyone went silent.

"This is a history class full of seniors, so act like it."

I think this guy just became my favorite teacher.

"Now, don't expect this class to be a piece of cake and just fall asleep in my class, if you want to pass. Ok let's get started"

He was about to start teaching his lesson until someone said that he never gave us his name.

He looked at the boy like he was stupid, "At the beginning of class I said that most of you had my wife for combat classes but seeing as you didn't put two and two together, I'll spell it out for you. My name is Shaw, Lorenzo Shaw"


This might just be the man that has been giving me my journals since my thirteenth birthday.

The man that gave five different garages, three auto body shops, and a business dealing with cars, along with the land in Germany.

The man that has been with me longer than Fantasy has, even if I hadn't ever met him until now.

The one who told me without knowing that I'll find a reason to live soon and to never give up looking for it.

The man that I saw and still see as my father figure is standing in front of the class as my history teacher.

Just as I was about to dismiss my thoughts as crazy and stupid, Mr. Shaw looked me in the eyes and smiled a knowing and gentle smile.

That's when I knew it was him and I couldn't stop the smile from forming. I was finally going to meet him in person and I'll be damned if anyone stopped me.

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