Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 17

"Hold up, you want to do what?"Chris says with wide eyes

I sighed and repeated myself, "I want you all to help me build Fantasy her dream house for her birthday"

Chris raised an eyebrow, "you sure you're not in love with her?"

Seb smacks his head, "come on guys give the guy a break"

Chris huffed but stayed quiet.

Seb looked at me asked, "when is her birthday?"

"Christmas Day"

"oh hell" raven sighed

Chris yelled, "seven months?! How the hell are we going to fix a HOUSE in SEVEN MONTHS!!?"

Seb sighed, "Chris please shut up and it's not seven months, its six. Than, this is really short notice"

"you think I don't know that. Why did you think I asked for all of your help?"

Before anyone else could say something Mack stepped up and said, "I'll help you, not like I have anything else to do."

It was quiet when he said that, no one expected him to say that since he was suppose to hate my guts of the whole his lover thing.

"Thank you, Mack"

He nodded his head but stayed quiet.

Then everyone else agreed to it expect for Jade, she just stomped her foot and left.

"So what all do we need?"

I told them what she wanted and everyone picked out the supplies that they'll get and left to get what they can then go to get some sleep.

Now all I have to do is find a place to put the house.


Walking towards the mail box to get the mail for mother, I saw my name on one of the packages. I put the package in my pants and under my shirt and walked back in the house.

Putting the mail on the kitchen table, I go up to the attic and grab the package from my pants.

Opening it I saw that it was a silver leather bound book with my name going down the side. There was a gold yin and yang symbol in the center of the cover and also gold there was a quote above it, "Vision without action is a daydream.", and beneath it, "Action without vision is a nightmare. -Japanese proverb"

It was beautiful; I almost didn't believe that it belonged to me.

Opening the first page I saw even more quotes than normal...

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see"-Mark Twain

"To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death but I could not conceive betrayal."-Malcolm X

"The marks humans leave are too often scars"-John Green

"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never hurt, sing like there's nobody listening, and live like its heaven on earth"-William W. Purkey

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream by night"-Edgar Allen Poe

"The boundaries which life from death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?"-Edgar Allen Poe

"Never make your home in a place. Make a home yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it- memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey."-Tad Williams


I know that you are wondering why you're getting this since it's not a holiday or near you're birthday. The reason is because things are about to change for you and the other Death Dealers, everyone will fear you more than usually. I know that you have heard the rumors about you destroying the world, but it's time for you to know the full story.

Death Dealers and Grim Reapers lived in harmony; there was no hatred between the two. Both species had a ruler, the same ruler in fact. Everything was peaceful until the ruler came back home from his trip to his village with the news from a fortune teller. No one knew what the teller told him, all anyone knew was that he wanted to get rid of all Death Dealers. So the next day, he banished them all. Anyone that was married to them was banished as well.

Ten years past and the leader of Death came to the king, they spoke alone. But when the conversion ended the king was yelling that he was going to kill them all while the leader had a malice smirk on his face and said you can try, then walked out with the king still yelling.

The king took immediate action and burned all of the villages surrounding his kingdom, and that was the start of the 10 year war.

There was a Death Dealer known as Amos, he had black hair and green unseeing eyes. People believed that he was a very weak man due to the fact that he was blind, mute, and deaf. People shunned him because of that and he lived by himself for a while, away from any village, then one day a human was chased into his arms. The human was a woman and he felt an instant connection to her, so he killed the man that was going to harm her and took her into his home. The connection soon turned into love when the woman never shunned him and instead opened her heart to him. Amos spoke for the first time, to the woman, saying that he loved her and will always protect her. He also told her that he wasn't really deaf; he was just able to tune everyone out when they said horrible things about him being blind. But he was able to see through the vibrations in the ground so long as he is barefoot. The woman asked why he pretended, Amos said he never saw a reason to not pretend when people will always judged him. They married two weeks later.

Nine years passed

A month before the war ended, the warriors asked for more men and Amos was one of them. So he left his wife and children and went to war with the other men. Once Amos got to the field he was sent to help the doctor. Three weeks passed and the final battle was here, (but unlike the story of them being bombed) when they went to the battlefield, the reapers never showed up. So thinking that they retreated, the Dealers claimed that they won the war and went home, not knowing that there was nothing to go home to.

Once at the village the men saw blood and body parts of their wives and children everywhere, no one was spared. While the men were grieving, Amos ran home praying to anyone out there that his family was alive and well. Once there, he smelled the blood before he felt it. Dropping to his knees he crawled to his wife passing two of his children's body. When his hand hit her body, he knew then that she was dead, for the connection they had was gone. He knew that if she was dead then their three children are dead as well. Not able to hold in his grief, he cried and screamed so loud that the men in the village stopped their crying and listened to the wails and tears of grief from a man that wasn't supposed to be able to make a sound.

The same day, the reapers attacked. No one thought that they would do this so they weren't prepared. The men were outnumbered and were going to die. Amos felt the vibrations of the attack and walked back to the village, slowly.

He was so tired of the war. He was in so much pain. He felt so much hate. His mind, body, and heart were in grief and they wanted revenge.

While he was walking the trees and plants around him, were turning black, dying slowly. The animals would try to run away from his aura but they too died slowly. Once in the village, he felt the rest of the men being put on their knees to be executed.

One of the guards saw him and took a step towards him but not another because Amos raised and waved his hand sharply and the guard's throat was ripped out. The others saw this and tried to attack him all at once but they never got close to him without their bodies being ripped apart. Amos knew what he was doing but what he didn't know was that his black hair was slowly turning pure white while his eyes were red but with no pupils.

The general of reapers screamed at the rest of the soldiers to kill him but they didn't move for they didn't wish to die. The general took matters into his own hands and threw a spear with the force that can break concrete clean in half.

Amos waited until the spear was a centimeter from his face before he swatted it away as if it was nothing more than a pesky fly.

Amos looked at the general but didn't make a move to kill him. No, he just smiled evil.

He raised his hand towards the heavens and a light came on him, he grabbed hold of the light and pulled down while saying a few words in a language no one knew. While something was falling from the sky, he stomped his foot and the earth opened and a red light came from the ground, he whispered the same words as before and you can hear the scratching of something from the crack in the earth. Then Amos looked at the first guard he killed and raised the body in the air and said the same words for the last time. The body convulsed and screamed for a very long time but once it stopped, there wasn't a sound made.

The sound of shoes hitting the ground broke the silence, the owner of the shoes was an angel but there was something wrong with this angel. She looked thin, sickly and evil. Then you could hear the sound of a hand hitting the ground. Out the hole was a demon, he would look like any demon you'll think of but this one had armor and a sword. Someone took a deep breath as if it was they were catching their breath and that's when the dead soldier stood up and walked towards Amos. He looked normal; you wouldn't think anything was wrong with him until you saw his eyes. They were pitch black and held greed; his body held a stance that said he's in control and his smirk said that he can control you as well.

Amos said to the general, "you're going to deliver a message to your king for me"

The general nodded his head and opened his mouth to speak but Amos raised his hand. And the general soon started to rise, once in the air Amos slowly started to close his hand. The general's body started to break and his bloodcurdling screams didn't stopped; his body was curling into itself until Amos hand fully closed but by then the body was nothing more than a bloody ball.

Amos turned around without another glance and walked towards the woods. Four black horses stood just out of the woods, no one knew where they came from, only that Amos and the others each got on a horse and vanished.

Three days later, Amos and the others were at the king's palace, but they weren't there to fight. The king was silent, not begging just waiting for Amos to take his life. Yet he didn't, he just stared at the king as if he was reading his mind. Whatever Amos saw or heard he didn't like but he still did not kill the man.

Amos smirked and said, "I have seen the future and if I kill you no one would learn their lesson and it will not bring my people back. So instead I will place a curse on you and your kind."

He pulled a knife from his pocket and sliced his hand, "Fifteen drops of my blood will be the lesson to you all. There will be fourteen death dealers on this earth and they will be borne by your people. It will not matter if you kill them because they will just come back in the next generation. The blood will go to random people so you will never know when they will come. And every time you kill them they will come back stronger and smarter than before and once you stop trying to kill them it will be too late for they will be the one to be your salvation or your destruction. The last drop will be a grim reaper that helps my death dealers to stay alive and protect them for if they all die, so will he. Your curse is to realize that the people you hate will always be here."

When the fifteenth drop fell to the floor, the blood separated and went to fifteen different directions. With a smirk on his face, Amos watched the king pale in horror, when he snapped his fingers and set himself and the others on fire. There was no screams only laughter as they turned into ashes.

Ten years later, fourteen death dealers were born and killed the same day. The second time they were born, a fortune teller came and told everyone to stop for if they didn't then Amos will come back with the three other people and kill everyone and everything within a week. They will then have the heavens fall out of the sky and open the earth for all the demons to come out to play.

The people laughed at her and killed the children again; the old king is the one to ask if she saw this vision. The woman shook her head, saying, "No, I saw them in person and they demanded that I told you that there will be hell to pay when the time is right."

It wasn't outlawed to stop the killings until a year before you were born.

Thantos, people will and have feared you because you look exactly like Amos. People think that you are his descendant or his reincarnation. The reason for the descendant is because only two of his children were killed, the last one no one knows what happen to him.

You need to know Thantos that Death Dealers are stronger, faster, and more dangerous than Grim Reapers......I'll explain why later.

Just make sure Thantos that you keep your emotions in check and if you find the light that makes your heart race and you feel incredible things hold them close and never let them go because you'll only get one and never another.

In the package there will be a deed to some land in Germany that I have a feeling you are going to need. Make sure that you and the others have a home to go to when everything is finally over.

I'll see you soon Thantos, L.S.

I pulled out the paper that was in the package as well. I am now the owner to 30 acres of land in Germany.........well, at least I know where I'm going to put the house.

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