Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 19

The bell rung for school ending but I sat in my seat and looked at Seb. He nodded and smiled softly, already knowing what I was going to do. He left the room to help the others fix the house.

I waited until everyone was out of the classroom before I got up but I froze.

What was I suppose to say to him?

Was I suppose to ignore him or was I suppose to give him a hug?

What if I was wrong and he wasn't the man?

What if he really hates me and just wanted to get my hopes up but then tear it all away and have me killed once I told him everything?

I was broken from my thoughts when Mr. Shaw said, "I know that you have questions, Thantos but this isn't the place for them. All I will say for now is that I have watched you since the day you were born, even before you were born. I have watched over the others as well, but they look to you as their leader because they can feel the power that you have. That is why you knew about me before them, if I die I want to make sure that you and the others can take care of yourselves."

He was about to say something else but I cut in, "so you're the grim that's suppose to protect us"

He sighed and said, "yes"

I didn't say anything, just nodded and walked out the room.

I don't know how to feel about this, so for now I just blocked it from my mind.

Once out the school, I blinked to Germany and I saw everyone working but they stopped when I didn't say anything, just stared at the ground.

Mack asked, "Is everything alright Thantos?"

I didn't say anything to him but I turned to Seb, "Its him, show it to them"

He nodded and I blinked to see my dream in her room, lying on her bed, doing her homework.

She didn't notice me, so I went over to her and lay on top of her, putting my face in her neck.

She shrieked a little then started laughing, "You scared me for a moment, Than"

She kept giggling for a minute but then stopped when she realized I wasn't talking or laughing.


I didn't answer just held her.

"Than, what's wrong?"

I still said nothing

"Thantos, what's wrong?"

I finally had the courage to say it, "I found him but he didn't say what I hoped he would say."

Fantasy said gently, "What did you want him to say?"

My voice cracked, "That by the time he found me the council knew what I looked like and couldn't take me away but was determined to talk to me, so he sent me journals to talk to me and hoped they would keep me sane. And that he always wanted a son."

Fantasy reached behind her, so she could run her fingers through my hair. It was soothing and gently and made me talk more.

"But he didn't say that, he said that he watched us since the day all of us were born. He didn't do anything about the abuse that I had to go through. He stood back and watched. And while I was getting the shit beat out of me, he gets married and has a happy family. Yet he's the one that's supposed to protect me. He's suppose to protect the others, not me. I shouldn't have to control my temper, protect everyone and deal with the council. I'm only seventeen, I shouldn't have to go through all this because he didn't want to do it."

I don't know when I started crying but once Fantasy turned over, she gently wiped them away.

"You are strong, Thantos, strong and brave. You told me once that the man giving you the journals was the only reason you were alive. But I feel that if he never showed up then there would have found another reason for you to live. You would have been determined that the other death dealers don't get hurt or you would've met me earlier. Thantos, you promised me that you'll be my dark knight, my prince, and in the future my king but I never asked you to be perfect. All knights have a crack in their armor, just as a prince has fear, and a king has seen a nightmare. Your crack is the people you care about getting hurt, you fear to see them die, I don't know if you've seen a nightmare but when you do then you'll know what to do when the time comes."

I kissed her deeply, showing her that her words meant something to me, showing that I'll stay strong just for her.

She may not have been my reason to be alive but Fantasy made me want to breath and have my heart beat. She makes me want to live my life for her.

That was when I realized that I was in love.

I don't even know when I feel in love with her, only that I never wanted to say it so badly to her.

A demon fell in love with an angel.

A Death Dealer fell in love with a human.

I, Thantos Roberts, fell in love with Fantasy Cruz and I wouldn't stop loving.

Pulling back I watched her look at me with complete love and devotion in her eyes. I couldn't help the smile that came on my face but I didn't say the words for I have just the plan to show her how much I love her.

So I rolled off her and put my boots next to her shoes, I took off my shirt and put it on the bathroom sink.

Back on the bed, I leaned against the pillows when Fantasy curled into my side.

We laid like that for a moment, not speaking, until I asked the questions that's been bouncing around my head since I met Mr. Shaw, "What do I do about, Shaw?"

Fantasy was silent, she didn't say anything after a while I thought she was sleep until she whispered, "There are three things you can do, Than. You could listen to his side of the story and maybe learn to trust him or you could just play things by ear."

"Whats the third one?"

She sighed, "you could kill him"

We didn't say anything after.

I was lost in my thoughts when Fantasy got up to take a shower.

I don't want kill him and if I had too, I don't think I can.

Yet I can't have him try to interfere with our lives because the council made him into a spy. I don't know what to do.

Could I trust this guy? I don't really know anything about him.

Yet he's been my father figure for so long that I don't think I would be able to kill him.

What if I killed him and he turned out to be innocent?

What if I didn't and he tells the council everything? What if he kills us first?

I covered my face with my hands and groaned.

Why does everything have to be so damn difficult? Why does everything have to fall on my shoulders? Why not someone else's?

I didn't hear the shower turn off or the door open, but when Fantasy straddled me with nothing but her underwear and my shirt on, my attention was solely on her.

I grabbed hold of her waist and she bent over and kissed me slowly.

Before I could take it farther she whispered on my lips, "Do this by ear, Thantos. That way you won't regret jumping the gun too early."

"But what if-"

She cut me off by kissing me harder than before, when I kissed her back she pulled away slightly.

"Everyone knows how to defend themselves and the council knows nothing about me. So if anything does happen, no one will get hurt too badly and if worse comes to worse than all of us could vanish from the councils' sight."

I nodded my head thinking about what she said before I could get lost in my thoughts Fantasy kissed me then pulled away once again.

"Now you're being a tease"

She smiled and said, "Just relax Thantos. Don't think about anything, just relax."

She started rubbing her hands in a pattern that started from my chest to my shoulders though my hair and back. It made me relax but if she went any lower things were going to get heated.

Once relaxed, I had Fantasy lay on my chest but didn't say anything.

After a few seconds, I looked at the girl who knew exactly what to do and say to get me wrapped around her fingers tighter than before, I saw that she fell asleep. I soon followed hoping that everything will be fine like she said it will be.

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