Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 11

In England, we walked past the tourists and into the black nearly empty alleyways. Stopping at an old wooden back door to a café, I make sure that no one was following us before saying some words in Latin, opening the door. Once open all you saw was a black abyss, taking a deep breath I nod to Seb who nods back.

Everyone but Seb, Lily, Raven and Jade stepped through the door, the abyss was all you could see but once you blink the abyss will vanish and a royal court room will be there.

It looked exactly like a normal one except for the fact that there was a long table that seated 13 people and is in a half circle around where the convicted would seat and a wait punishment. No one was in the room just yet this gave us more time to get things ready.

"We're going to need another minute or two" Raven says from behind me. Turning towards her I look into her yellow eyes and saw her nervously run her hand though her short orange hair.

"Take your time, Raven, seems that things won't be happening in the next hour or two." I say in a calm voice, leaning against the table.

She nods her head and goes back though the door to finish up.

Chris sighs, "I still don't understand why we can't just break Matt and Henry out?"

"Because then we'll have a warrant on our heads." Rick rolled his eyes.

"Then we can kill the assholes."

"Then we'll have a bounty on heads"

"They're going to try and find a way to kill us anyway."

"So you just want to speed up the process"

I let the two of them argue knowing they wouldn't actually do anything with everyone agreeing to it.

Fantasy popped up in my head and I wondered what she was doing right now or if she was thinking about our kiss. I couldn't wait to kiss her and feel the fireworks explode like the first time.

I must have zoned out because Jade's face came into view when she snapped her fingers in my face.

Blinking, I realized that my hands were touching my lips and everyone was staring at me and that Raven and Lily came in with a man that looked to be in his late thirties, salt and pepper hair, tall, purple eyes, and in a suit that seem to fit.

I study him and see him smirk with a glint in his eye that says I know something you don't then I figure out who he is.

"Nicely done ladies"

Looking at Jade, I ask, "Is his voice going to be a problem?"

"It'll be a piece of cake"

I nodded while Alex says, "Now we sit and wait"


An hour and half later

I was still in leaning against the table while the others were pacing or trying to pass the time talking. I was about to call off the plan and tell everyone to go home.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth to let it out when the doors to the room opened and the council and the witnesses came walking into the room only to stop and stare at us.

The council members were behind me while the witnesses were in front.

"Is there a reason you're in my courtroom, Mr. Roberts?" the head of them says

Smirking coldly and complete relaxed, "Damn, now I feel bad, you know my name but I can't remember yours, oh well, it wasn't important anyway." Shrugging I turn around and look at the woman. On the outside, she had a blank look but in her eyes she looked pissed at the disrespect but I continue anyways, "and besides you old hag, you know exactly why we're here."

Her red eyes looked like they would kill me if they could, "The boys trail aren't until two days from now, so leave my court."

Her guard dogs or the 'security guards' started to come closer to do exactly what she said. This old bitch is clearly underestimating me, so to annoy her on I say, "ah but you, dear head council woman, can't kick me out, because then you would be breaking your own law, would you like to know which one?"

The guard dogs stop and look at the lady while she glares at me and I just smile back at her. "What rule would be broken, Mr. Roberts?"

"Rule 53 in the section 5 of the law book saws that anyone that is about to tried by the council will have the chance to call their families and tell them what is happening within the 24 hours that they were arrested." I started to walk to the man in the suit while the witnesses flipped in their book to make sure what I say is true.

"But it seems that the officer that arrested them failed to give them that phone call."

A man next to the head said, "Their parents did get a phone call"

"Their foster parents got a phone call from the officer but not from Mark and Henry specifically. And the foster parents are not family according to them."

"And how do you know that?" an old man going bald says in amusement.

"By the simple fact that they call me and my friends, family and this family never got the phone call."

The head lady sits in her seat, "Let's go along with this and say that you are their family, what's the reason that brings you here."

Once all 13 of them are seated I say, "Since you have neglected your duties, of making sure that you're convicted had everything in order and have spoken with family, then to show your apologies you have to do their trail early. After all, you all vowed to do all of your duties and give a fair trial."

The council had shocked and pissed off looks on their faces while both of their hands glowed with the symbols that were bound on all of their hands, to remind them of that oath that they took and to prove that they did neglect their duties. The lady growled but soon stopped and took a deep breath.

Well someone doesn't like to be told they did their job wrong.

She turned to one of her goons and barked at him to get Matt and Henry then started to glare at me while I just smirked at her.

Once Matt and Henry walked in the room, the council lady barked at us to sit. Matt, Henry and the man sat the table in the middle of the circle while everyone else sat in the back. I took my time getting to my seat.

I sat and turned the chair in front of me towards me and put my feet there.

The lady glared even harder at me, I returned it with a smirk and with my hand motioned for her to continue. If looks could kill I would be six feet under already.

She started the trial and I didn't pay it any attention. I looked at Matt and Henry, seeing their red hair and pale skin wasn't out of place beside the fact that they were dirty. I couldn't see Matt's green eyes or Henry's blue ones but I have a feeling that they knew that nothing bad would happen to them.

The man sitting beside them talked when he felt like it or when he objected. His voice was deep and raspy, it got louder whenever the council or a 'witness' said something that wasn't true.

This lasted for 3 hours then the council said they will continue it tomorrow. Then the same thing happened again the next day. This kept going for a whole week until the council finally made it time for their decision.

"For Mr. Henry, how many vote guilty of killing a human ahead of time?" the head lady said.

Six, including the lady, raised their hands.

"how many for his innocence?" the other seven raised their hands.

The woman asked again to be sure of everyone's answers then she sighed disappointed.

The lady grumbled out, "Mr. Henry is found not guilty."

Henry stood up and was walked over to sit with me and the others. They patted his back and spoke to him. I stayed quiet keeping my eyes on the woman waiting for the final vote for Matt.

"For Mr. Matt, how many vote guilty of killing a grim reaper?" Six hands went up.

"How many for his innocence?" Six hands went up.

The elderly man with snake like eyes didn't raise his hand but just stared at Matt then switched his line of sight to me.

I stared back at him, wondering what he was thinking or what he saw.

"Felix, you have to give an answer." The woman sounded irritated but I didn't get to see her face because of the little show down me and him are having.

Felix didn't say anything at first, staring at me. "I vote that the boy is innocent." Matt stood up with a smile on his face and came towards his brother but my eyes stayed on the elder man knowing that he wasn't finish talking, "It won't matter anyway because they all will be back to face our judgment again, in a few years time"

The lady slowly had an evil too wide smile go on her face.

"Well if you say so Felix," she looked at the old man with a suggestive look in her eye, then turned towards the guards, "show them the way out."

The guards surrounded us and I only stayed in my seat for few more seconds before I got up slowly. Felix still in looked in my gaze, I stayed silent and knew that my gaze was cold and hard when he flinched after staring for too long.

He covered it quick enough for no one else to see it but I saw it along with the fear in his eyes, I smirked at him, he broke our little stare down and gulped.

Turning back towards the lady, "No need to show us out, we can do it ourselves."

Rick grabbed the man that was with us and blinked back to the US. The others soon blinked after him, the lady looked a little surprise along with everyone else in the room. I was the last one to blink out but before I did I said, "Hope you have a wonderful day, old hag"

Back at Seb's house, I watched the man's face slowly turn back into Seb's. The suit and his height slowly went away and his voice went back to normal instead of the old deep voice.

"Well that was fun"

Matt and Henry stood surrounded by everyone answering their questions.

Everything went silent when they saw me and looked at the ground. Looking at them two I waited for them to say something.

Henry says, not lifting his head, "Thanks for getting us out of that" Matt didn't say anything.

"What you did Matt was the stupidest thing you have ever done. What the fuck made you think you could fuck a fucking Reaper? Huh?"

Looking at Mack, I saw that his hands were curled into fists, like he was pissed but didn't want to say something.

"Don't open your mouth Matt" Seb warned him

I held up my hand, "No no, let Matt say what he wants." Looking at Matt, "Go ahead, Matt what do you want to say?"

He didn't say anything until I clucked my tongue about to say something, "She didn't care that I was a death dealer. She didn't look at me as if I was the dirt under her shoes."

"And that was the reason you broke 5 different laws? Because she didn't treat you like shit?" Was he fucking serious?

"yes, she was my friend"

I threw my hands in the air, "That's just great, so did your friend tell you to break the rules and fuck her in her bedroom with both her uncle and her father downstairs or was that just what good friends do nowadays and I just didn't get the memo?"

Matt says with venom, "Fuck you Thantos"

"No because I want to know why the hell I had to risk my fucking neck and everyone else's to help you. You know that Dealers aren't suppose to step foot into the court for any reason beside the fucking fact that we have a trial. All of us could have died, if they wanted us to be dead."

He stayed quiet looking me in the eyes.

"Well?" I'm so close to losing my damn temper.

He looked down and mumbled something I couldn't hear.

"Speak up, dammit"

"I said that I loved her" His voice echoed in the room.

Lily says in a soft voice filled the silence, "you can't be serious"

Matt didn't say anything but Henry did and he was pissed, "How the hell could you fall in love with someone like her? Don't you remember that her brothers were the ones that nearly killed us and it was because she said that we were in her way?"

Matt opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "enough, I don't want to hear anymore, I'm leaving. Everyone is to stay with Seb for the rest of the week."

Lily says "But-"

"It's not a request Lily. You, Raven and Jade are not in the condition to go back and deal with the adults. Matt and Henry have to lay low for awhile and no one will think to look here."

No one say anything, knowing I'm right.

I turned towards the door to leave when Jade asks, "Where are you going?"

I threw over my shoulder, "Out"

Then I blinked to my inger.

Romanian: inger - angel

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