Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 10

It's been thirty-six hours and I still haven't told Fantasy that I was leaving. In fact, I haven't left her mind; I've been with her the whole time. The only reason I leave is if she wanted books and while I'm out I check up on the others....I've only done that once.

I sigh deeply, making Fantasy move with my chest and she looks up at me and smiles softly.

I smile back and kissed her forehead while deciding to wait a little longer.

4 hours later and I still haven't told her.

I can sense the others in the room with our bodies, knowing that it was time to go, I hold Fantasy closer to me.

"Neve Bianco?"

"Hmm" flipping the page of her book

"I have to tell you something."

She freezes for a second or two then sets the book down. "What's wrong, Thantos?"

I kissed behind her ear and whispered, "I have to leave for a few days."

She tried to get out of my hold but I wouldn't let her, "Why?"

"I have to go help my friends and won't know how long I'll be gone."


"I have to leave as soon as I'm done talking to you."

She was quiet and still. "Bella sogno?"

Fantasy turned around in my arms and basically straddled me but I wasn't complaining.

She started to fidget with her fingers and didn't look at me then said softly, "Can I try something before you go?"

"Yeah whatever you want, il mio Neve Bianco"

Nodding she lifted her head and put her face so close together that our noses were touching. Before I could ask what she was doing she put her lips on mine and then pulled away. She started to mumble apologies while I was shocked.

When she started to move away from me I pulled her back to me and kissed her deeply. It took a few seconds for her to respond but when she did, it was like fireworks exploded and the sun was beaming on us giving off warmth.

I pulled away but had my forehead touch hers. She started to blush almost immediately, making me chuckle.

She hit my arm and I full on laughed.

"Thantos, what am I to you?"

That made me stop laughing and look into her eyes, seeing worry, curiosity, and something that I couldn't figure out.

"You are my beautiful, lovely, and shy princess. You are someone that I would like to be as my girlfriend. If you want me then I'll be your dark prince or your dark knight, whatever you please. E in futuro, si sara la mia regina."

"What does that mean?" she whispered

"It means that you'll be my queen in the future."

She smiled and started to giggle, there was still a little blush in her cheeks making her look even more beautiful. I stared at her and made sure to memorize her face, smile, and laughter. I didn't really know how long I was going to be gone and I wanted a reason to come back.

I felt someone touch my body and sighed, "I have to leave, Neve Bianco"

She closed her eyes and sighed, "Ok, just promise that you'll come back to me"

"I promise, my princess" I kissed her again and left back to my body.

"It's about time, Death. Did you and Fantasy get caught up saying goodbye?" Seb said cheeky and with a huge grin on his face.

"Shut up and Stay out of her head Seb." I got up and kissed Fantasy's forehead, ignoring everyone shocked faces while Seb just laughed. "addio il mio tesoro"

Standing up, I nodded to everyone and they blinked out the room to England. I took two steps and blinked there as well. But before I did I thought to myself, Fantasy wanted me to be her prince and her knight, then I'll be just that when I come back.

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