Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 9

Blinking into Seb's kitchen, I tried not to show how pissed or worried I was. But everyone in the room still stiffened when they sensed my dark aura making the room drop a few degrees. It was the one thing I couldn't control around others.

I saw Seb with 2 females from Sahara, 2 more from India, 2 from Cuba and the last one from Russia. There was a guy from Australia, one from South America, and one from Canada...all ten of them the same age as me and Seb.

I looked in each of their eyes, waiting for one of them to start talking but no one did.

I say in a cold voice, "Is someone going to tell me what the fuck happened or do I need to find out myself?"

Jade, one of the India girls, stated to bite her lip and looked at Nicky, one of the Cuban girls, and got a nod from her.

Jade toke a deep breath and slowly started to walk towards me. I could tell that Nicky was trying to get Jade to seduce me, while hoping that it would be enough for me to calm down. But it only made me pissed off which made the temperature dropped 10 more degrees. Jade was in front of me with shaky hands but had put on a seductive smile. Jade had long brown hair and brown eyes and a body that made her look 20, she was pretty but I didn't want her.

So when she tried to lay her hand on my chest, I grabbed it roughly while glaring at her and gently pushed her away from me.

"Told you it wouldn't work" Seb said looking irritated.

"Well it didn't hurt to try, mate" Chris said with his Australian accent.

Seb rolled his eyes which were now purple and turn towards me. "Matt and Henry were arrested 24 hours ago for the murder of Brittany Black. She's the niece of the headmaster of the Grim School in England. And Roger Sims, a civilian"

"At first it was only Matt that was arrested." Rick, South America, said leaning against the counter.

"But that was for the girl, Brittany" Kayla, one of the Sahara

I took a seat, "What he do to the girl?"

"Fucked her" Vivian, Russian

"and got caught doing it with her hands tied and him balls deep from behind" Sara, Sahara

I put my face in my hands and groaned, "oh hell"

sighing, I asked the question that I didn't want to be right about, "who found them?"

"Both, her father and her uncle."

Fuck, how the hell is Matt getting out of this?

"Oh you didn't even hear the best part yet" Seb says sarcastically

I lift my head and caught Alexander's pitch black non-seeing eyes (Canadian) while he said the words that I wish never happened.

"Her father started to call her a whore and everything under the books. Her uncle asked her if Matt raped her. She didn't say anything; she stood in shock because her world was falling apart. Before anyone could do anything, she jumps out of her 3 story bedroom window, head first, committing suicide."

I groaned again "nooo" dammit Mark

"yeah," Raven, Cuban, "Matt is charged with rape and murder because apparently he pushed her out the window."

"Do I even want to know what Henry did?"

Seb sighed a yes

"Henry, apparently, killed the wrong human at the wrong time AKA Roger Sims." Jade says looking out the window.

"They gave him the card like always. But they failed to mention that there was three Roger Sims in the same household."

"Fuck" I already knew where this was heading.

"They were the ages of 16, 45, and 70" Seb

"The card said to make one of the Sims to have a heart attack while driving," Alex

"But the two oldest ones were both driving at the same time" Seb

"So, he took a guess and said the 70 year old"

I leaned back in the chair, "and he guessed wrong didn't he?"

"Yeah and he was five minutes late"

I sighed again and stayed quiet for the next minute or two, so I could think; closing my eyes I do just that.

Everyone else stayed quiet as well waiting for my final decision.

With my eyes stilled closed, I say, "When is the date of trail?"

"In four days"

"Alex, do you see Matt and Henry being sentenced to death?"

Its quiet for two and half minutes when Alex says, "No one will die at the trials or anytime within the next three years."

I stood up and started towards the front door, "ok, Thank you Alex. Be ready in two days we will be leaving for England then."

I blinked backed in Fantasy's Hospital room, before I even made it to the front door.

Sitting in the chair next to the bed, I stare at her pale body and closed eyes wishing to see them open in person. Just looking at her, I felt the anger and worry in me wash away.

I played with the hair on her pillow while trying to figure out how I was going to tell my fiore that I was leaving and would be gone for a week or two while she would be by herself with no one to talk to.

I sighed and rested my head beside hers. I'll just tell her tomorrow and hope for the best.


Authors note: OK so Matt and Henry are death dealers just like Thantos and everyone else in the room.

OK I need honest opinion about this book because its my first one. I would like to know if it sucks ass or if its actually good.

You tell me but I know a lot of you won't so just vote, comment, and have some food.

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