Death & Dreams Book 1

Chapter 12

It's been a week since the trial and Fantasy wouldn't let me leave her side. Not that I was complaining.

She never asked what happened or anything, it was like she knew that I was upset but then again that could've been because of me looking pissed off.

Right now we're in Rio; Fantasy is getting distracted by all the colors and music around us, while I watch her.

She had this look of amazement on her face with a huge smile that lit up her silver eyes. It put a small smile on my face. I showed her everything and she loved it but after an hour she wanted to go back.

"Thantos can you get me some more books, please?"

Shrugging my shoulders, "Sure, Neve Bianco. What do you want?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

Chuckling a little, "Ok then I'll surprise you."

I should have know that something was wrong because of the fact she always knew what she wanted and she was starting to look pale but I ignored it.

I blinked to the book store and bought her some books. Then I went to check with Seb and the others.

Matt was sitting on the couch with a blank face while the guys were playing Call of Duty and the girls were waiting for their turn to play. They were in between me and Matt.

"So you've been at the bookstore for a whole week then?" Matt nodded at the books in my hands.

"No and its none of your business"

Everyone tensed up, knowing something was about to happen.

"Well," Matt stood up "I think it is our business to know what you're doing, since you know everything we're doing."

He's wants to start a fight with me. Seb must have realized that too

"Matt," Seb paused the game, "you should sit down before you do something you'll regret."

"No, everyone is thinking it and you know it. You always take his side and I have a feeling that you know where he goes to everyday."

"yeah I do, he goes home to his parents" Seb lies trying to end the discussion

Matt laughs, "Yeah right, like I'm going to believe that. You can tell that he hasn't been there in a while, No bruises, no limping, no bleeding, no scars."

I calmly say, "Where I have been is none of your concern. It's safer that way."

"So we're supposed to accept that, what happens if your little secret comes and gets us anyway?"

I barked a laugh at the thought of Fantasy hurting anyone when she cried over a butterfly dying, "My 'secret' won't harm you or anyone for that matter."

"Then why make it secret?"

Because I don't want to share Fantasy with anyone that's just how selfish I am.

I don't say that, I just simply shrugged my shoulders.

Matt opens his mouth to say something but I sigh and put the books on the floor.

"You want to have a fight Matt then fight me already instead of trying to bait me."

That was all he needed before he crossed the room and punched me in the face. He goes to through another punch but I caught his hand and punched him in the gut. He gasped for air, I waited for him to stand up. Once he did it was nothing but a fury of punches and kicks coming from the both of us. No one tried to stop this because they knew it needed to be done.

Right as I was about to kick Matt in the gut, my phone rang. I took it out my pocket and threw it to Seb. Matt punched me in the face.

Seb yelled something to me but I was too focused on the fight to hear. Seb and Rick separated the both of us and that's when I finally realized what he said.

"Why the hell is a hospital in Washington calling you, Thantos?" waving the phone in my face

I snatched the phone from him and growled, "who is this?"

"D-Dr. Scar"

"why are you calling doctor?"

"I need you to get to the hospital quickly. We need extra hands."

I have a bad feeling, "why do you need me?"

"Miss Cruz has gone into cardiac arrest and I don't think we'll be able to save her this time unless we have more hands to help"

I didn't hear the rest of what he said. I didn't see or hear anything around me. I only thought my Snow White, my angel was dying, she was going to leave me.

No, that won't happen, that can't happen, I won't let it.

Seb put his hand on my shoulder and said something but I couldn't hear it.

I dropped the phone and started to run then I blinked to the hospital. I ended up in the elevator and it dinged to the floor beneath hers. Seb and the others followed but I didn't care so long as they didn't get in my way.

I ran up the stairs to her room only to see doctors and nurses run around the room trying to bring my angel back.

I jumped into her mind and saw Fantasy on her back, trying to get the pain away from her chest.

I picked her up and started to cry when I felt how cold she was and how she looked almost translucent.

"Thantos?" she whispered painfully

"Yes it me, Neve Bianco"

"I'm afraid"

I cried harder, I failed her, "I know"

"I don't want to leave"

I didn't want her to leave either but how was she suppose to-.

An idea started to form in my head but I wouldn't do it unless she agreed but I have to hurry before someone comes to deliver her.

I say quickly, "You can stay Neve Bianco but the way for me to do that is if I change your fate. And I don't know how it'll turn out. You'll also be tied to me forever."

She nodded her head almost instantly, "I don't mind that"

"Are you sure?" wanting to make sure.

"Will it hurt?"

"No, Neve Bianco it won't hurt you."

"Then yes I'm sure"

"Ok close your eyes"

Once she did I thought about her having a longer life and her being with me. My hands started to glow a bright white and I knew that my eyes were as well.

I closed my eyes, they were starting to feel like they were on fire but I thought about her still breathing and her heart having a strong pulse. About her eyes having happiness in them with a smile on her face. The light got brighter and my hands started to burn until they felt like they were on fire. I put my hand over her heart and thought about me loving her for all eternity.

The light consumed both of us, but all I could see was the white then I blacked out.

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