Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Four

Liliana looked between Lucien and the headmaster wondering what is going to happen now, seeing how he now knows the truth behind the heritage she still is trying to understand.

Lucien locked eyes with the little angel in his arms, pressing their foreheads together he made a silent promise to always keep her safe and by his side. “Angel, I swear to you, I will protect you and give everything that your heart desires,” he softly told her kissing the tip of her small button nose smirking at her with a blush upon her round high cheek bones. Liliana blushed feeling warm and fuzzy in her tummy from his declaration on his promise and she has no idea what this all can mean seeing how they met today.

The headmaster watched from his desk, watching the young children whisper together and cuddling in the same chair, and he knew this was going to be one strong power couple in Crowley Cove. “Children, I called you here for a reason, and that reason I can see why you went on the defense to protect Liliana and Layla,” The headmaster stated from reading the report made by the other warlock that came in after he was confronted.

The headmaster dismissed the two teens allowing them to return to class, and Lucien placed his angel onto her feet, holding out his hand she instantly held his hand with her two small delicate hands, and he laced their hands together.

Liliana walked beside her savior holding his hand and feeling safe for once in her life, even though her mama and papa make her feel safe as well, this just feels different, feels like she knows Lucien will always keep her safe and out of harm’s way.

Lucien gathered his things quickly not wanting his angel to leave without him, towards her next class with witchcraft seeing he must head to history. “Lucien?” he looked up to see his angel shyly smile up at him with her head titled to the side making her look adorable with her soft hair framing her soft face.

“Yes, sweetheart?” Lucien asked, giving her his hand as they left the classroom together and heading towards her first day of witchcraft magic class. “Um, would you like to come over after school, and study together for our math test tomorrow?” Lucien cooed at her giving her a smirk seeing her cute pout and red cheeks.

“Of course, sweetheart, I can even take you home, if you would like?” Liliana giggled nodding her head happily and she stepped onto her tip toes placing a soft kiss upon his cheek waving at him as she left for her first witchcraft magic class.

Lucien stood there stunned for a second trying to process the fact his angel kissed his cheek willingly and he shook head with a large grin on his face leaving towards his history class with a promise to meet his angel after school.

“Whoa, is Lucien smiling?” Leo whispered to his two other friends who all watched their cold silent friend take his seat with them still having a wistful look and smile on his face.

Lucien could not care what his friends would think seeing how his angel made his day with her small affectionate display, after dropping her off at her last class of the day.

“Lucien, bro, are you okay?” Gareth slowly asked wearily trying to understand what could have caused this change in their friend.

Lucien looked at his friends giving them a silent nod, smirking at the show of weariness on their faces, and he was loving the way he was feeling when he thought about his soft, shy little angel.

“Alright everyone, we will be in groups of three for this group assignment, and we will get started today,” the professor called out, assigning groups and Lucien was glad he has his close friends as one group seeing how they won’t work with anyone else but themselves.

“So, when do you guys want to start on the project?” Leo asked from his seat across from the other guys who were all looking at him with confused looks.

“Hm, I can’t today, I have a study session,” the three other friend’s looked at Lucien with wide eyes and opened mouths all in shocked.

“Uh, did Lucien just speak?” Gareth asked wondering what in the hell was going on with his close friend.

Lucien looked between his three close friends smirking amused at their shocked faces, he shrugged not caring in least seeing his only thought was his angel and what she was learning in her witchcraft magic class. “Pinch me, I think something is wrong with Lucien,” Leo joked out, wincing in pain and sending a glare at Lorenzo who cheekily smirked after pinching him.

“You said pinch me, so I pinched you, and really guys, Lucien talks, just only when he feels like talking,” Lorenzo stated with a mischievous smirk.

“Wait, hold up, what do you mean, you have a study session after school?” Leo pipped in looking at Lucien with a grin on his face. “Does this happen to be with a small little brunette who wouldn’t let you go for the last three classes today?” Lucien sent Leo a cold glare, kicking him under the table watching amused with his friend wincing in pain. “Dude, chill, and why the fuck am I the one being hurt all of the time,” Leo whined out rubbing his shin, hissing in pain.

“Maybe, cause out of all of us, you can be an idiot most of time, bro,” Gareth pipped in snickering and dodging Leo’s hand to his head.

The final bell rang out and Lucien quickly gathered all of things saying goodbye to his friends before he headed straight towards the front of the school to find his angel.

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